
  1. 天津肿瘤医院人才梯队建设现状

    Current Status of Stuff Rundle Construction in Tianjin Cancer Hospital

  2. 上海市竞技体操后备人才梯队建设现状调查分析

    The Analysis on The Status of Gymnastics Reserved-athlete in Shanghai

  3. 教学医院学科人才梯队建设分析

    Analysis of Construction of Subjects and Talents in Teaching Hospitals Affiliated to Medical University

  4. 医院学科人才梯队建设的实践关于社会语言学的学科定位问题

    Practice in the construction of an echelon of disciplinary human resources in a hospital

  5. 目的探求护理人才梯队建设的方向与措施。

    Objective To explore the direction and measures of construction of nursing talents team .

  6. 建立和完善我校重点学科人才梯队建设的良性运行机制

    Establishing and Perfecting Virtuous Administrative Mechanisms of the Personnel Echelon Construction for Major Disciplines

  7. 篮球后备人才梯队建设是我国女子篮球运动复兴的基础。

    The construction of reserve forces is the base to our basketball revival for women .

  8. 4建立健全的后备人才梯队建设是基础。

    To establish a sound back up talent that construction is the foundation . 5 .

  9. 我院护理人才梯队建设实践

    Practice in construction of nursing talents team

  10. 从而形成了比较完善的大连公司人才梯队建设的实施方案。

    So that we can form complete implementation of Dalian Company talented persons echelon construction .

  11. 本论文为房地产行业成长性地区公司的人才梯队建设进行了有益探索。

    This paper makes useful exploration for talented person construction of growing regional real estate companies .

  12. 低年资主治医师是综合医院医教研等各项工作的生力军,其临床能力的提高是医院人才梯队建设的重要任务。

    How to improve the clinical capability of these doctors is an important task for the human resources construction of a general hospital .

  13. 加强田径裁判队伍人才梯队建设,重点培养青年骨干裁判员;加大力度建设裁判素质薄弱地区的裁判队伍。

    Strengthens the track and field referee troop talented person echelon to construct , trains the youth backbone referee with emphasis ; Increases dynamics to construct the referee quality weak area the referee troop . 2 .

  14. 在上述基础上,指出了选拔任用不是封闭的、孤立的,还需进一步加强和完善人力资源规划、绩效考评体系和后备人才梯队建设等配套措施。

    On this basis , it is pointed out that the cadre selection and appointment is not a closed and separate process , it also requires further strengthening and perfection of human resource planning , performance appraisal system and backup talents construction .

  15. 重视后备人才的梯队建设,提高培养优秀组织后卫的效率和质量。

    The importance of back-up personnel building , the higher echelon of the organization to the efficiency and quality .

  16. 山东省的排球运动后备人才和梯队建设是目前亟需研究和解决的问题。半园式田径场分道前伸数公式的研究

    Reserve talent and echelon build have many problems need badly to be studied and solved at present . Research on the Formula for Lane Echelon Allowance in a Half Circle Playing Field

  17. 结论人才的培养与专业学科的发展紧密结合,人才梯队建设可极大地促进护理学科的发展。

    Conclusion Training nursing talents have considerably contributed much to the development of nursing science .

  18. 后备人才的培养是竞技体育发展的战略问题,只有重视后备人才的梯队建设,一个国家竞技体育的发展才有后劲。

    The training of reserve talent is a strategic problem of the development of athletic sports , and the development of athletic sports will have reserve power only when the country emphasize the echelon construction of reserve talent .