
  • 网络Financial Informatization
  1. 另一方面,金融信息化加剧了金融风险的产生。

    On the other hand , financial informatization intensifies the financial risk .

  2. 移动商务在金融信息化中的应用分析

    On the Application of Mobile Commerce in Financial Informatization

  3. 金融信息化对金融业的影响

    Influence of information technology on the financial industry

  4. 金融信息化人才的特征分析与培养途径探索

    Analysis of the Characteristics of the Finance Informationization Talent and Exploration of Cultivating Approach

  5. 作为金融信息化变革的产物&网络银行应运而生。

    Network Bank which is the leather product of financial information came into being .

  6. 基于中间件解决方案的金融信息化系统

    Finance info system based on solution of middleware

  7. 科技引领金融信息化

    Science and Technology Leads Finance to Informational Highway

  8. 一方面,金融信息化提高了金融机构的运作效率;

    On the one hand , financial informatization promotes the globalization development of financial activity .

  9. 建立、健全个人征信体系是我国金融信息化建设的重要内容。

    A Study on the Construction of Individual Credit Investigation System and Application in China ;

  10. 随着世界经济金融信息化发展进程的不断深入,银行业已经步入信息化时代,行业竞争也愈加激烈。

    In an increasingly competitive world environment , the banking industry has already entered the information age .

  11. 而随着金融信息化的发展,遗留系统带来的各种问题也开始逐渐凸显。

    With the development of financial information systems , the problems caused by legacy systems have been highlighted .

  12. 随着科技的发展,金融信息化的步伐也逐渐加快。

    With the fast development of technology , information system is used in finance management more and more .

  13. 可以说数据挖掘技术应用是金融信息化必不可少的一步。

    It can be said that data mining technology application is an absolute necessity for the realization of financial information .

  14. 因此,研究如何充分利用信息技术促进银行产品创新,对促进金融信息化建设、提高银行产品创新能力是必要而且迫切的。

    However , how to make full use of information technology for innovative banking products , the current research less .

  15. 我们已经开始进入以网络应用为核心的信息时代,金融信息化亦不例外。

    We have begun to enter the network at the core of the information age , financial information is no exception .

  16. 教育信息化、金融信息化要求金融证券实验教学建设不断革新,充分发挥信息技术的作用,走数字化、网络化道路,构建信息化金融证券实验教学系统为实验教学和科研服务。

    Informationalization of education and finance demands innovation in the experiment teaching , in which information technology should play its role accordingly .

  17. 随着金融信息化的深入发展,金融员工的网络信息行为得到越来越多的重视。

    With the in-depth development of financial information , the network behavior of the financial staff starts to get more and more attention .

  18. 随着金融信息化、电子化的发展,传统的现金、票据支付将逐步被电子支付所取代。

    With the development of computerizing financial information services , traditional cash and bill payment would have been substituted by electronic payment gradually .

  19. 针对金融信息化系统这个比较特殊的领域,分析金融信息化系统设计与开发的特点,并结合一个金融系统解决方案实例,介绍通过实施中间件,如何达到金融系统的交易要求。

    Combined with a finance system instance , the characteristic of finance field is analyzed , and the solution of middleware is introduced .

  20. 金融信息化、电子化之后,大量的现金、票据交易被电子资金划拨系统所取代。

    With the development of computerizing financial services , a mass of cash and bill exchange had been substituted by Electronic Fund Transfer System .

  21. 然后介绍金融信息化理论,分析信息技术及其在银行中的应用发展及其发挥的作用。

    Then introduced the theory of financial information , analysis of IT and its application in the development of the banking and the role .

  22. 金融信息化的双刃剑效应,使其在给银行带来各种竞争优势和利益的同时,也给银行业带来了各种与信息技术应用相关的风险&银行技术风险。

    As a " double-edged sword ," financial computerization brings to banks various competitive advantages and benefits and at the same time all IT-related risks & bank technical risks .

  23. 20世纪90年代以来,金融信息化、金融全球化、金融创新等理念不断冲击着国内商业银行传统的经营模式。

    Since the 90s of the 20th century , the concepts of financial information , financial globalization , and financial innovation continue impacting the traditional business mode of domestic commercial banks .

  24. 20世纪90年代开始随着金融信息化水平越来越高,信息技术在金融业应用越来越广泛,信息安全问题需要得到应有的重视。

    With the increasingly high level of financial information , IT is more and more widely in the financial industry applications , and information security issues need to get the attention they deserve .

  25. 目前我国的个人征信体系仍处于发展初期阶段,所以完善健全个人征信体系成为我国金融信息化建设的重要内容。

    Currently , our personal credit information database system is still at its initial stage . Therefore , improving and upgrading personal credit information database system becomes the key content of our financial information construction .

  26. 纸币清分机是提高银行工作效率的重要工具,可以高速度、自动化处理大量现钞,已成为金融信息化必不可少的组成部分。

    Currency sorter that can process a large number of cash speedy and automatically is an very important tool to improve the work efficiency of bank , and it has become an essential part of financial informatization .

  27. 摘要该文回顾了国际金融信息化的进程与取得的成就,概括了中国金融信息化发展的现状,分析了金融信息化中存在的问题,并探讨了金融信息化的发展趋势。

    This paper retrospects the process and the achievement of international financial informatization , expounds the actualities of the development of Chinese financial informatization , analyzes the problems in financial informatization , and discusses the developing directions of financial informatization .

  28. 本文的第三部分介绍近期我国银行业信息化建设的主要任务,可以看出我国银行业的管理者已经意识到金融信息化建设在提高银行竞争力方面的重要作用。

    In the third part of this article , it is introduced that the main object of construction of financial informatization , from with we can gather that the construction of financial informatization is instrumental in improving the competitive capacity .

  29. 随着金融信息化建设和互联网的普及,我国的网上银行也得到了迅速的发展,2008年我国网上交易规模320.9万亿元,同比2007年增长30.6%。

    Furthermore , the construction of financial information and popularity of Internet enable Internet banking in China to develop rapidly . In 2008 , the volume of trade by Internet up to 320.9 billion , 30.6 % increase than that of 2007 .

  30. 期间出现的电子商务,为网络银行的出现和发展提供了市场需求和技术发展的需求。然而,IT的双刃剑效应也使金融信息化给银行带来了各种与信息技术相关的风险,即IT风险。

    The e-commerce provides market demands and technological development needs for the emergence and development of the online banking in this period . However , IT has " double-edged sword " effect , which also brings a variety of IT-related risks to the bank .