
zhì lěnɡ qì
  • refrigerator
  1. 微型节流制冷器MMR的分析与研究

    Analysis and research of micro-miniature refrigerator

  2. 热电制冷器制冷性能的影响因素及改善措施

    Factors affecting the cold performance data of thermoelectric refrigerator and improvement

  3. 抛物面G型辐射制冷器研究

    Researches on the parabolic G style radiant cooler

  4. P型与n型半导体内的温度分布及传热机理是不同的,热电制冷器冷、热端温度场是不均匀的。

    Temperature distributing inside p type and n type and diathermanous mechanism are different . temperature field of the cold surface and heat surface is asymmetric .

  5. 通过对稳定情况下半导体制冷器P型元件的工作模型分析,给出了其工作性能的分析解和数值解。

    Working on the stable condition , analytical and numerical solutions on the performance of semiconductor refrigeration elements were obtained by analyzing the working model of a P-type element .

  6. 电涡流位移传感器在FY-3卫星G型辐射制冷器上的应用

    Eddy Current Displacement Sensor Applied to G-Radiant Cooler for FY-3 Meteorological Satellite

  7. N2-Ar混合工质在节流制冷器中的应用

    Application of Refrigerant Mixture N_2-Ar for J-T Coolers

  8. 本文详细分析了热电制冷器的数学模型,并建立了相应的spice仿真模型。

    This paper particularly analyzes the mathematical model of thermoelectric cooler and establishes the corresponding spice model .

  9. 介绍了一种改善CCD信噪比的方法,设计了基于半导体制冷器的CCD制冷及温度测量控制系统。

    A method of improving CCD SNR is introduced . CCD refrigeration system based on semiconductor refrigeration device and temperature survey control system are introduced .

  10. 组件包括LD芯片,LD背光监测pin光电二极管,半导体制冷器和一个热敏电阻。

    The LD module consists of a DC-PBH laser diode , a pin photodiode for monitoring the laser power , a thermoelectric cooler , and a thermis-ter .

  11. 进行了温度控制系统的总体设计,采用模块化设计,将系统设计成三部分模块:半导体制冷器模拟驱动模块、单片机控制系统模块、GPIB接口转换模块。

    The whole system is designed into three modules : analog driver circuit of semiconductor cooler , MCU control part and GPIB interface .

  12. 实验结果表明,以现有涡轮增压器产品充当涡轮制冷器时,在货车发动机常用工况下,空调装置可提供低于环境温度6℃的冷气;Air(初三适用)

    The test results indicate that , when now available turbine superchargers are used as turbine refrigerators , the new air-conditioning device can provide conditioned air with the temperature being 6 ℃ less than the environmental temperature as the truck engine operates in normal condition .

  13. 介绍了半导体制冷器的基本原理,对半导体制冷用于CPU冷却的传热模型作了分析,探讨了半导体应用于CPU冷却的可行性,最后给出了半导体冷却CPU的实施方案。

    This paper introduces the basic principle of semiconductor refrigeration , discusses the feasibility of its implementation in CPU cooling with a heat-transfer model . At the end , the implementation methods are provided .

  14. 介绍了一种快速降温J-T制冷器的工作流程和试验。

    The work process and the experiment for a fast cool-down J-T cryocoolerhas been introduced .

  15. 喷射式J-T制冷器的研制

    Development of Spray J - T Cooler

  16. J-T制冷器管路对稳定平台的干扰力矩分析

    Analysis of Disturbance Torque on Stabilized Platform Caused by J-T Cryocooler ′ s Air-feed Tube

  17. 在高性能胶片扫描仪中,CCD恒温制冷系统可以由温度传感器、半导体制冷器、可编程PWM脉冲发生器、散热片和风扇等组成。

    In high-property film scanner , a charge coupled device refrigeration constant temperature system is composed of the temperature sensor , the semiconductor cooler , the programmable PWM impulse generator , the radiator and the fan .

  18. 微小型J-T制冷器的发展

    Development of microminiature J-T refrigerators

  19. 随后,对采用PID算法用半导体制冷器控制吸收池的温度进行了详细论述,并给出了PID控制器的二阶工程设计法以及PID参数的整定方法。

    Consequently , the paper expounded how to use Semiconductor freezer by means of PID algorithm to realize temperature-controlling of the absorbing-pool , and analyzed the two-step project design method of PID controller and the adjusting method of PID parameters .

  20. 耦合因子的计算是空间辐射制冷器热分析的基础,蒙特卡洛法是满足抛物面W型辐射制冷器耦合因子计算的有效方法。

    The calculation of coupling factors is the key of the thermal design of space radiant coolers and the Monte Carlo method is an effective method to calculate the coupling factors of the elliptical W type space radiant cooler .

  21. 本文以一常规单级半导体制冷器为研究对象,通过建立数学模型求得其制冷量,COP在稳态条件下关于各影响参数的解析解。

    In this paper , mathematical model of a single-stage thermoelectric cooler is developed , according to the mathematical model , analytical solutions for Qc and COP are derived in the steady-state conditions .

  22. 超辐射发光二极管(SLD)由SLD芯片、半导体制冷器及热沉、热敏电阻等组成。

    Super-luminescent diode ( SLD ) is made up by SLD chip , TDC , heat sink , temperature sensor and so on .

  23. 为了降低非制冷红外焦平面阵列的功耗,研究了去除热电制冷器(TEC)等温度稳定装置的读出电路。

    In order to reduce power consumption of uncooled infrared focal plane arrays , the readout circuit of temperature stabilizer eliminated thermoelectric coolers ( TEC ) was studied .

  24. 本文首先根据半导体制冷器(TEC)的物理特性分析了半导体制冷技术的关键,给出了系统的总体设计方案。

    This paper first analyzes the key techniques of the semi-conductor technology according to the physical features of the Thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ), and then provides the overall blue-print design of this system .

  25. 利用一个由恒流脉冲发生器和数据采集卡组成的简单测试系统测得制冷器在小电流下的电阻电压和塞贝克电压,通过这两个电压推导出ZT值、最大制冷温差。

    The resistance and Seebeck voltages used to calculate the ZT and the maximum temperature difference are measured using a testing system composed of a DC pulse generator and a DAQ card .

  26. 分析了半导体制冷器的工作原理,运用数字PID控制算法,研究并设计了一种半导体激光器恒温控制器,能够通过加热或者制冷快速稳定到激光器的工作温度。

    The working principle of semiconductor cooler are analysed , based on the digital PID control algorithm , A constant temperature controller for semiconductor laser has been studied and designed , the temperature controller can stable the the environment temperature of laser rapidly by heating or cooling . 4 .

  27. 雪崩光电二极管(APD)作为高灵敏光探测器件,为降低暗电流噪声需要半导体热电制冷器来降低其工作环境温度。

    Avalanche Photodiode ( APD ) is used for photon detector with high sensitivity . Its working environmental temperature for the purpose reducing dark current needs to be lowered by a semiconductor thermoelectricity cooling apparatus .

  28. 该系统主要由单片机、温度传感器、D/A转换芯片以及半导体制冷器(TEC)构成,通过软件编程实现了模糊逻辑控制。

    The system is mainly composed of single chip computer , temperature sensor , D / A converter chip and thermal electronic cooler ( TEC ) . Fuzzy logic control is implemented through software programming .

  29. 该系统以半导体制冷器(TEC)为执行器件,以单片机为核心,通过软件和硬件相结合的方式设计各部分的电路。

    In this part , semiconductor cooler ( TEC ) is the implementation of devices , the MCU is the core . Software and hardware are designed of a combination of various parts of the circuit .

  30. 在泵浦源电路的设计中,采用了数字控制的方法,分别设计了功率检测、温度检测、恒流驱动和热电制冷器(TEC)驱动电路,功率和温度的控制算法用FPGA来实现。

    A digital control system is designed for the pump source , which contains the power detected circuit , temperature detected circuit , constant current circuit and thermo-electric cooler driven circuit . The control algorithms of power and temperature are realized in FPGA .