
  • 网络louis d'or
  1. 您从什么地方找到这些金路易的?

    Where did you get those louis d'or ?

  2. 可敬的马白夫先生,素来品行端正而饶有稚气,他绝不接受那份来自星星的礼物,他绝不同意星星能自己铸造金路易。

    M.Mabeuf , in his venerable , infantile austerity , had not accepted the gift of the stars ; he had not admitted that a star could coin itself into louis d'or .

  3. 那一个袋里各国钱币都有:法国的金路易,

    There were all kinds of gold coins in the bag-big French gold coins ,

  4. 想想看,我二十岁就能当上船长,薪水是一百金路易〔法国金币名。

    Only imagine me a captain at twenty , with a hundred louis pay , and a share in the profits !

  5. 刺猬拿走了他赢的白兰地和金路易,把他的女人从菜畦里叫了出来,欢天喜地回家了。

    the hedgehog took the gold louis d'or and the bottle of brandy he had won , called his wife from her furrow , and happily they went back home .

  6. 他翻转口袋,里面浸满了污泥,他把一个金路易和两个五法郎的钱币以及五六个铜币放在沟管的长凳上。

    He turned out his pocket , all soaked with ooze , and spread out on the banquette of the vault one louis d'or , two five-franc pieces , and five or six large sous .

  7. 她只有这么高,她怀里抱着她的玩具大娃娃,她把她的金路易放在围裙口袋里,她笑呀笑呀,他们手搀着手向前走,她在世上只有他一个人。

    She was no taller than that , she had her big doll in her arms , she had put her louis d'or in the pocket of that apron , she had laughed , they walked hand in hand , she had no one in the world but him .