
qiān xǐ nián
  • millennium
千禧年[qiān xǐ nián]
  1. 你们是如何欢庆千禧年的?

    How did you celebrate the millennium ?

  2. 根据千禧年生态系统评估报告,对生态系统进行可持续的管理和开发远比过度开发它更有效益。

    Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them , according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment .

  3. 不过,毋庸置疑的是,在新千禧年来临之际,美国家庭变得越来越紧密。

    Still , it is true that American families are growing closer at the dawn of this new millennium .

  4. 查看一下联合国组织和发展小组起草的报告,其中一些是为今年的千禧年规划审议这类会议准备的,你会发现环境保护与经济发展的联系是个共同的主题。

    Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups — many for conferences such as this year 's Millennium Goals review — and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread .

  5. 这些上世纪80年代到2000年出生的“千禧年一代”更喜欢逛而不是买。

    These millenials , born between 1980 and 2000 are browsers rather than buyers .

  6. 那些会让他们的父母脸红的语言和笑话,千禧年一代却觉得没什么大不了。

    Millennials are perfectly3 comfortable with language and humor that makes their parents ' generation blush .

  7. 说千禧年一代(即80后)与他们父母一代最明显的区别是他们对粗俗行为的见怪不怪,这已经不是新鲜的观点了。

    It has become a clich é to posit2 that millennials / Generation Y have an ease with crudeness that distinguishes them from their parents ' generation .

  8. 不只是x奖和千禧年数学问题奖,就连肺炎球菌病毒疫苗奖也有一部分资金是由私人资本提供的。

    Not only the X prizes and the Millennium problems prize , but even the pneumococcal vaccine prize is part-funded by private money .

  9. 在千禧年左右,当XML第一次出现在很多Java开发人员面前时,有两种基本的解析XML文件的方法。

    When XML first appeared on most Java developers'radar , back around the turn of the millennium , there were two basic approaches to parsing XML files .

  10. (只想想看,当您问您的同事,是否认为应该废除数码千禧年版权法(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的反规避规定时,他们有多大的触动。

    Just think how impressed your colleagues will be when you ask whether they think the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 's anti-circumvention provisions should be repealed .

  11. 视频游戏是千禧年一代(millennialgeneration)(即一群精通科技的学员)熟知的学习工具。

    Video games are a familiar learning tool for the " millennial generation " , a tech-savvy crop of students .

  12. 波士顿一位商人10年前设立的克雷数学研究所(ClayMathematicsInstitute)是一家非盈利机构,它设立了上百万美元的奖项,征求7个千禧年数学问题的答案。

    And the Clay Mathematics Institute , a non-profit body set up 10 years ago by a Boston businessman , is offering million-dollar prizes for the solution of seven Millennium ' ' problems in mathematics .

  13. 宿命论的在牛津辞典中的解释是,表示一种宿命论认识:就是以后会发生什么不是人能控制的。千禧年的n.禁欲主义者,恬淡寡欲的人adj.坚忍的,苦修的心理;

    fatalistic In Oxford living dictionary , this word used to convey a fatalistic recognition that future events are out of the speaker 's control .

  14. 千禧年元旦刚过,玫瑰初次走进泉聊的BBS,一直想写点什么东西,却又觉得无从着手。

    Shortly after the New Year of the millennium , Rose went into the chatting BBS , hoping to write something , but not knowing how to start .

  15. 联合睿康在周四表示,其子公司睿康股份(ReconHolding)将收购千禧年影业51%的股权。千禧年影业是阿维?勒纳(AviLerner)和特雷弗?肖特(TrevorShort)于1996年成立的一家独立电影制作公司。

    Recon said on Thursday that its Recon Holding subsidiary was acquiring a 51 per cent stake in Millennium , an independent film producer founded in 1996 by Avi Lerner and Trevor Short .

  16. 与西方发达国家相比,我国的MPA教育起步较晚,自千禧年公布首批MPA教育项目试点院校起,也才短短10年的历史,但发展迅速。

    Compared with western developed countries , our MPA education started fairly late , since the new millennium , the publication of the first pilot project MPA education , colleges , and within 10 years of history , but to develop rapidly .

  17. 千禧年北京电视台BTV-7生活频道“民以食为天”栏目荣获金盘奖。

    Millennium Beijing TV channel BTV-7 life ," Hunger breeds discontent " column won the gold award .

  18. 她是瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉森(StiegLarsson)的女友,拉森著有广受欢迎的千禧年犯罪惊险系列小说。两人幸福地在一起生活了32年,超然于婚姻制度之上。

    The girlfriend of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson – author of the popular Millennium crime thriller series – lived with him for32 blissful years , bucking the institution of marriage .

  19. 林韬堪称千禧年倦怠感的禅宗召唤者,伊利里亚(Elyria)的与世隔绝和精疲力竭让我想起了他小说中的人物。

    Elyria is disengaged and depleted in a manner that put me in mind of the characters in the novels of Tao Lin , that Zen summoner of millennial ennui .

  20. 这种缠足传统延续了一个千禧年。

    The ' lotus feet ' tradition lasted through a millennium .

  21. 这就是千禧年信徒如此热切期盼着的光辉千禧年。

    This is the glorious millennium that Millenarians await so eagerly .

  22. 珍妮花:这些戒指是专为千禧年设计的!

    Jennifer : These are specially designed for the year 2000 !

  23. 证据16:谁在千禧年期间居住地上?

    Proof # 16 : Who will populate the Millennium ?

  24. 最粗陋的千禧年主义者预言会有极大的物质丰富。

    The crudest form of millennialism forecasts great material prosperity on earth .

  25. 千禧年的选民投票为何如此缓慢

    Why is the turnout of millennial voters so sluggish ?

  26. 下个千禧年即将来临。

    The next thousand years is right around the corner .

  27. 整体而言,市民都能保持冷静,以理性态度面对过渡千禧年的问题。

    Overall , the public remained calm and behaved sensibly throughout the transition .

  28. 这是一种焦躁、懵懂又温和的“千禧年”状态[8]。

    It is restive , confused , gently millenarian .

  29. 进入21世纪,世界又迎来一个新的千禧年。

    Another new millennium has come since the world enters into 21st century .

  30. 他可能会在千禧年之交被正式宣布为圣徒。

    He could be proclaimed a saint by the turn of the Millennium .