
  1. Ⅱ类超导体从Meissner态到混和态,从混和态到正常态的相变都是二级相变,无制冷效应。

    It is found that there is no refrigeration effect in the phase transition from Meissner state to the mixed state and from the mixed state to normal state and for both are the second order phase transition .

  2. 实际气体的混合制冷效应及其应用探讨

    The mixing effects of real gases and its possible applications to refrigeration

  3. 蒸发的过程产生了制冷效应。

    The process of evaporation causes a cooling effect .

  4. 固体中非均匀线形内能量传递引起的荧光制冷效应

    Study on the fluorescent cooling by energy transfer within inhomogenous line shape in solids

  5. 类超导体的制冷效应

    Refrigeration effect of the type ⅱ superconductor

  6. 实验中以空气为介质分别研究了入口温度、压力及冷流比对涡流板的制冷效应、制热效应、绝热效率的影响规律。

    The main influence of inlet temperature , pressure and cold air fraction on the vortex board performance was obtained .

  7. 冷流比增加,涡流板制热效应和绝热效率增加,而制冷效应下降。

    The hot temperature difference and adiabatic efficiency increased by increasing cold air fraction , but cold temperature difference decreased .

  8. 结果表明:涡流导致涡流室中心区域气流膨胀是涡流管产生制冷效应的一个重要原因。

    Results show that gas expansion in central region of vortex chamber caused by swirling flow is an important reason for the refrigerating effect of vortex tube .

  9. 较为全面的综述了现有的制冷效应,详细介绍了Maxwe11方程组在制冷工程上的应用,并由此具体预言了诸如表面系统、双磁卡效应等一些新的制冷效应。

    This paper summarizes the effect of refrigeration nowadays comprehensively , introduces the application of Maxwell relationship on the refrigeration engineering in particular , and predicts some new effect , such as phase transition refrigeration , etc.

  10. 涡流管制冷的喷嘴效应

    The nozzle effect of vortex tube refrigeration

  11. 冷孔板孔径愈小,涡流管的制冷制热效应都愈好,在冷孔板孔径与热端管内径之比为50%时,取得最佳的制冷制热效应。

    The best cooling effect and heating effect occur at the diameter ratio of hot section inner diameter to cold plate hole diameter being 50 % .

  12. 本文以压缩空气为工质,对不同流道结构、喷嘴数和内径的涡流管的制冷制热效应进行实验研究,获得了不同结构下随冷气流率变化的制冷制热效应曲线。

    With the compressed gas as working medium , different structures of vortex chambers are tested in the experiments in terms of shapes , nozzles numbers and inner diameters , the profiles about heating effect and cooling effect versus cold mass flow are gained .

  13. 制冷工质温室效应的全面评价

    Total Evaluation for Refrigerant 's Warming Potential