
  • 网络artificial plant community
  1. 榆林沙地人工植物群落的形成与演替

    Formation and Succession of Artificial Plant Community in Yulin Sandy Land

  2. 沙地人工植物群落生物量动态及其更新途径

    Biomass dynamics and regeneration method of artificial plant community in sandy land

  3. 该地区从20世纪80年代初期陆续退耕还林的人工植物群落年龄虽只有10~27a,但其枯落物层厚度已达2.9cm,相当于天然植物群落(30~200a)的56.9%;

    The ages of the artificial communities of these areas is only 10 ~ 27 years , however the litter in these vegetation has been as thick as 2.9 cm , which is 56.9 % of the thickness of natural plant communities of 30 to 200 years old ;

  4. 沙漠人工植物群落的根系分布及动态

    Root Distribution and Dynamics of Re-vegetated Communities in Desert Area

  5. 巴西橡胶-云南大叶茶人工植物群落的实验生态学研究

    Experimental and ecological studies on the rubber-tea ~ artificial community

  6. 经数据分析,发现人工植物群落存在以下问题:(1)部分乡土植物生活力不佳;

    The viability of partial local plants was not ideal .

  7. 人工植物群落调查与评价方法设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Investigation and Evaluation Methods of Artificial Plant Community

  8. 提出了10个人工植物群落优化配置模式。

    10 top patterns of urban cultivated plant communities was brought out .

  9. 南京居住区人工植物群落的结构分析及其优化

    Community Structure Analysis & Optimization Strategies of Plantations in Residential Areas of Nanjing

  10. 退耕地人工植物群落根系生态位及其分布特征

    Discussion of root ecological niche and root distribution characteristics of artificial phyto-communities in rehabilitated fields

  11. 科尔沁沙地不同人工植物群落对土壤养分和生物活性的影响

    Effects of Artificial Sand-Fixation Communities on Soil Nutrients and Biological Properties in Horqin Sandy Land

  12. 祁连山南麓退耕地人工植物群落的枯落物容水性能

    Water-holding Capability of Litter of Main Plant Communities in Rehabilitated Lands at Southern Foot of Qilian Mountains

  13. 西湖景区人工植物群落空气负离子及景观评价研究

    Studies on Air-anion and Landscape Evaluation of Plant Communities in West Lake National Scenic Area of Hangzhou

  14. 上海市外环线人工植物群落调查&以2000年段为例

    Investigation on Artificial Plant Community in the Out Loop Line in Shanghai & the Case of 2000 's Outer Loop Line

  15. 并在此基础上,探讨了耐荫植物在城市隔离人工植物群落中的应用。

    Also , the application of the shaded & tolerance plants in mixed plantation artificial population has been discussed in detail . 1 .

  16. 按照可持续发展和人的休憩规律进行生态恢复性设计,建立科学的人工植物群落,创造优美的园林景观。

    In accordance with sustainable development open law and human ecological restoration design , to create science of artificial plant communities and beautiful landscape .

  17. 形成一个以药用植物为主体、人工植物群落丰富、并能充分体现出医科类院校独特文化的综合性的校园。

    Form a medicinal plants as the main body , the artificial plant communities , and rich fully represented medical academies of the unique culture of comprehensive schools .

  18. 主要研究成果如下:1.对大连市道路绿地人工植物群落特征进行了调查及数量化分析。

    The main conclusions are drawn as follows : 1 . The characteristics of artificial plant community of the road green space in Dalian are investigated and analyzed in quantification .

  19. 对位于祁连山南麓的青海省大通县退耕地人工植物群落的枯落物容水性能进行了研究。

    The litter water-holding capability of the artificial plant communities of the rehabilitated land in Datong county of Qinghai province located at the southern foot of Qilian mountains was studied .

  20. 绿量概念突破传统绿地规划建设控制指标,反映城市绿地的生态效益,利用绿量概念,营造景观与生态相协调的人工植物群落,大力提高深圳城市绿地的生态效益。

    The Application of Healthful Plants Community in Designing Landscape The concept of green capacity breaks out the control guideline of traditionally planing construction , reflects the ecological benefit of urban landscape .

  21. 从研究自然植物群落的基本特点入手,探索作为人工植物群落的结构、种类组合、配置问题。

    Starting with the research of the basical characteristies of natural botanical community , the thesis has probed the construction of artificial botanical community , the composition and compounding of the varieties .

  22. 同样,天然植物群落比人工植物群落的均匀度指数小,但其物种丰富度、多样性指数均高于人为干预的人工植物群落。

    Also , the species diversity and abundance index of natural plant communities was higher than artificial plant communities , at the same time , it has lower abundance index than that of artificial plant communities .

  23. 大连的滨水景观绿地是大连旅游重要景点,而大连的滨海路其自然地貌植被与人工植物群落设计的结合,体现出独到的特色,在国内外享有盛誉。

    Waterfront landscape green space is an important tourist attraction in Dalian . and Dalian , the coastal road of its natural vegetation and artificial vegetation landscape design reflects the unique combination of surface characteristics of a good reputation .

  24. 大连市道路绿地是体现其城市绿地系统重要组成部分,构建科学、合理的人工植物群落结构才能使大连市道路绿地稳定、高效和健康的发展。

    The road green space of Dalian is an important part showing its urban green land system , while to build a scientific and rational man made plant community structure can make green space in Dalian develop stably , efficiently and healthily .

  25. 在城市特定的条件下,建立生态与景观相协调的人工植物群落,使城市土地资源的利用达到生态、社会、经济三大效益的最佳结合,是提高城市绿地质量的关键所在。

    In the specific urban condition , building artificial plant communities with harmonious relations between ecology and landscape to make urban land resources utilization achieve the optimum combination of the ecological , social and economic benefits is the key to improving the quality of urban green .

  26. 山地草原人工草场植物群落演替动态

    Succession dynamic of plant communities of the artificial pastures

  27. 人工林植物群落的结构简单导致功能降低;

    Simple structure of artificial plant community leading to the reduction of functions ;

  28. 园林人工水体植物群落的生态设计、管理和控制

    The Ecological Design , Management and Control of Garden Artificial Water Plants Community

  29. 四种人工固沙植物群落对土壤养分及生物活性的改良作用

    Improvement Effects of Four Plantations for Sand-fixation on Soil Nutrient Contents and Biological Activities

  30. 科尔沁沙地不同年代小叶锦鸡儿人工林植物群落特征及其土壤特性

    Characteristics of plant community and soil properties in the plantation chronosequence of Caragana microphylla in Horqin Sandy Land