
  • 网络brake shoe
  1. PRO/E在汽车制动蹄片镗削机设计中的应用

    Application of PRO / E to the design of auto brake shoe boring - machine

  2. 制动蹄宽度前/后(mm)

    Brake shoe width ( front / rear )

  3. 从汽车制动蹄片镗削机设计出发,分析了CAD/CAM的关键技术及过程,阐述了PRO/E在汽车制动蹄片镗削机设计中的应用基本方法。

    The key technique and process of CAD / CAM are analyzed based on design of brake shoe boring - machine . The application of PRO / E to auto brake shoe boring - machine is discussed .

  4. Nastran有限元分析软件对制动蹄压簧进行结构强度分析,确定其在装配状态下产生塑性变形的原因。

    Nastran 's finite element analysis software to carry out the structure strength analysis of the compression spring of brake shoe and finds out the plastic deformation reason .

  5. 美国制动蹄有限公司总裁小威廉oBo盖文在其1949年的经典著作《自下而上的管理》中指出,要想成功地激励员工,需要的是教育,而非说教。

    Successfully motivating employees involves teaching rather than telling , William B. Given Jr. , the president of American Brake Shoe Co. , wrote in his 1949 classic Bottom-Up Management .

  6. 介绍了所研制的D(T)N2-200(400)型汽车制动蹄专用凸焊机的设计原理、基本结构以及KD(T)-2051型微机控制器的控制原理、性能及特点。

    Design principle and basic construction of the self developed model D ( T ) N2 200 ( 400 ) single purpose projection welding machine for motor vehicle brake shoe and control principle , property and features of the model KD ( T ) 2051 microcomputer controller are presented .

  7. 优秀的管理者通常都知道搞“一言堂”的后果。美国制动蹄有限公司总裁小威廉oBo盖文在其1949年的经典著作《自下而上的管理》中指出,要想成功地激励员工,需要的是“教育,而非说教”。

    Great managers have always known the trouble with dictating to employees . Successfully motivating employees " involves teaching rather than telling , " William B. Given Jr. , the president of American Brake Shoe Co. , wrote in his 1949 classic Bottom-Up Management .

  8. 制动蹄与制动鼓之间的间隙过大或蹄油。

    Drum brake with large clearance between the feet or oil .

  9. 鼓式制动器的二自由度制动蹄性能参数计算方法改进

    Improved Calculation Method for Performance Indices of Floating Shoes of Drum Brake

  10. 轻微型汽车制动蹄电阻凸焊工艺与设备

    The Projection Welding Equipment And Process For Brake of Mini-Automobile

  11. 汽车制动蹄级进模设计

    Design of the Progressive Die for the Auto Brake Hoof

  12. 驻车制动蹄和回位弹簧也有差异!

    The parking brake shoes and the return springs are also different !

  13. 接合脚操纵式驻车制动器的制动蹄和拉线。

    Engage brake shoes and cable for foot-operated parking brake .

  14. 后制动蹄支持杆冲压工艺改进

    Improvement on Stamping Process for Rear Brake Hoof Support Pole

  15. 汽车前制动蹄变形问题的工艺研究

    Technological Research on Distortion of Automobile 's Fore brake

  16. 制动蹄压簧有限元分析及工艺改进

    Finite element analysis of compression spring of brake shoe and the process improvement

  17. 调节驻车制动蹄调节驻车制动蹄。

    Adjust the parking-brake shoes adjusting the parking-brake shoes .

  18. 汽车鼓式双向自增力式制动器制动蹄板的强度公析

    Strength analysis for the brake shoe link of automobile

  19. 汽车制动蹄滚凸焊机工艺参数研究

    Research on Major Technological Parameters for Roll Projection Welding of Automobile Brake Shoes

  20. 每个制动蹄面上衬贴着一种物质,叫制动片衬。

    Each shoe is faced with a material , known as brake lining .

  21. 长江750摩托车制动蹄块的凸焊

    Projection Weld of Changjiang 750 Motorcycle Brake Shoe

  22. 改进后的分析方法与有限元计算方法相结合,对鼓式制动器的二自由度制动蹄性能的精确设计分析具有实际意义。

    The improved method is significant to improve the accuracy of the drum brake design .

  23. 你的车装上了制动蹄片。

    Your car has worn brake shoes .

  24. 制动蹄片少无废料级进模设计

    Design of the Progressive Die for the Brake Hoof Block with Little or No Scrap

  25. 调整臂上的制动蹄片磨损报警器的测量误差分析

    Analysis of measure deviation of a alert to friction plate in the automatic brake adjuster

  26. 后车的另一个观点,表明有些肮脏的制动蹄片和制动梁。

    Another view of rear truck , shows somewhat dirty brake shoes and brake beam .

  27. 制动蹄块加工的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation for brake shoe

  28. 对于浮动式制动蹄来说,其总成的运动灵活性,对制动跑偏的影响更大。

    Besides , the sensitive movement in floating brake shoe construction has greater influence on brake bias .

  29. 制动蹄压簧座冲压工艺及模具设计

    Machining of Molds and Dies Pressing Process and Die Design of Compression Spring Seat of Brake Shoe

  30. 研制了制动蹄片激光加工系统,实现新技术垂直转产。

    The corresponding laser processing system was developed to realize this new technology . into production directly .