
jié zòu
  • rhythm;pace;timing;tempo;regular pattern
节奏 [jié zòu]
  • (1) [rhythm]∶音乐中交替出现的有规律的强弱、长短的现象

  • (2) [regular pattern]∶比喻规律、步骤

  • 工作要有节奏地进行

节奏[jié zòu]
  1. 节奏布鲁斯演变成为摇滚乐。

    Rhythm and blues mutated into rock and roll .

  2. 她能听见他均匀而有节奏的呼吸。

    She could hear the constant rhythm of his breathing .

  3. 我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。

    We encourage all students to work at their own pace .

  4. 我喜爱乡间那悠闲的生活节奏。

    I prefer the relaxed pace of life in the country .

  5. 比赛在下半场节奏略微放慢了一些。

    The game slowed up a little in the second half .

  6. 他们伴着音乐扭动屁股,有节奏地跳舞。

    They danced rhythmically , swaying their hips to the music .

  7. 这种音乐节奏感很强。

    This type of music has a strong beat to it .

  8. 她的音乐随时让人想起非洲音乐的节奏。

    Her music is full of reminiscences of African rhythms .

  9. 他的音乐是重金属乐和鬅客摇滚乐的强节奏混合体。

    His music is a heady brew of heavy metal and punk .

  10. 他必须学会使自己适应这项工作的节奏。

    He 'll have to learn to pace himself in this job .

  11. 她钢琴弹得很自信,但是节奏掌握得不好。

    She played the piano confidently but her timing was not good .

  12. 他发现乡村的生活节奏慢。

    He found that life moved slowly in the countryside .

  13. 乐队最后演奏了几首节奏缓慢的舞曲。

    The band finished with a few slow dances .

  14. 大家和着音乐的节奏拍手。

    Everyone clapped in time to the music .

  15. 船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。

    The ship 's engines throbbed quietly .

  16. 他辞去了广告业的工作,因为他承受不了那种快节奏。

    He gave up his job in advertising because he couldn 't stand the pace .

  17. 随着节奏拍手。

    Clap your hands to keep time .

  18. 他们随着音乐的节奏旋转起来。

    They began gyrating to the music .

  19. 这部小说缺乏节奏感。

    The novel lacks pace .

  20. 其他眼征包括眼球的无意识节奏运动。

    Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball .

  21. 透过墙壁,他们能听到有节奏的音乐声。

    They could hear music pulsing through the walls of the house

  22. 球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。

    The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby

  23. 音乐在有节奏地响着,气氛令人陶醉。

    The music is pulsating and the atmosphere is intoxicating .

  24. 在新唱片中,波士顿爱乐乐团尝试了全新的节奏。

    In a new recording , the Boston Philharmonic tried the original tempo

  25. 埃尔加给自己的作品标上了精确的节奏标记。

    Elgar supplied his works with precise indications of tempo .

  26. 他那些快节奏的小说里充满了怪诞的场景和荒唐的行为。

    His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics .

  27. 这是场艰苦的比赛,我不得不控制好节奏。

    It was a tough race and I had to pace myself .

  28. 摇滚乐直接源自节奏布鲁斯。

    The immediate ancestor of rock ' n ' roll is rhythm-and-blues .

  29. 他的音乐把爵士乐的节奏和古典乐的形式结合在了一起。

    His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms

  30. 我不停地祈望唱片播放师能加快音乐的节奏。

    I kept praying that the DJ would speed the music up .