
  • 网络system ethic;institutional ethics;systematic ethic
  1. 市场经济的制度伦理探析

    On the Institutional Ethics of Market Economy

  2. 构建和谐医患关系的制度伦理视角

    Constructing Harmonious Doctor-patient Relationship based on the Perspective of Institutional Ethics

  3. SARS事件可以为生命伦理与制度伦理历史冲突的终结提供佐证;

    The SARS case can offer good proof for the end of historic conflict between bioethics and policy ethics .

  4. 制度伦理的研究视阈

    On the Feudal Landlord Economy The Studying Visions of Absentee Ethics

  5. 论政府的制度伦理观是特殊的社会资本

    On Government 's System Ethic Concept is a Special Social Capital

  6. 对我国学术失范现象的制度伦理分析

    An Analysis of System and Ethics on Lack of Academic Standard

  7. 制度伦理不是伦理建设的最高形式。

    System ethics is not the highest form of ethic construction .

  8. 制度伦理视角下独立审计信用监管机制研究

    Supervision and Management Mechanism of Independent Auditing Credit in Institutional Ethics

  9. 制度伦理的价值指向只溯及到形式公正;

    The value of systemized ethics only points to formal justice .

  10. 制度伦理有悖于道德生成论;

    Systemized ethics is opposed to the theory of moral generation ;

  11. 西方制度伦理的主要人性假设

    The Main Human Nature Hypothesis in the Western System Ethics

  12. 论政治制度伦理&从腐败谈起

    On the Ethics of Political System & Beginning to Talk with Corruption

  13. 社会主义经济制度伦理的建构

    Research into the Ethics Constructing in Socialist 's Economic Systems

  14. 弱势群体对制度伦理的需求

    The Demand to the Institution Ethics of the Inferior Colony

  15. 教育政策分析的制度伦理视角

    On the Institutional Ethics Perspective Based on the Analysis of Educational Policy

  16. 制度伦理:和谐社会构建的道德基础

    System Ethics : Moral Foundation of the Harmonious Social Construction

  17. 制度伦理建设是当前道德建设的必然选择和基本路径。

    Ethical construction depends on the construction of institutional ethics .

  18. 当前我国弱势群体的制度伦理研究

    The Research on Institutional Ethics for Current Social Vulnerable Groups in China

  19. 制度伦理是以德治国的实践基础

    System Ethic is the Practical Basis for Governing the Country with Moral

  20. 制度伦理的提出是为了解决道德问题。

    The proposition of system ethics is to solve the ethical problems .

  21. 行政制度伦理在整个社会生活中具有广泛而重要的职能。

    Administrative system ethics has many important functions in entire social life .

  22. 制度伦理的基本内容。

    Satiation B : Elementary contents of system ethics .

  23. 制度伦理视野中的道德建设

    On Morality Construction from the Perspective of System Ethics

  24. 教育公正:教育制度伦理的核心原则

    Education Justice : The Core Principle of Education-institution Ethics

  25. 制度伦理及其实现方式

    On Institutional Ethics and the Way to Realize It

  26. 按照制度伦理要求,还我国农民平等的国民待遇。

    To enable the farmer of China to enjoy the equal national treatment .

  27. 政治制度伦理的核心是权力制衡从而实现社会公平;

    Power restriction for social fairness is the core of Political System ethics .

  28. 制度伦理视野中的传统文化的现代转换

    Studies on Modern Transform of Traditional culture from Visual Angle of System Ethics

  29. 论制度伦理研究的理论视域与实践诉求

    On Theory Area and Practice Request of Researching System-Ethic

  30. 制度伦理视角下的中学德育管理研究

    A Study of High School Moral Education from the Perspective of Institutional Ethics