
  • 网络refrigeration principle
  1. 基于热电制冷原理和PID参数自整定理论,本论文设计了一种半导体激光器环境的温度控制仪。

    Based on the thermoelectric refrigeration principle and PID parameter self-tuning control technique , a temperature controller for semiconductor laser 's environment test is designed .

  2. 本文主要介绍了环境试验设备的制冷原理及温度漂移问题,以Y6030Ⅱ-2型高低温低气压设备为例,深入分析了其温度漂移的解决方法。

    Reports the refrigeration principle and the temperature change problem of Environmental Test Equipment ; Y6030 ⅱ - 2 typeHigh ? low temperature and low air pressure test equipment is taken as an example , Analyzes its resolvent of the temperature change .

  3. 制冷原理与设备多媒体CAI课件的研制

    Developing CAI Courseware for the Subject of " Principles and Equipment of Refrigeration "

  4. ZL-01型制冷原理实验装置的设计与制造

    Design and Production of ZL-01 Freezing Experimental Device

  5. 制冷原理与设备多媒体教学优化设计探讨

    Optimal Design for Multimedia Teaching in Refrigeration Principles and Equipments

  6. 制冷原理与设备优秀课程建设

    Developing the Excellent Subject of Principles and Equipment of Refrigeration

  7. 非定常流制冷原理在石油天然气回收中的应用

    Application of unsteady flow refrigeration to recorvery of petroleum gas

  8. 制冷原理教学辅助系统课件的研制

    Development on Courseware of " Teaching Assisting System of Refrigeration Principal "

  9. 蒸气压缩式制冷原理实验

    Experiment on the theory related to vapor compression refrigeration

  10. 论文首先介绍了空调的制冷原理、基本结构。

    Firstly , this tutorial introduces the cooling theory and basic structure of air-conditioner .

  11. 本文主要介绍了洁净空调机的系统结构布置和制冷原理,空调机采用紧凑整体式结构,压缩式制冷原理。

    It primarily introduced the system construction and cold principle of the clean air conditioner in this paper .

  12. 本文阐述了材料微型化的进程,介绍了热电制冷原理,对微尺度传热的研究现状进行了分类和概括。

    This paper elucidates the process of the material micromation , the theory of thermoelectricity cooling , and the recent research of micro-scale thermal transport ;

  13. 本系统是一种采用分子筛-水吸附式制冷原理、以内燃机排气的余热驱动的新型空调系统。

    A novel adsorption air-conditioner is developed , which employs zeolite-water as working pair and is driven by the waste heat from the exhausted gas of internal-combustion engine .

  14. 本文介绍了在制作制冷原理教学辅助系统课件过程中应注意课件的互动性、方便性、延展性和多种制作方法的运用。

    In the process of developing courseware as to " Teaching Assisting System of Refrigeration Principal ", utilization of courseware 's interactivity , convenience , ductility must be noticed .

  15. 介绍吸收式燃气冰箱的制冷剂、制冷原理、结构及工作原理、技术要求、主要部件、使用及维护等。

    The refrigerants , refrigeration principle , structure and operating principle , technical demands , main components , directions for use , and maintenance of gas-fired absorption refrigerators are introduced .

  16. 简要叙述了半导体制冷原理,介绍一种半导体制冷器温度控制系统的设计,给出了设计原理和电路图。

    The semiconductor refrigeration principle was narrated briefly at first . The design of a semiconductor refrigeration temperature controlling system has been introduced , the design principle and circuit has presented .

  17. 阐述了住宅分体空调器的制冷原理,通过对其室外机环境温度的测定,分析了室外机安放位置对空调能耗的影响。

    This paper describes the refrigeration principle of housing air-conditioner and analyses the influence of installation place of air-conditioner 's outdoor part on energy consumption according to the measurement of environmental temperature .

  18. 简要介绍了脉冲管制冷机的产生和发展,特别是近年来所取得的突破性进展,揭示了脉冲管制冷原理,并且指出了脉冲管制冷机的应用前景。

    The invention and development Of the pulse tube refrigeration , and particularly the breakthroughs achieved in recent years , are briefly reviewed . The principles and potential applications of pulse tube refrigerators are also described .

  19. 分析了专业课采用多媒体手段教学的优势,对制冷原理与设备课程、课堂教学进行了改革,对其教学结构进行了综合设计,提出了运用多媒体手段教学需要注意的几个问题。

    Analyze the advantage of multimedia classroom teaching in specialized course , reform the course and classroom of Refrigeration Principles and Equipments , and design for teaching structure , propose attention problem about multimedia classroom teaching .

  20. 本论文内容涉及制冷原理与技术、传感器原理与应用、计算机检测技术和自动控制原理等诸多方面的知识。

    The measure and control system covered with a great deal of knowledge such as technology and principles of refrigeration , principle of the sensor and application , detection technique of the computer , automatic control principle , etc.

  21. 介绍热值仪开发过程中煤气预处理的控制手段,详细说明了热电半导体的制冷原理及热值仪中所采用的半导体制冷器在设计过程中应注意的问题。

    Introducing the control strategy for gas pretreatment in the development calorimeter , the refrigeration principle of thermoelectric module and the aspects which should be considered carefully in the design for calorimeter are also described in this paper .

  22. 内容涉及到制冷原理与技术,热力学原理,火用分析原理及应用,传感器原理与应用,微型计算机检测技术,船舶辅机等诸多方面的知识。

    This paper involves the refrigeration principle and technology , the thermodynamics principle , the exergy analyses principle and its applications , the sensor principle and its applications , the microcomputer testing technique , the auxiliary engine of the ship etc.

  23. 对汽车空调的制冷原理和特点进行了分析,并对现有的汽车空调性能检测热工原理和方法进行了比较分析,对采用的焓差法进行了重点介绍。

    Then it analyses refrigeration the principle and characteristic of the automobile air-conditioner , and investigates and compares the thermodynamics theory and methods of testing of the automobile air-conditioner 's performance , it introduces the method of the difference of enthalpy especially .

  24. 天然气驱动VM循环热泵按VM热动力闭式气体回热制冷循环原理工作,其应用对于能源和环境的可持续发展具有重要意义。

    Natural gas driven VM cycle heat pump works according to the theory of closed VM refrigeration cycle using thermal as power with regenerators . Its application is significant to the sustainable development of energy and environment .

  25. 混合工质制冷机原理和设计计算

    The working principle and design calculation of mixed medium refrigerator

  26. 顶棚低温辐射采暖制冷的原理及施工工艺

    Principle and construction technology of low temperature radial heating and cooling of ceiling

  27. 掌握车辆制冷系统原理的捷径

    How to Quickly Grasp the Refrigeration System ′ s Principles of Rolling Stock

  28. 根据大过冷度制冷循环原理,开发了新型商用数码多联机组并在样机上进行了实验研究。

    Experimental research on commercial digital VRF multi-connected units with sub-cooled ice storage system ;

  29. 介绍了开式回冷低压直接冷却吸热循环空气制冷机原理和关键部件蓄冷干燥器的基本工作过程。

    Introduce the principles of open-mode , cold-quantity reclaim , low-press , direct-cooling air , absorbing-heat air cycle and key components of the cold-cumulating and dryness tin .

  30. 本文首先介绍了太阳能喷射制冷的原理及特点,然后分别介绍了系统的核心部件-喷射器、复合制冷系统以及制冷剂的研究进展。

    This paper introduces the principle of solar ejector refrigeration , and the researches of ejector ( the most important component in the system )、 hybrid system and refrigerant are described .