
  1. 茉莉花茶由茉莉花制作而成,在有香气的茶中是最受欢迎的。

    Jasmine tea is made from jasmine flowers and is the most popular among scented tea .

  2. 第四章对小程村不同民俗礼仪中的面花制作及使用作了详细介绍,并分析了它们所蕴含的民俗内涵。

    Chapter 4 introduces in detail manufacture and use of bread flowers in various folk-custom etiquette of Xiaocheng village , and analyzes the folk-custom connotation thereof .

  3. 中国和其他亚洲国家通常使用花来制作茶叶。

    Chinese and other Asian cultures make tea with the flowers .

  4. 我想要有自己的养老金账户,钱足够我把余下的一辈子时间都只花在制作老式糖果上

    I wanted a registered retirement savings plan that would keep me in candy long enough to make old age sweet .

  5. 嘉德盛花纸制作厂将一如既往,以雄伟的姿势和崭新的姿态昂首阔步,与您携手走向未来!

    Jiadesheng Stained Paper Manufactory will stride forward to the future with you basing on splendid gesture and brand-new pose as usual .

  6. 妇女节送花给长辈,如母亲、祖母,可以选择赠送康乃馨与百合花搭配制作的鲜花花篮。

    Women 's day sent flowers to their elders , such as mother and grandmother , can choose gifts carnations and lilies collocation of flowers made basket .

  7. 而且,由于烟草企业花巨资制作针对女性的广告,将烟草与美丽和妇女解放挂钩,这一数字还有可能增长。

    Moreover , that number could grow , since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation .

  8. 想要学习了解客户统计数据,市场机遇以及关于你生意的其他方面,肯定没有其他方法比在充分调查后花时间制作一份商业计划更好。

    There is absolutely no better way to learn about your customer demographics , marketing opportunities and other aspect of your business than to spend time creating a well-researched business plan .

  9. 该组织称:这些企业不是致力于提高产品安全标准和员工生活水平,而是把精力花在制作有关社会责任的漂亮小册子、驳斥负面报道以及推卸责任方面。

    Instead of concentrating on improving product safety and workers ' lives , companies spend their energy creating beautiful pamphlets on social responsibility , disputing critical reports and shifting blame , it said .

  10. 从而归纳总结出手工直接印花花版制作的四种方法:雕刻法、结贴法、涂料法与分版法。

    Thus , having inducted and summed up the making pattern method of hand-direct textile printing , including four methods : carving methods , knot paste method , coating method , and sub-version method .

  11. 文章从素材采集,筛选,保色,干燥成型,刚性处理,技巧性加工,艺术构成,最后组合成作品等方面,综述了干燥花的制作工艺流程。

    This paper reviews the technological process of making dry flowers in terms of material collection , selection , color retention , dry-forming , rigid treatment , technical processing , artistic composition , combination of dry flowers as products , etc.

  12. 在下午花几个小时制作首饰并在Etsy上售卖;

    a few hours making jewellery to sell on Etsy in the afternoon ;

  13. 除了花大力气制作外观更加漂亮的游戏外,XboxOne还允许用户分屏,在观看电视的同时浏览其它信息,比如梦幻足球联赛(fantasyfootballleague)的成绩或进行Skype视频聊天。

    Aside from additional horsepower to make better looking games , Xbox One includes the ability to watch TV on one part of a screen while looking at other information , such as a fantasy football league scores or a Skype video chat , on another .

  14. 花窗的制作材料主要取自砖木和瓦等材料。

    The materials required in making the lattice patterns are mainly bricks , wood and arched roof tiles .

  15. 可食用鲜花的选用,花馔的制作、开发和运用必将成为一种时尚的饮食新潮流。

    The selection of edible fresh flowers , the development , application and production of flower food will undoubtedly be a new stream for fashionable diet .

  16. 这部大热的喜剧片成本仅3000万元,但已经胜过且盈利超过其他票房惨败且花很多钱制作的大片。

    The comedic hit cost just 30 million yuan to make , but has outshone and out-earned other blockbusters that bombed at the box office after costing millions to make .

  17. 我们观察那些花大力气制作优质设计的团队时发现他们都花费大量的时间去估测用户的需求而不只是和数据打交道。

    When we look at teams that are struggling to produce quality designs , almost always it is the result of spending time guessing and estimating user needs instead of working with actual data .

  18. 以新鲜菊花为材料,采用不同浓度的蔗糖溶液浸泡,与不同干燥法相结合,以成品的感观和含水率为指标,探讨菊花干燥花较好的制作方法。

    The serial concentration sucrose solutions combining with different physical drying methods were practiced to dry fresh chrysanthemum flowers in order to find the most suitable drying method by evaluating the appearance and water content of dry flowers .

  19. 本文首先叙述了高档无光凸印花釉的试制过程,然后较详细地分析了凸印花釉熔块的构成、生料的组成、凸花釉的制作工艺和其它因素对凸花艺术效果的影响。

    This paper mainly describes the preparation and application of high quality mat and gelatine-pad printed fancy glaze , analyzes the frit composition of gelatine-pad printed fancy glaze , its raw materials , glaze preparing process and other influences on the effect of gelatine-pad printing art .

  20. 他的第一部有影响力的动画作品是《迷雾》(Mist),花了两年时间制作完成,时长32分钟。

    HIS first big splash with animation came with " Mist , " a 32-minute film that took two years to make .

  21. 尼龙塔夫绸特殊花型圆网制作及印花技术

    Rotary Screen Engraving of Special Pattern for Nylon Taffeta and Its Printing Technique

  22. 人们不仅观看烹饪节目,而且花时间为客人制作出各种复杂的饭菜。

    People not only watch cooking shows , but spend hours creating complicated meals for their guests .

  23. 你希望自己花了数小时制作的东西最后说“糟糕根本不能工作”吗?

    Do you want to spend hours building something and in the end say ," crap it didn 't work "?

  24. 为了替换机器里一个坏掉的螺丝,公司花了5000美元制作安装了一台新机器。

    To replace an obsolete screw in one machine , Independent spent $ 5000 to manufacture and install a new one .

  25. 以不同茶树品种鲜叶为原料,研究制定萱花银毫名茶的制作工艺流程。

    A study on the manufacturing technology of the famous tea " Xuanhua Yinhao " used the material leaves of different tea varieties was conducted .

  26. 新疆花毡以其制作精美,色彩绚丽,别具风格而享有声誉。

    The felt pattern in Xinjiang , which is elegant with its making and color and gorgeous , not only has the style but possesses the good reputation .