
  • 网络Brake motor
  1. 实心转子制动电机在起重机运行机构中的应用

    Application of solid rotor brake motor on travelling mechanisms for cranes

  2. 在程序设计上,处理了传感器的信号,运用了简单的控制算法,对信号进行综合处理,完成了对制动电机的控制。

    The program uses a simple algorithm to acquire the signal of sensor and accomplish controlling brake motor .

  3. 双速制动电机驱动的切纸机进给系统的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of the Position Feed System of the Paper Cutter Driven by Double - Speed Braked Motor

  4. 该机由机座、变频制动电机主轴、回转连杆及筒体等部分组成。

    This machine consists of base , frequency control brake motor spindle shaft , pivoted link and barrel , etc.

  5. 这项研究结果为研究与提高该定位系统的定位精度提供了理论依据,由此得到的结论对研究其他以双速制动电机为驱动控制的定位系统也有重要的指导意义。

    The work will provide important guide for the design of other kinds of position systems driven by double speed braked motors .

  6. 对主电路中的制动和电机连接方式两个重要内容进行了讨论,并提出了一组滤波器计算参数。

    Two important subjects , brake and connection mode of motors for power circuits , are also discussed .

  7. 最后,建立了电子驻车制动系统中电机和丝杆传动机构的数学模型,并在matlab中搭建了仿真平台进行了仿真分析。

    Finally , established the mathematical model of the motor and mechanical screw transmission in the electric parking brake system , and build simulation platform in matlab and do the simulation and analysis .

  8. 采用直线轴承及锥面制动三相异步电机,运作平稳。

    Adopting the straight-line bearing and asynchronism electrical machineries of conical surface braking , operation is steady .

  9. 纯电动汽车在制动过程中电机可以工作在发电状态,部分回收制动过程中的汽车动能。

    The motor in pure electric vehicles can work in the state of power generation and recover part of kinetic energy during braking .

  10. 研究了电机处于电动状态、发电状态和电磁制动状态时的电机推力和电机法向力。

    The thrust and the normal force of the motor are analyzed when the motor is in the motor state , in the power state and in the electromagnetic brake state .

  11. 结果表明:在各种制动工况下,电机制动力和液压制动力协调地工作,特别是液压制动力控制效果良好,保证了制动稳定性要求,同时充分地回收了制动能量。

    The results show that motor braking force and hydraulic braking force compatibly works for every cycle , partially hydraulic braking force plays excellent control effect , which ensures the braking stability and effectively recovering energy .

  12. 它取消了传统的液压制动系统,以电机提供制动能源,以电信号传输驾驶员制动意图,执行机构仍是常规的制动器。

    It cancels the traditional hydraulic braking system . The braking power is supplied by the electric motor . The intention from the driver is transferred by electrical . The execution structure is still the traditional braking system .

  13. 基于电阻能耗制动和双频制动的新型电机制动方法

    A New Method of Motor Braking Based on Resistant Energy Loss and Double-Frequency

  14. 我部主要生产制动单元、制动电阻、力矩电机控制器、变频器面板延长电缆、转速表、计数器。

    I mainly produce braking unit , braking resistor , torque motor controller , inverter panel extension cables , tachometer , counters .

  15. 在分析了影响再生制动系统的因素后,通过计算得到了制动时电机可以提供给车轮的最大再生制动力。

    After the main factors are analyzed which influence regenerative braking system , obtained by calculating the maximum regeneration braking force which the motor could supply to the wheel when braking .

  16. 特别研究了再生制动、高转差率制动和能耗制动等电气制动形式在直线电机地铁车辆中的应用。

    And it concentrates on electrical brake of linear metro vehicle , including regenerative brake , high slip brake and dynamic brake .

  17. 该方法去噪作用明显,结论稳定可靠,为研究制动意图提供了一种新方法。设计了具有再生制动功能的直流电机四象限运行直流斩波电路,能够实现再生制动功能。

    This method has obvious denoising effects , and the conclusion is stable and reliable , which provides a new method for the study of braking intention . A four quadrant DC chopper circuit is designed to produce regenerative current .