
jīn shǔ ɡǔ jià
  • metal frame
  1. 无金属骨架绝缘安装

    Fixing of insulated structure without metal frame

  2. 本文提供了一个具有复合材料蒙皮、金属骨架的中等展弦比、中等后掠角机翼的气动弹性剪裁计算结果。

    Some results of aeroelastic tailoring of a sweptback wing with medium aspect ratio and composite skin and metal frame are presented .

  3. 基于ANSYS的自动扶梯金属骨架强度分析及优化设计特种不锈钢骨架,强度高,弹性好。

    The Analysis and Optimization of the Escalator 's Truss Based on ANSYS This particular stainless steel structure provides extra strength and elasticity .

  4. 变频器在金属骨架表面处理生产线上的应用

    Applications of Inverter in the Production Line of Metal Insert Face Processing

  5. 铁连晶是保持含碳球团热强度的金属骨架。

    Iron joined crystal is the metal framework of pellets containing coal of high temperature .

  6. 这种飞艇在外包层里面装有一副金属骨架和许多气囊。

    It had a metal skeleton and a series of gasbags inside an outer covering .

  7. 金属骨架的形状与塑料管道形状相似。

    The shape of the metal framework is similar to the shape of the plastic pipeline .

  8. 金属骨架外包覆著聚氨甲酸酯与五公厘厚的矽胶皮肤,经过特殊上色,触感柔软。

    Polyurethane and a five-millimeter-thick silicone skin , soft and specially colored , cover a metal skeleton .

  9. 可分为纯胶胶板和夹布、夹金属骨架层胶板等品种;

    Can be divided into pure glue the plastic sheet and cloth , metal frame layer folder plastic sheet and other varieties ;

  10. 石油储罐通常采用钢盘式钢制浮顶、组装式铝制浮顶以及金属骨架泡沫塑料浮子式浮顶,实践证明,这三类浮顶都有各自的优缺点。

    The steel-disk floating roof , assembled-aluminum floating roof , metal framework and plastic floating roof are generally used in oil tanks .

  11. 在板片空间结构体系中,板片与金属骨架的非协调接触处通过摩擦接触作用传递相互作用力,来实现板片与金属骨架的共同工作。

    In the sheet space structure system , sheets and metal skeleton interact by transmitting mutual contact force in their uncoordinated joint .

  12. 考虑金属骨架与流体之间的不同的传热特性,建立了泡沫金属内融化相变传热的双温度模型。

    A two temperature model was established because of the difference of the heat transfer between the phase change material and the metallic matrix .

  13. 包括塑料管道,其特征是塑料管道内有含数十个或数百个或数千个通孔的金属骨架。

    The composite pipeline is characterized in that a metal framework containing tens or hundreds or thousands of through holes is arranged in the plastic pipeline .

  14. 井巷掘进揭煤时,较好的施工方法是震动放炮,金属骨架,钻孔排放和水力冲孔,尤以震动放炮为主。

    When advancing and uncovering coal in roadway , better construction method is vibration shot , metal framework , borehole bleed-off and hydraulic hole , of which vibration shot is principal .

  15. 科拉科尔小艇一种在枝条或木制构架上蒙上防水材料做成的圆型小艇这种飞艇在外包层里面装有一副金属骨架和许多气囊。

    A small , rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame . It had a metal skeleton and a series of gasbags inside an outer covering .

  16. 在保持其原有结构形式基本不变的前提下,变动减振支座橡胶主簧以及金属骨架的结构参数,利用有限元数字仿真确定了这些参数对液力减振支座刚度的不同影响程度。

    Keeping the original structure and changing the structural parameters of main rubber spring and metallic skeleton , the effect of these parameters on hydraulic strut mount is determined by finite element simulation .

  17. 基于共同工作问题的数值模拟和分析,详尽分析了该结构体系中板与金属骨架之间的连接情况、接触状况和初始间隙等对结构的影响。

    Based on the numerical calculations and analysis of the interactive problem , the influences of the tie condition , contact status and the clearance between the sheet and the skeleton on the sheet structure were analyzed thoroughly , and some important results were obtained .

  18. 大孔金属有机骨架(MetalOrganicFrameworks,简称MOFs)材料,是一类捕获二氧化碳的新型材料。

    Macroporous metal organic frameworks ( MOFs ) are a kind of new materials for carbon dioxide capture .

  19. 设计合成新型的金属有机骨架(MetalOrganicFrameworks,简称MOFs)材料应用于储氢正受到越来越广泛的关注。

    The design of the new synthesis metal organic skeleton materials ( metal organic frameworks , MOFs ) for hydrogen storage is being drawn more and more attention .

  20. 金属有机骨架化合物(MOFs)作为储氢材料的研究进展

    Metal-Organic Frameworks ( MOFs ) as Hydrogen Storage Materials

  21. 金属有机骨架材料(MOFs)是由金属离子或者簇通过有机配体桥联构筑形成的。

    Metal-organic frameworks ( MOFs ) is formed through the organic ligands and metal ions or metal clusters .

  22. 金属有机骨架化合物MOF-5吸水稳定性及骨架改性储氢性能的模拟研究

    Metal Organic Framework MOF-5 Water Stability and Modification of Hydrogen Storage Performance Simulation

  23. Cu-MOF及ZIFs类金属有机骨架材料的合成及其催化性能研究

    Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Metal-Organic Framework Cu-MOF and ZIFs

  24. 金属有机骨架材料(MOFs)是一种新型的功能材料,广泛应用于气体吸附、催化等领域。

    Metal organic frameworks ( MOFs ) materials are novel functional material , which is widely used in many fields , such as gas absorption and catalysis .

  25. 金属有机骨架(MOFs)材料是一类具有广阔应用前景的新型多孔材料,特别是在催化剂、传感器和气体储存等领域。

    As a new type of porous materials , metal-organic frameworks ( MOFs ) have several potential applications in the areas of catalysis , sensors , and gas storage .

  26. 金属有机骨架材料MIL-101具有超高比表面积以及巨大的孔体积,在气体吸附方面具有很大的应用潜力。

    Metal-organic frameworks ( MOFs ) MIL-101 with extremely large pore volume and high surface area , is a highly potential candidate as adsorbent on gas adsorption .

  27. 研究的主要内容如下:(1)我们选择了多功能发光金属有机骨架MOF-5作为研究体系。

    The main content of the study are as follows : ( 1 ) We chooses the multi-functional metal-organic framework MOF-5 , which is a very good luminescent materials .

  28. 这种独特的结构不仅使PSP管集钢管的高强度与塑料管的耐腐蚀性两种优点于一体,还克服了金属板骨架增强塑料复合管易脱层等缺陷。

    Because of the unique structure , PSP not only integrates the advantages of high load-applying of steel pipes and good corrosion resistance of plastic pipes , but also overcomes drawbacks of plastic-matrix metal composite pipes , for example , delaminating easily under long-time alternating stress .

  29. 上世纪九十年代以来,金属有机骨架(Metal-organicframeworks,MOFs)孔材料已经步入快速发展阶段。尤其,第三代MOF孔材料,即当除掉客体分子后多孔的骨架结构还具有较高稳定性。

    Since the 1990s , the materials based on Metal-Organic Frameworks ( MOFs ) have entered into a highly developed stage , especially for the third generation of MOFs , when get rid of guest molecules , they still maintain their porous structure and have high thermal stability .

  30. 在过去的几十年间,一系列的多孔材料如金属有机骨架(MOFs),共价有机骨架(COFs),共轭微孔骨架等被合成出来,并且它们的气体存储性质被详细研究。

    In last decades , a series of porous have been synthesized such as metal-organic frameworks ( MOFs ), covalent organic frameworks ( COFs ), conjugated microporous frameworks ( CMPs ) and their gas storage properties were investigated .