
  1. 包括教育制度与政策和学校管理层面因素宏观上的学校教育因素和包括教学、课程、师生情感等层面的因素微观上的学校教育因素。

    Including educational system and policy and school administration stratification plane factors ;

  2. 制度与政策影响下的北京南苑环境变迁

    Environmental Changes Affected by Factors in System and Policy concerning Nanyuan in Beijing

  3. 第五章以股票期权的发源地&美国为比较研究对象,对股票期权的制度与政策进行了比较分析。

    Chapter V studies system and policies of stock option comparing with United States .

  4. 落实科学发展观的公共收入制度与政策研究

    Study on the Public Revenue System and Policy Adhering to the Scientific Concept of Development

  5. 此外,他们还对太平天国政权的赋税制度与政策予以客观分析和评价。

    Insides , they gave objective analysis and evaluation on the taxation of the Tai-Ping regime .

  6. 生态脆弱区环境资源管理的制度与政策创新

    The innovation of the systems and the policies about the environmental resources management in Vulnerable Eco-regions

  7. 现行教育管理制度与政策、学校组织管理机制、学校发展规划理论研究是制约当前学校发展规划实践的三大基本因素。

    Including present educational management regulations and policy , managerial mechanism of school organization and lagging theoretical research on SDP .

  8. 济南市燃气行业是全市较早进行市场化改革的领域。然而,市场化后燃气行业监管面临的诸多问题都需要在一套全新的监管制度与政策中加以整合与消解。

    After the reform of JiNan gas industry , many problems need to be resolved in a new regulation system .

  9. 为完善投资制度与政策,应当适当增加政府农业推广投资总量、改善投资结构,完善项目经费的投入机制,逐步形成多元化的农业推广组织与投融资机制。

    Some policies should be formulated for the public extension expenditure , and the mechanisms of extension project monitoring and diversified extension organizations .

  10. 这个垄断和垄断利润的产生的根源同样也是住房与土地等制度与政策的不合理。

    This monopoly and monopoly profits is also the root cause of the housing and land systems and policies , such as unreasonable .

  11. 随着社会各界对股权激励认识上的理性回归,股权激励在新的制度与政策环境下的激励效用有待检验。

    With the rational return of community understanding on the equity incentive , its effect and role in the new system and policy environment needs to be tested .

  12. 各个时期的国家制度与政策对此发挥了关键作用,显示出人类社会经济行为对于环境变迁的影响。

    The factors in system and policy played the key part in this course , which influenced the degree of environmental changes by human action for society or economy .

  13. 此外,中国管制具有易变性,新规程在没有预先通告贸易者或解释原因的条件下就被实施,从而在贸易管理制度与政策上导致埃及企业面临商业不确定性和风险。

    In addition , Chinese regulations are changeable and new procedures can be implemented without notifying traders in advance or explaining its reasons , resulting in substantial commercial uncertainty for Egyptian companies .

  14. 进入后税费时代,富人治村已成为乡村治理中的主流模式,这一权力结构变化背后有经济背景、社会基础、制度与政策因素的复杂作用。

    After the rural taxation reform ,' govern by the rich ' gradually becomes primary governance model , this change of power structure is caused by complicated economic , social and policy factors .

  15. 在市场经济环境下,收入差距与拉大有其制度与政策原因,也与转轨期体制的某些真空有关。

    In a market economy , the income gap and its widening result from the inadequate system and policy , and also from being devoid of an appropriate system to regulate the transition process .

  16. 这些问题可通过改革过时的制度与政策、完善社会保障制度、合理配置公共资源等途径来解决。

    According to the author of this article , all these problems could be solved by way of reforming the outdated systems and policies , perfecting social security system and allocating public resources reasonably .

  17. 日本土地征用的动态发展以及日本土地征用的相关政策法律、日本在经济发展的不同时期所采用的制度与政策等值得我国借鉴。

    After examining the dynamic development of Japanese land expropriation , the article proposes that we should get reference from the related laws and polices that have been adopted in different periods in Japan .

  18. 本研究既是对义务教育经费投入政策是否具有正义性的哲学反思,也是对义务教育权利与义务在制度与政策安排上是否合乎正义的价值审视与匡正。

    This research is not only reflecting whether the policy of compulsory education 's treasury investment is just , but also surveying valuably whether the system and policies of compulsory education 's right and obligation is just .

  19. 造成当代中国市民社会利益结构失衡的原因主要有:个体先赋性资源占有的差别、多种制度与政策的交互影响、市民社会组织发展不均衡。

    And the major reasons that cause the imbalance of interest structure are : the differences of individual in possession of resources , the interaction of a variety of institution and policies , the uneven development of civil society organizations .

  20. 本考察报告主要从转轨经济中公共收入制度与政策的角度,考察在俄罗斯发生的财政经济状态变化,试提出一些初步的条理化认识,并引伸出中国可供借鉴的八个要点。

    From the angle of the public revenue system and policy in the transition economy , this article reviews the changes took place in financial and economic situation , and comes up with some methodical views and eight important points for China to refer .

  21. 因此,农民利益的实现,需要农民、政府与市场在经营体制、制度与政策、市场体系的建设与发展等方面形成合力,是产业内在发展强度与外部支持力度综合作用的结果。

    Therefore , the implementation of farmer interest , need farmer , government and market in the operating system , system and policy , market system construction and development , form resultant force , is the industry development strength and external support combined action result .

  22. 用需求理论、成本理论、市场理论和竞争优势等理论,从市场竞争战略、供给与需求、制度与政策等方面,分析综合市场的现状,找出影响其发展的不利因素。

    With demand theory , cost theory , market theory and the theory of competitive advantage , competitive strategy from the market , supply and demand , systems and policies , the analysis of general market situation , identify the negative factors affecting their development .

  23. 二是创新政府管理制度与政策,主要是推行人地挂钩政策试点,改革和完善土地制度、户籍制度、金融和税收制度以及集体林权制度。

    Secondly , innovate the policy of the government management , mainly carry out the policy according to link the people and the land , and reform the land system , household registration system , the financial and taxation system and the system of collective forest rights .

  24. 水资源管理制度创新与政策选择研究

    Research on Innovation of Water Administration Institution and Orientation of Policies

  25. 世贸组织框架下反倾销制度与竞争政策的协调

    On the Coordination between WTO Anti-dumping System and Competition Policy

  26. 社会和谐的制度设计与政策选择:自瑞典经验生发

    System and Policy Choice of Social Harmony : from Swedish Experience on

  27. 汇率制度与货币政策的协同分析

    Analysis on Exchange Rate Policy and Monetary Policy

  28. 医疗费用控制:制度设计与政策选择

    Medical cost control-institutional design and policy dilemmas

  29. 金融制度与货币政策

    Financial System and Monetary Policy

  30. 针对世贸组织反倾销制度与竞争政策的冲突问题,国际上提出了三种主要协调方案。

    The international community proposed three major coordinative projects to resolve the conflict between WTO anti-dumping system and competition policy .