
  1. 只觉得眼前竟是花的世界。

    I simply feel I am in an ocean of flowers ,

  2. 春天本来就是花的世界。

    Spring takes the flowers bloom in the world .

  3. 年轻的恋人们流连在花的世界里。

    Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow .

  4. 在花的世界里住着精灵,这些精灵都是花的守护者,它们保护着花,不让花受到伤害。

    In the flower of the world lived in the wizard , the wizard are the guardian of flowers , they protect the flower , to prevent flower hurt .

  5. 如此一来,你就会觉得,你可以把所有时间花在这个真实的世界上。

    And , overall , that can make you feel like you have all the time in the world .

  6. 我在地下室花了几周的世界,给他们做了一个小型的渔港小屋,内带螺旋式楼梯和一个为便于打扫而加上的独特铰链屋顶。

    I spend weeks in the basement building a miniature Cape Cod cottage for them , with a spiral staircase and a unique hinged roof for easy cage cleaning .

  7. 校园里栽有各种花卉,草本的,木本的,乔木,灌木,从春天开到秋天,真的是花的海洋,花的世界。

    Campus planted a variety of flowers , herbs , and woody , the trees , shrubs , open from spring to autumn , and is really a sea of flowers , flower world .

  8. 按照他的理论,美国帮其他国家花掉他们不花的钱时为世界带来好处。

    In his theory the US was doing the world a favor spending the money that other countries wouldn 't spend .