
  • 网络International Trade Structure;Composition of International Trade
  1. 中国虾产品国际贸易结构和竞争力研究

    Research on China 's Shrimp International Trade Structure and Competitiveness

  2. 中国国际贸易结构变化对能源消费影响途径分析

    The Path of Impact of China 's Foreign Trade Structure on Energy Consumption

  3. 我国国际贸易结构变化对能源消费影响的敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analysis on Effect of International Trade Structure Changes on Energy Consumption in China

  4. 对国际贸易结构的理论与经验研究已经充分揭示了技术在贸易中的重要作用。

    International trade theory found that technology played important parts in determining foreign trade structure .

  5. 国际贸易结构、人力资本与技术扩散关系的研究&基于中国改革开放以来的数据分析

    International Trade Structure , Human Capital and Technology Diffusion & Based on Data Analysis of China

  6. 随着国际贸易结构的改变,保护知识产权已是不可阻挡的国际潮流。

    With the change of international trade construction , it is an unresistable international trend to protect intellectual property .

  7. 目前依据传统的产品分类进行国际贸易结构分析,难以更细致地描述一国贸易结构的特性并进行国际比较。

    At present we analyze international trade structure in terms of traditional product classification , as a result of which we can 't describe detailed trade structure and give international comparison .

  8. 带来这些发展变化的因素很多,包括殖民地的解体,国际贸易结构的变化以及全球化的影响等等。

    All these changes are due to the movement of the decolonization , the structure of the international trade and in its rules of operation and of the effects of globalization .

  9. 但是国家之间的劳工标准的差异不是各国经济发展与交流的障碍,劳工标准水平的高低不同,不影响国际贸易结构的变化和国际剩余资本的流向。

    The difference of labour standards among the countries is not a barrier in the economic development and international communication . The level of labour standards does not change the international trade pattern and flow of capital .

  10. 青岛开发区国际贸易中心结构分析与设计

    Structural Analysis and Design of Qingdao Development Zone International Trade Center

  11. 国际贸易商品结构发生了新的变化;

    Recent changes in commodities structure of world trade ;

  12. 国际服务贸易结构与经济增长路径&基于中国数据的经验研究

    Structure of International Service Trade and Economic Growth Route : an Empirical Research Based on Date of China

  13. 国际贸易的商品结构发生了重大变化。

    Substantial changes in commodities structure of world trade .

  14. 入世后中国食品国际贸易的市场结构与未来展望

    Market Structure and Future Prospect of International Food Trade after China 's Entry into WTO

  15. 电子商务和自由贸易区建设在经济全球化、国际贸易、经济结构调整和重组、新兴行业产生和要素禀赋新要求等五个方面相互影响、促进。

    CAFTA and EC influence each other in five aspects , such as economy globalization , international trade , economy structure regulation and rearrangement , new industrial emergence and new factor endowment .

  16. 深圳国际贸易中心大厦的结构设计

    Structural Design of the International Trade Centre High-Rise Building in Shenzhen

  17. 国际贸易专业人才素质结构分析

    Analysis of Quality structure of Talent in the International trade Major

  18. 国际服务贸易的内部结构同时也发生了较大的变化。

    The structure of international trade in services changes a lot as well .

  19. 而且,由于动画产品在生产和消费上的不同特点,决定了其国际贸易的动力、结构和结果,呈现出更加复杂的特点。

    And the features of animation on production and consumption make the dynamics , construction and result of international trade on animation more complex .

  20. 新贸易理论大量运用产业组织理论与市场结构理论来解释国际贸易,为贸易结构的优化研究提供了新的研究思路。

    By extensive use of industrial organization theory and market structure theory , the new trade theory explains international trade and provides new research ideas for the study of trade structure optimization .

  21. 乌拉圭回合谈判的结束和《服务贸易总协定》的签订,标志着当代国际贸易的内涵和结构发生了重大变化,多边贸易体制日臻完善。

    The ceasing of Uruguay Round negotiation and Signing of GATS mark that connotation and structure of current international trade have greatly changed , multilateral trade system is getting more and more perfect .

  22. 由于持续增长的贸易顺差和我国国际贸易的低产业结构,好多外贸导向型中小企业的经营优势不复存在,在这个非常时期经济损失严重,有的甚至导致破产倒闭。

    Due to continuous growth of trade surplus and low-level industry structure of China , many foreign trade-oriented small-and-medium-sized enterprises lost its original strength , and at financial losses , some even go bankrupt .

  23. 作为山西省单体建筑面积最大、智能化程度最高的山西国际贸易中心,在结构施工中,对Φ18以上受力钢筋全部采用钢筋锥螺纹接头技术。

    Shanxi International Trade Center , with the biggest build area of monomer and the highest intelligence , adopts the tie in technology of taper thread for the bearing reinforcing bars above 18 in structural constructions .

  24. 乌拉圭回合达成的“服务贸易总协定”标志着当代国际贸易的内涵与结构发生了重大的变化。

    " General Agreement on Trade in Services ", one of the results of multilateral trade negotiations in Uruguay Round , indicates that the contents and structures of international trade in services nowadays have been changed tremendously .

  25. 一般国际贸易理论对外贸结构的研究侧重于商品结构、外贸结构阶段研究。国际贸易地理学对外贸结构则侧重于地域空间结构的特征、规律及其关联的研究。

    The general international trade theories lay particular emphasis on commodity structure and foreign trade structure stages , and the international trade geography lays particular emphasis on the characteristics and laws of regional spatial structure , and their relations .

  26. 国际贸易救济是国际贸易必然产物,由于目前国际贸易体系结构的严重失衡,发达国家通过设定各种贸易救济措施,处处打压发展中国家。

    The remedy system is an inevitable product of international trade . Because the structure of current international trade system is heavily unbalanced , those developed countries suppress developing countries everywhere by setting various kinds of remedy measures .

  27. 主要从国际直接投资对国际贸易总量的影响分析和国际直接投资对国际贸易结构的影响分析两个方面进行分析。

    International direct investment is mainly divided into the total impact on international trade analysis and international direct investment , the impact of international trade structure analysis of two aspects for analysis .

  28. 通过对军船国际贸易市场进入壁垒、主要军船出口国市场行为的研究,发现军船国际贸易市场寡头垄断结构的形成是因为技术垄断,而主要军船出口国的市场份额则与其市场行为有关。

    Through studying the barriers to entry warship international trade market and the main exporters ' market behavior , the paper researcher finds the warship international trade market structure is formed by the technology monopoly . Major exporters ' market share are different because of their different market behaviors .

  29. 国际贸易理论所要回答的基本问题有三个:即国际贸易产生的原因、国际贸易的结构(包括商品结构和市场地区分布结构)和国际贸易的结果。

    There are three basic questions that the international trade theory should answer , namely , the reason , structure ( include goods structure and market structure ) and result of international trade .