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  • brake valve
  1. 拖拉机挂车的气制动阀

    An Air Brake Valve for Tractor Trailer

  2. 最出名的一次是丰田公司的一家制动阀供应商于1997年毁于一场大火,而丰田公司居然在五天内就恢复了生产。

    Toyota famously resumed production within five days after a fire destroyed a brake valve supplier in 1997 .

  3. 在对上述质量控制方法研究的基础上开发了一种基于J2EE的车间质量控制信息系统,将该系统运用于重庆卡福汽车制动阀有限公司数控车间生产过程的质量管理中,取得了较好的效果。

    The method has been used to production quality control in machining workshop of Chongqing Caff automotive bracking and steering system co. , Ltd and we had obtained better effects .

  4. JZ-7型空气制动机自动制动阀常见故障的原因与处理

    JZ-7 Model Air Brake of Automatic Brake Valve Common Breakdown and Processing Means

  5. 汽车用气制动阀低温可靠性的探讨

    A Study on Low-Temperature Reliability of Air-Brake Valves in Motor Vehicles

  6. 膜片弹簧式气制动阀静特性的研究

    Study on the static characteristics of the diagraph pneumatic brake valve

  7. 气制动阀静特性试验方法的研究

    A Study on Static Characteristics Test Procedures for Air Brake Valves

  8. 汽车气制动阀类综合性能检测系统的设计

    Design of Synthesis Performance Test System for Automobile Gas Brake Valves

  9. 新型汽车制动阀静特性自动测试系统

    Development of Static Characteristic Automatic Testing System About Brake Valves of Automobile

  10. 减压制动阀在云南山区的适应性研究

    A Study on Suitability of a Pressure Release Valve in Mountain Area

  11. 高速行程制动阀制动节流口的计算机仿真设计

    Computer simulation design of flow-restricted port braking valve for high speed stroke

  12. 真空浸渗工艺在汽车制动阀压铸件上的应用

    The Application of Vacuum Impregnation Technique to Vehicle Brake Valve Die-casting Part

  13. 空气干燥器,制动阀,制动气室,离合器助力器。

    Air dryer , Brake valve , Brake chamber , Clutch booster .

  14. 用回归分析法研究气制动阀的特性

    A study on Air Brake Valve characteristic by Regression Analysis

  15. 工程车辆全液压动力制动阀的动态特性试验

    Dynamic Characteristic Test of Fully Hydraulic Power Braking Valve for Construction Vehicle

  16. 汽车气制动阀类计算机辅助性能测试

    The Performance Test of Automobile Gas-brake Valves Assisted by Computer

  17. 汽车气制动阀台架试验方法的实践与研究

    Practice and research for bench test procedures of automotive service brake valve

  18. 并列式双腔气制动阀

    Parallel dual-chamber air brake valve double-swiveling uncoiler and recoiler

  19. 汽车制动阀安装板毛坯形状的确定

    Determining of blank in form for automobile brake value

  20. 活塞式气制动阀静特性研究

    The Qi ( vital energy ) On the Static Characteristics of Piston Pneumatic Brake Valve

  21. 制动阀管与上盖间为滑动配合连接,并以粘合剂密封。

    A brake valve tube is glidingly connected and sealed with the upper cover by adhesive .

  22. 履带式挖掘机行走系液压制动阀的设计改进

    The designing improvement of the hydraulic braking valve in the walking system of the track-typed excavator

  23. 通过碰撞自动制动阀在碰撞时自动实施驻车制动,避免出现碰撞事故后车辆的失控。

    The proposal prevented the automobile out of control by using the auto-braking valve after the collision .

  24. 膜片弹簧式气制动阀作为控制阀已广泛地应用于拖拉机挂车制动系统。

    Diagraph spring pneumatic brake valve is widely used as control valve for tractor - trailer braking system .

  25. 开发了一种基于图像处理技术的制动阀表面缺陷自动检测系统。

    An automatic brake valve surface defect detection system based on the image processing technology has been developed .

  26. 气制动阀静特性直接影响拖拉机挂车机组的制动性能。

    Brake properties of tractor - trailer brake system are affected directly by static characteristics of brake valve .

  27. 因此对快捷、准确地检测汽车制动阀性能的方法和设备展开研究与开发是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to find better methods and tools of testing automotive brake performances quickly and accurately .

  28. 对于机械系统,主要设计了制动阀直线促动机构和自动间隙调整臂模拟执行机构。

    For mechanism system , mainly design brake - valve 's linear motive machine and auto clearance-adjust arm simulate machine .

  29. 本文论述了虚拟仪器的现状、结构及其在气制动阀类零部件性能测试中的应用。

    This paper described virtual instrument 's developing status , structure and application in gas - brake valves performance measure system .

  30. 开发了具备机械备份的线控液压制动阀并对其控制性能进行了试验和分析。

    A brake-by-wire ( BBW ) hydraulic brake valve with mechanical backup is developed and its control performance is tested and analyzed .