
  1. 异物种类以花生类最多,占36.7%,异物存留时间5小时至6个月,1周以内占86.5%;

    The time from inhalation of foreign bodies to surgery performed was from 5 hours to 6 months , and the patients under one week accounted for 86.5 % .

  2. 尤其是兔肝中营养必需脂肪酸亚油酸和花生四烯酸分别占24.08%和2.34%,含量很高。

    The percentages of C18 ∶ 2 and C20 ∶ 4 , which are the important nutritional essential fatty acids , and 24.08 % and 2.34 % in rabbit liver . The percentage is the highest in the 4 animal livers .