
  • 网络comparative culture;Cross-cultural studies
  1. 比较文化视野中的汉学和汉学研究

    Sinology and Sinology Study in the Vision of Comparative Culture

  2. 比较文化、比较哲学和比较科学哲学

    Comparative Culture , Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy of Science

  3. 比较文化视野的形成与近代小说的勃兴

    Formation of Comparative Cultural Perspective and Flourishing of Modern Novels

  4. 国际比较文化研究学会

    International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations

  5. 全球化与比较文化的新辩证论

    New Dialectics on Globalization and Comparative Culture

  6. 比较文化的一贯性不可能被忽略。

    Cross-cultural consistencies can 't be ignored .

  7. 他有多元文化视点和比较文化思维,研究内容杂而博,自认是狐狸型的学者,用杂的学问来为研究找一个坐标。

    He holds pluralistic culture viewpoint and compare culture thinking and has mixed and rich content .

  8. 中西学术差异:一个比较文化史研究的尝试

    Academic Disparity between China and the West : A Trial Research on the Comparative Cultural History

  9. 东西方物质文化之比较文化需求与信息资源管理的转型

    A Comparison between Oriental and Occidental Material Cultures Cultural Demands and Transformation of the Information Source Management

  10. 有很强的目标层次感、比较文化中的现代理念、提倡纯粹个人主义,是陈独秀改造国民性思想的主要特点。

    The main characteristics of Chen'sthoughts are the strong sense of object strata , modem concePt of culturecomPallson , ad vocation of pure individualisms .

  11. 形象学研究涉及比较文化与比较文学两个学科领域,它在中国才刚刚开始。

    Image study is a newly emerging discipline in China , which verges on another two disciplines , namely , comparative culture and comparative literature .

  12. 本文试图借助比较文化学的理论,利用先秦典籍文献及考古资料,对该问题进行一次粗浅的研究,以期廓清战国时期我民族文化的地缘分野。

    Using the documents of pre-qin and archaeological materials , the author try to study the problem briefly , by the theory of compared culture .

  13. 一开始,译介学主要以比较文化角度研究文学翻译以及翻译文学。

    Media-translatology i.e.translation studies in a broad sense , developed out of translation studies as a branch of comparative literature in1930s , and flourished after1950s .

  14. 我们应该进而探讨翻译的文化意义和历史作用,或者更进一步把翻译同比较文化这个新学科结合起来。

    We should probe further into the cultural significance of translation and the historical role of translation or further combine translation with comparative culture , a new subject .

  15. 先从梁漱溟思想转变的过程和当时的社会文化背景入手,来揭示其比较文化观产生的原因。

    First , we can reveal the causes of his comparative culture notion from the process of his transforming ideas and the social and cultural background at that time .

  16. 不同文化程度间比较文化程度越高阳性率越高,差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。

    Compared in different culture degree , the higher the culture degree , the higher the positive rate , there was the most significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 从研究翻译的创造性叛逆入手,最能够深入到从比较文化的角度研究翻译和进行比较文学研究的新层面。

    Starting with the study of the creative treason of translation , we are most likely to deepen our study on translation and comparative literature from the perspective of comparative culture .

  18. 本文在佛教思想发展的背景下,从比较文化的角度系统考察了净土宗的善恶观,确定了净土宗伦理思想的特点。

    The article , based on the development of Buddhist thought , studies systematically the view of Good and Evil of the Pure Land Buddhism from the perspective of comparative culture .

  19. 本文将对史景迁著作及期刊论文中所呈现的中国图景,从以上四个主要方面建立分析框架,进行比较文化理论与文化认知视野下的阐释解读。

    This dissertation tries to capture and interpret Spence 's China image mainly on the four aspects with the help of comparative culture study theories and under the cultural recognition perspective .

  20. 教师通过比较文化学习、经验文化学习与理论文化学习使二语课堂成为二语文化的摇篮。

    On one hand , through contrastive cultural learning , experiential cultural learning and literal cultural learning , the second language classroom can be developed as a carrier of the second culture .

  21. 归根到底,比较文化研究乃是生存意向在精神领域里的展现,正是这种生存意向决定着对被比较的文化对象的选择。

    In the final analysis , the study of comparative culture shows the survival intention in the human mind . It is the survival intention that decides the choice of what is to be compared .

  22. 从比较文化的视角看,西方哲学和中国儒学都与我国的心理咨询实践有内在关联性,而儒学更为贴近中国人的文化传统、生活实际和心理实际。

    The inner relation of Chinese practice of psychological counseling to both of the Western philosophy and Confucianism are demonstrated , and the latter is closer to Chinese cultural tradition , lives and mental realities .

  23. 然而,直到目前,我们还没有看到从比较文化的角度,对中国戏曲与西方戏剧中的鬼魂形象进行全面比较研究的论著出现。

    But up to now , we have not found any works which completely made a comparative study about the ghost-or-soul image in Chinese Traditional Opera and Western Drama from the angle of comparing the cultures .

  24. 所以我们现在有必要在前人的研究基础上再对他的比较文化观做一个进一步地研究,结合我们当今所面临的文化危机和社会危机,来调整我们的心理状态,并找出应对的具体措施。

    Therefore , now we need to make a further study about his comparative culture notion at the basis of our previous ' study , combined with our contemporary cultural crisis and social crisis to adjust our mental state and find specific measures to deal with .

  25. 英汉姓名比较及其文化内涵

    A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Names with Their Cultural Connotation

  26. 从文化比较看文化因素在外语教学中的引入

    On Incorporating Culture into Foreign Language Teaching : A Cultural and Comparative Perspective

  27. 明喻与隐喻的比较及其文化差异

    Comparison of Simile & Metaphor and Cultural Differences

  28. 比较法律文化与法律翻译

    Comparative Studies of Legal Cultures and Legal Translation

  29. 融合与对立&从意识形态方面比较中西文化

    Fusion and Opposition & The contrast between Chinese and western culture in terms of ideology

  30. 方法:比较以文化防制为主的综合防制与单一药物防制家鼠的效果。

    Methods : Compareing the effect of integrated management and only use rodenticid to poison rats .