
  • 网络Law of comparative advantage;The Principle of Comparative Advantage;comparative advantage
  1. 从比较优势原理看人力资源优化配置

    The Principle of Comparative Advantage and the Optimization of Labor Force Deployment

  2. 比较优势原理是经济运行中的普遍规律。

    The principle of comparative advantage is a general law in economic operation .

  3. 云计算就是比较优势原理的直接示例。

    Cloud computing is a direct example of the comparative advantage principle in action .

  4. 比较优势原理及其在农业上的运用

    Comparative superiority theory and its application in agriculture

  5. 对比较优势原理的再思考&评比较优势原理的乌托邦性质

    Reconsideration on the Theory of Comparative Advantage & Comment on Utopia Character about This Theory

  6. 首先,论文对已有的国际服务贸易比较优势原理和产业国际竞争力理论进行了疏理。

    First , this article reviews the theory of international service trade and the industrial international competitiveness .

  7. 东引西进的理论基础是区域经济发展规律和比较优势原理。

    The basic theory of the " project " is area economy developing laws and comparative superiority principle .

  8. 其理论基础是比较优势原理和劳动地域分工与专业化理论;

    Its theoretic basis are the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of division of labor and specialization ;

  9. 根据比较优势原理,生产者或经营者应集中力量进行具有比较优势的生产或经营活动。

    According to the comparative advantage theory , the companies should concentrate on the business which is comparatively advantageous .

  10. 在此基础上根据比较优势原理,对区域性对外贸易战略进行了研究。

    The paper further analyzes the characteristics and reasons and then on the basis of comparative advantage theory , the regional trade strategy has been studied .

  11. 自从李嘉图创立了比较优势原理,其后学者一直悉心探索决定和影响比较优势的各种因素。

    Since David Ricardo set up the theory of comparative advantage , subsequent scholars have been devoting their attention to the factors that decide and affect comparative advantage .

  12. 对于近年来江苏乃至全国贸易结构的变化,我们已无法仅仅用比较优势原理来解释。

    For the changes in trade structure in Jiangsu province and the country in recent years , we can not only use theory of comparative advantage to explain .

  13. 在当今中国的劳动力市场上存在一种重要的实证现象,即人们根据比较优势原理对教育水平进行选择。

    People sort into schooling on the basis of the principle of comparative advantage , which we document to be an empirically important phenomenon in modern Chinese labor markets .

  14. 在此基础上得出结论:我国对外贸易商品结构基本符合比较优势原理,加工贸易在我国对外贸易中占据着重要的地位。

    On this basis , it concludes that the structure of foreign trade commodities basically conforms to the theory of comparative advantage on the whole and process trade plays an important role in China ' foreign trade .

  15. 经过理论分析与实证研究,本文认为基于我国农业资源要素流比较优势原理,我国目前的粮食贸易结构基本是整合的,而且是合理的。

    From the theoretical analysis and empirical study above , the paper demonstrated that the grain foreign trade structure in China by far is conformable and reasonable integrated with the comparative advantage law of agriculture resources elements flow .

  16. 结合我国加入世界贸易组织和农业产业结构调整的实际,运用比较优势原理分析了重庆市在环境保护、产业结构调整和经济发展之间的关系;

    In the light of entry into WTO and industrial structure adjustment in agriculture , an analysis is made concerning the relations between environmental protection , industrial structure adjustment and economic development on the basis of the theory of comparison advantage .

  17. 他们深信,建立在比较优势原理基础上的自由贸易在经济全球化的国际背景下一定会给俄罗斯带来巨大财富,并很快使俄罗斯融入以发达国家为主体的国际经济体系。

    It was believed under the theory of comparative advantages that Russia would surely make a windfall out of the free trade in the context of economic globalization and that Russia would be quickly incorporated into the international economies based on developed economies .

  18. 最后根据比较优势原理提出京津冀在金融合作中的合理定位:北京作为区域金融主中心,天津发展区域离岸金融中心和金融创新基地,河北打造金融业后台服务中心。

    Finally , raise reasonable position of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei in financial cooperation according to the principle of comparative advantage . Beijing should be main center of regional finance , Tianjin can develop regional offshore center and financial innovation base . Hebei develop financial background service center .

  19. 主流金融发展理论认为,大型金融机构不适合为小型和微型企业提供融资服务,认为这不符合比较优势发展原理。

    According to the major financial development theory , the large financial institutions are not suitable for providing financing services to small or micro-enterprises for the comparative-advantage principle .

  20. 其次作者在对传统国际贸易理论中比较优势的原理进行深入研究的基础上,从机会成本的角度,提出了完全分工和部分分工两种贸易模式。

    Then on the basis of comparative advantage theory and from the perspective of opportunity cost , the author presents the whole division of labor and part division of labor .

  21. 根据资源禀赋理论以及比较优势的原理,绿色食品恰好迎合了林区特有的资源优势。

    According to the principles of the theory and comparative advantage of " resource natural endowment ", Green food is fit for the advantages of environment and resources in forestry zone .

  22. 本文根据市场经济的基本原理,利用比较优势分析原理作为分析工具,对国外军贸体制及其政策措施进行了初步介绍和分析。

    In accordance with the basic principles of market economy and making use of comparative advantage analysis principle as analyzing tool , this essay made a brief introduction and analysis on foreign military products export systems and their policies / measures .

  23. 比较优势理论认为:在开放经济中,各国应当根据各自的比较优势安排生产和贸易。比较优势原理也适用于国内生产的地域分工和布局以及生产结构调整。

    The theory of comparative advantage tells us that , in open economy , every country should arrange her domestic production and trade according to the principle of comparative advantage .