
jié xià
  • coming festival;around holidays;polite way of addressing a general
节下 [jié xià]
  • (1) [period before or around a major festival] [口]∶指节日或临近节日的日子

  • (2) [general]∶即麾下。古时对将帅的尊称

  • (3) [diplomatic envoy]∶古时对使臣的尊称

  1. 节下我需要钱。

    I need some money for the coming festival .

  2. /此输入框在标头和规则节下缩进/

    / this input box has is indented under a heading and rule section /

  3. 缺省情况下,领域中的所有主体都受制于该节下指定的规则。

    All the principals in the realm are by default governed by the rules specified under this stanza .

  4. 渐开线链轮CAD软件给出了传动用齿形链各种节距下的渐开线链轮的二维图形以及加工仿真过程。

    2-D drawings of involutes sprockets and machined process were given in the software of involutes sprockets .

  5. 我可没提过哈登三节砍下60分,而整个第四节都坐在板凳上这件事吧?

    Did I mention Harden scored 60 and sat the entire fourth ?

  6. 茎节从下往上茎粗系数逐渐降低,成熟期低于抽雄期。

    The stem diameter coefficient gradually reduced with internodes from down to up .

  7. 威尼斯电影节落下帷幕令人难忘的是电影还是闹剧?

    Will Venice be remembered for films or follies ?

  8. 端午节从下个星期二开始。

    The Dragon Boat Festival begins next Tuesday .

  9. 下半场湖人开始发飙并击垮了勇士,其中第三节砍下32分,第四节也有31分。

    Then the Lakers began to push away from the warriors with a32-point third quarter and a31-point fourth .

  10. 在这一节及下一节中,我们将讨论一些在其定义为二元运算的特殊代数集合。

    In this and next section , we shall consider some particular algebraic sets having binary operations defined on them .

  11. 今晚雄鹿以97-96的比分击沉快船,密尔沃基雄鹿在第四节轰下30分,并有六名球员得分上双。

    Bucks get the big win over the Clippers , 97-96 , MIL scores 30 in the 4th and get 6 players in double figures .

  12. 快船后卫卡塞尔在因背部痉挛缺席4场之后及时复出,并在第四节拿下全场12分中的8分。

    Clippers guard Sam Cassell returned after missing four games because of back spasms , and scored eight of his 12 points in the fourth quarter .

  13. 同时他在进攻端也有贡献。他贡献的10分中有8分是在第四节拿下的,包括两记关键三分。

    And he contributed on offense , too , scoring eight of his 10 points in the fourth quarter , including two clutch 3-pointers down the stretch .

  14. 并以75kg/m重轨为例,根据现有矫直机的参数,计算了各种节距下矫直力、力矩及功率。

    And based the parameters of the using straightener and taking the 75kg / m heavy track as example , straightening forces , moments and powers under various pitches are calculated .

  15. 为了降低潜油电泵机组的振动对止推轴承性能的影响,在潜油电机中节和下节的止推轴承静块底部安装了蝶形弹簧。

    In order to reduce the influence of vibration of electric submersible pumps on the thrust bearing , disc spring is assembled at the bottom of the thrust bearing in the center tandem motor and lower tandem motor .

  16. 欧文,确实,嗨爆了,全场爆砍40分,包括首节拿下16分以及多次关键球,最终凯尔特人经过加时以121-114将76人斩于马下。

    Irving did , in fact , act up . He scored 40 points , including 16 in the first quarter and several clutch shots in crunch time , as the Celtics beat the 76ers 121-114 in overtime .

  17. 对实际工程中碗扣式支架在最不利节段下建立有限元模型,通过对支架最不利节段下有斜撑和无斜撑两种情况进行强度、稳定性的对比分析。

    Establish the finite element model on the most disadvantaged segments of the bowl button support in the actual project , through the comparative analysis of the strength and stability under non-brace and brace both cases of the most disadvantaged support segment .

  18. 各节段下关节突关节面的面积均大于上关节突关节面的面积,但仅颈4~5和颈5~6节段有显著性差异。

    The area of the articular surface of the inferior articular process is larger than that of the superior articular process in every segment , but the significance of difference is only in C_ ( 4-5 ) and C_ ( 5-6 ) segments .

  19. 阿里巴巴的高管们利用光棍节来阐述下一步计划,光棍节是该公司自9月首次公开发行(IPO)以来最大的活动。

    Alibaba executives used Singles " Day , the company 's biggest event since its initial public offering in September , to lay out its next steps .

  20. 单根Luque棒加节段椎板下钢丝矫治青春型特发性胸椎侧凸

    Single Luque Rod and Sublaminar Wires for Treatment of Idiopathic Thoracic Scoliosis in Adolescent

  21. 荷兰乌得勒支大学(UtrechtUniversity)社会心理学教授埃斯特·佩皮斯(EstherPapies)发现,在商店入口发放印有“健康”和“低卡路里”字样的食谱传单,能让超重和节食人群下意识地少买些零食。

    Esther Papies , a professor of social psychology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands , found that handing out recipe flyers at a store entrance that included words like " healthy " and " low-calorie " caused people who were overweight or dieting to subconsciously buy fewer snacks .

  22. 膨胀节承受压力下的失稳

    Instability of expansion joints subjected to pressure loadings

  23. 方法常规拍摄包括损伤节段上下至少两个椎体的X线侧位片。

    Methods Taking lateral X ray of damaged segments at least including two vertebral bodies .

  24. 这是他被钉十字架前的一个逾越节,在下个逾越节他将被钉十字架。

    This was the second to last Passover Feast before his Crucifixion at the next Passover .

  25. 在每节课接近下课时,你可以和你同学交谈你们读的书。

    Near the of each class , you can to your classmates what books you read .

  26. 观察幼苗的解剖学结构,发现根颈由子叶节区和下胚轴组成,初生维管系统在根和茎之间的转变发生在胚轴上很短的子叶节区。

    The convertion of primary vascular system occurs in the Cotyledon Node Zone between root and stem .

  27. 基底节出血患者下尿路功能障碍发生情况及其与肌张力的关系

    Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction of Patients with Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage and Relationship between Syndrome and Muscle Tone

  28. 找到他最喜欢的甜点,在情人节这天亲自下厨为他烹制。

    Find out about the favorite dessert of your partner and prepare it yourself on Valentine ` s day .

  29. 周四的时候他移动很好,尽管在第一节只拿下4分,但是整节都很活跃。

    He was moving well thursday , scoring only four points in the first quarter but remaining active throughout .

  30. 目的总结单纯哈氏棒加多节段椎板下钢丝治疗脊柱侧凸的疗效。

    Methods Harrington rods with wire under polysegmental vertebral lamina were used on the concave side of vertebral column of32 cases .