
huā jià
  • Flower rack;pergola
花架[huā jià]
  1. 她说,如果你想点缀一些鲜花,就可能需要用到插花容器,比如她在RonaldoMaiaFlowers物色到的那款带有几个玻璃花瓶的金属丝花架。

    If you want to add fresh flowers , she said , you might use something like the metal-wire flower-holder with glass bud vases that she found at Ronaldo Maia Flowers .

  2. 可动式螺旋立体花架系统的设计

    Contrivance of Adjustable Spiral System of Stereoscopic Floriculture

  3. 一个根雕花架,配上较好的盆、景,三位&体的景致高贵典雅。

    A flower root , with good basin , king , three-body scenery elegant .

  4. 玫瑰丛已长得高于花架。

    The rosebush has overgrown its support .

  5. 你会先造几样简单的东西,例如长凳或花架,电脑专家罗宝·廉斯说,操作电脑也一样。

    You 'd start with something simple , like a bench or birdhouse , says computer expert Robin Williams .

  6. 一类是实用型的,如笔筒、笔挂、手杖、枕头、花架等;

    One is practical , such as pen , pen hanging , cane , pillows , flower racks , etc.

  7. 该设备可以当做脚踏车架使用,还可以在栏杆之间的地方将其当椅子或是花架。

    Customers can use it as a cycle stand , or place seating or planters in the area between the rails .

  8. 公园里许多地方都有木制长椅和座椅,长椅通常位于有花架或有大大顶棚的遮蔽物下面。

    At several places in the park there are wooden benches and seats , often under a large covered pergola or shelter .

  9. 租摆花卉的配套用品,如花盆、托盘、花架等,由护花人员负责清洁保养。

    The accessories of lease , such as flowerpot , tray , jardini è re , should be cleaned and maintained by the worker .

  10. 我坐在蓝色长椅上,头上是紫藤花架,那要等到夏天才会开呢。

    I sat on a blue couch , his head is Wisteria frame , it will have to wait until summer to open it .

  11. 一种是实用根雕、如:茶几、桌、椅、花架、烟茶盒、笔筒等;

    A practical root , such as : tea table , table , chairs , flower racks , smoke tea box , pen holder ;

  12. 一条花架走廊贯通用地,将所有主要建筑用房与马路隔开形成第四道屏障,最大限度地保障了业主生活的私密性与“深宅大院”的特质。

    A flower racks corridor through land use and construction of all main roads separated into four Road barriers , maximum protection for the confidentiality of the owners live with the " big " character .

  13. 人行道上的障碍物,比如施工脚手架、大垃圾袋、摊贩,以及路灯、招牌、报摊、长椅、花架和垃圾回收箱这些东西,让部分地区的这一问题更加严重。

    The problem was aggravated in some areas by sidewalk clutter such as construction scaffolding , large garbage bags , vendors and fixtures like lights , signs , newsstands , benches , planters and recycling bins .

  14. 茶园非常准确:修剪成形的小茶树被移植到阳台和花架上,乍看像是郊外园艺非常青睐的那种垂落的女贞灌木,或是像一些蔬菜雕刻家手下大胆的作品。

    Garden is exact : the small , shaped bushes grafted on to stone terraces and rock ledges look , at first sight , like effusions of the privet so cherished in suburban horticulture or like some vegetable sculptor 's audacious installation .

  15. 铁艺书报架铁艺招牌铁艺鞋架铁艺花架铁艺笔架铁艺刀具架铁艺酒架铁艺衣帽架铁艺毛巾架等。

    Wrought iron newspaper support , wrought iron signboard , wrought iron shoe rack , wrought iron flower shelf , wrought iron penholder , wrought iron tool frame , wrought iron wrought iron wine frame , wrought iron clothes stand , wrought iron towel rack .