
  • 网络Stephania;Stephania japonica
  1. 千金藤属植物生物碱的高效液相色谱定量分析

    High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of alkaloids in Stephania plants

  2. 千金藤属植物地不容的生药学及化学成分研究

    Study on the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacognosy of Stephania Epigaea

  3. FTIR结合径向基人工神经网络智能识别粉防己与头花千金藤的研究

    Study on the Identification of Stephania Tetrandra S. Moore and Stephania Cepharantha Hayata Based on FTIR and Radial Basis Function Neural Network

  4. 千金藤素逆转MCF-7/ADR细胞的多药耐药性及其与GST-π和DNATOPOⅡ的关系

    Correlation between Reversing Effect of Cepharanthine ( CEP ) on Multidrug Resistance and GST - π or DNA Topo ⅱ in MCF-7 / ADR Cells

  5. 左旋千金藤啶碱对缺氧纹状体和海马脑片Ca~(2+)/CaMPKⅡ和PKA活性的影响

    Effect of stepholidine on Ca 2 + / cam pk ⅱ and PKA activities in striatal and hippocampal slices

  6. 盐酸千金藤碱逆转K562/ADR的多药耐药性及其与Bcl-2和P210~(bcr/abl)的关系

    Correlation between Reversing Effect of Cepharanthine Hydrochlorid on Multidrug Resistance and Bcl-2 or P210 ~( bcr / abl ) in K562 / ADR Cells

  7. 头花千金藤急性毒性试验结果表明:其块根鲜品与干品水煎液的LD(50)分别为41.4g/kg和22.9g/kg。

    The acute toxicity of Stephania cepharantha was studied , LD50 of aqueous extract of its wet and dry root tuber oral were 41.4 g / kg and 22.9 g / kg respectively .

  8. 目的:观察左旋千金藤立定(SPD)对血清催乳素(PRL)水平的影响,研究SPD的药理作用。

    AIM : To study the effect of ( - ) - stepholidine ( SPD ) on serum prolactin ( PRL ) level and elucidate its pharmacological action on dopamine D2 receptors .

  9. 千金藤碱等异喹啉类生物碱对5&羟色胺受体的阻断作用

    5-HT receptor blockade properties of stephanine and other tetrahydroquinoline alkaloids

  10. 左旋千金藤啶碱在帕金森病猴模型中的应用

    Application of 1-SPD to Parkinson 's Disease in Monkey Model

  11. 千金藤素能够抑制肿瘤细胞浸润和转移。

    Cepharanthine could inhibit tumor cell invasion and migration .

  12. 雌二醇合并千金藤素治疗狗急性放射病的疗效观察

    Value of estradiol and cepharanthine combined treatment for acute radiation sickness in dogs

  13. 云南含克班宁的千金藤属植物资源调查研究

    Resources Investigation of stephania containing crebanine in Yunnan

  14. 左旋四氢巴马汀与左旋千金藤啶碱的单胺受体结合特性与单胺排空作用的关系

    The Binding Characteristics of 1-THP and 1-SPD for to Monoamine Receptors and their Effects on Monoamine Depletion

  15. 盐酸千金藤素逆转EAC/ADR细胞多药耐药性的作用及其机制

    Reversal of multidrug resistance in drug-resistant cell line EAC / ADR by cepharanthine hydrochloride and its mechanism

  16. 千金藤素对大鼠中性白细胞活性氧生成及兔血小板聚集的影响

    Effect of Cepharanthine on Generation of Active Oxygen Species from Rat Neutrophils and on the Platelet Aggregation of Rabbits

  17. 实验结果表明,以千金藤素为指标,在室温(25℃)条件下,千金藤素片剂的有效期约为19.4年。

    Our experimental results showed that taken cepharanthine as indicator , the term of validity of cepharanthine tablet was about 19.4 years at room temperature ( 25 ℃))

  18. 为了对千金藤属植物化学成分的全面了解及其药用机理的深入研究,本文对千金藤属植物的生物碱、黄酮、蒽醌、甾醇、糖类等化合物进行了综述。

    In order to understand the chemical constitutes of Stephania plants , find out their medical mechanism and make full use of the natural resources , researches on the alkaloids , flavonoids , anthraquinone , sterol and sugar of Stephania plants are reviewed .