
  • 网络brake pad
  1. 基于CAN总线汽车制动块试验台系统设计

    Design and Realization of Testbed System of Auto Brake Pad Based on CAN Bus

  2. 汽车盘式制动器中制动块与消音片振动特性研究

    The Study of Vibration Characteristic of Brake Pad and Silencer of Vehicle 's Disk Brake

  3. 浮钳盘式制动器制动块有限元分析及结构优化

    Finite Element Analysis and Structure Optimization of Floating Disk Friction Pad

  4. 奥迪轿车盘式制动器制动块的国产化研究

    Study on Localization of Pad of Disk Brake in Audi Car

  5. 超大重型货车半金属制动块的研制

    Development of Semimetallic Brake Pads Used in Super Heavy Turcks

  6. 通过制动块在纺纱盘的两面产生磨擦力。

    Friction is applied to both sides of spinning disk by the brake pads .

  7. 对制动块底板上增加橡胶阻尼层的制动器进行了试验研究,并和未增加阻尼层的同一制动器进行了噪声对比。

    The increase of rubber damping layer on the brake back plates was investigated , and a comparative study of brake noise with and without the damping layer has been done .

  8. 基于自调的差动双制动块式超越离合器工作机理与数学模型

    The Working Principle and the Mathematics Model of Differential and Double Brake-block Overrunning Speed Clutch Based on Automatic Adjusting THE EVOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL OVERRUNNING SPEED CLUTCH AND ITS THE COMPANY COUPLER MECHANISM

  9. 通过对差动双制动块式超越离合器的伴生连杆机构研究,认为该机构属于具有自适应性的内力加压装置;

    Through the study of the company coupler mechanism of the differential and double brake-block overrunning speed clutch , it is realized that this kind of overrunning speed clutch can pressurize through internal force .

  10. 具有自调自适应性的差动双制动块式超越离合器不仅克服了高副式(如滚柱式)超越离合器承载能力低、工作稳定性较差的缺陷,同时具有工作原理可靠及结构新颖的特点。

    Differential and double brake-block overrunning speed clutch overcomes the shortcomings of low load-carrying capacity and poor stability of the higher pair overrunning speed clutch ( such as the roller one ) and has the advantages of automatic adaptability , reliable working principle and novel structure .

  11. 针对目前广泛使用的高副式(如滚柱式)超越离合器承载能力低、工作稳定性较差的缺陷,介绍了新型低副差动双制动块式超越离合器的演化过程。

    Aiming at the characteristic of poor dynamic - power , additional dynamic load and speed fluctuation of the higher pair Overrunning Speed Clutch , we put forward a new lower - pair Differential and Double Brake - block Overrunning Speed Clutch , and introducing the process of its evolution .

  12. 长江750摩托车制动蹄块的凸焊

    Projection Weld of Changjiang 750 Motorcycle Brake Shoe

  13. 制动蹄块加工的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation for brake shoe

  14. 在结构上,汽车刹车系统包括的主要零件包括制动鼓、制动块、制动衬片等。

    Structurally , an automotive brake system contains these major parts like brake drum , brake shoe , brake lining , etc.

  15. 使用新近安装的压缩空气制动系统移动铝块的时候,该操作员将系统启动,同时抓住了这一区域。

    While removing a briquette using a recently installed pneumatic system , the operator put the system into motion while at the same time holding the area where the piston is located .

  16. 刹车踏板移动中心气缸内的活塞;制动液能对制动块产生强大压力。

    A brake pedal moves a piston in the master cylinder ; brake fluid then applies great force to the brake pads or shoes .

  17. 本文讨论了制动辊动力学设计中的若干问题,主要涉及制动力的计算以及制动块的一些参数确定。

    This article discusses certain problems in dynamics designing of the brake roller and some parameters of the brake piece .

  18. 盘式制动器在制动过程中,接触压力的不均匀可导致其温度和磨损的不均匀,从而降低了制动块的使用寿命。

    During the braking process , the inhomogeneous degree of distribution in contact pressure of the brake disc lead to the inhomogeneous distribution of the temperature and abrasion and reduces its service life .