
  • 网络the persona;Personae;mask
  1. 结果表明:父亲意象人格面具由身心品质、自我理想和集体理想构成,内容与问卷结果基本吻合,但因子顺序发生了明显的变化。

    The result showed that father image persona consists of collective vision , physical and mental quality , and ego ideal , which is consistent with the results of the questionnaire . However , there were significant changes in the order of factors .

  2. 人格面具、阴影及自性&《野性的呼唤》的原型解读

    Persona , Shadow , and Self & the Archetypal Reading of The Call of the Wild

  3. 首先,他成功地将真实的自我与两个人格面具区分开来。

    First , he successfully distinguishes the self from his personas .

  4. 性别面具&从荣格的人格面具理论到曼斯菲尔德的《序曲》和《在海湾》

    The Gender Mask-From Jung s Persona Theory to Mansfield s " Prelude " and " At the Bay ";

  5. 第四章是关于人物的人格面具与他们真实自我,或者说与他们灵魂之间矛盾的分析。

    Chapter four is about the conflicts between the characters ' personas and the true selfhood or their inner souls .

  6. 另外,老好人对好孩子面具、好人面具等人格面具的过分认同也会影响其行为。

    In addition , excessive identity persona " good boy mask "," people pleaser mask " will also affect their behavior .

  7. 只有通过对人物的人格面具和人物的内心灵魂进行深入的研究,读者才能更好地理解作品。

    Only by making a deep research into the characters ' personas and their souls can people understand the novels better .

  8. 人格面具:生命本真存在的生动写照&魏微《大老郑的女人》精神分析解读

    Personality Mask : the Vivid Description of the Existence of Life Nature & On Wei Wei 's Novel of Senior Zheng 's Women

  9. 荣格认为,人格面具是原型的一种象征,其作用在于协调个体与外界的关系,抑制或掩饰其内在阴影,使其获得社会的认可与接纳。

    According to Jung , persona is a symbolic archetype , mediating the relationship between the individual and the external world by repressing the inner shadow to gain social approval and acceptance .

  10. 荣格是瑞士心理学家,他的心理学被称为分析心理学,其最显著的贡献是集体潜意识和原型理论,而在众多的原型中人格面具和阴影占据了重要的位置。

    Carl Gustav Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist whose study is called analytical psychology . His celebrated contributions are the collective unconscious and archetypes . Among numerous archetypes persona and shadow play extraordinary roles .

  11. 其次,朱文又进一步发现日常生活秩序中的人格面具、感情、艺术、运动和生存状况的虚伪,这正是时代世俗化反崇高化的结果;

    Secondly , Zhu Wen further discovered false the daily life order 、 persona 、 sentiment , art , the movement and survival condition , which is the result of the time being secularized ;

  12. 因而,道德教育作为一种对人的德性的培养必须要研究人格面具现象的心理学生发机制,增强受教育者的抗诱惑能力,及时发现和补救虚假认同的行为。

    Thus , as a way of cultivating people 's virtue , moral education must study the production mechanism of the " persona " phenomenon , build up students ' ability to resist temptation , find out the " false conformity " behavior and make a remedy in time .