
  • 网络Energy saving boiler;power economized boiler
  1. 本文介绍了20吨/时热电联产节能锅炉的主要参数、结构尺寸、主要制造工艺以及技术经济效果。

    The main parameters , dimensions and manufacturing engineering as well as the technical and economic effects of the 20 t / hr energy-saving boilers for both steam and power generation are introduced .

  2. 低压电、汽两用节能加热锅炉的结构特点

    Structure features for heating boiler with low-pressure dual purpose

  3. 汽动给水泵利用富裕蒸汽的节能应用锅炉给水泵汽轮机驱动锅炉给水泵蒸汽机

    Energy Saving Application of Steam Feed Pump Driven by Surplus Steam boiler feed pump turbine

  4. 错动炉排套管式节能热水锅炉(2.8MW)的研制

    Research and Development of an Energy-saving Hot Water Boiler ( 2.8 MW ) Equipped with Staggered Grates and Casing Pipes

  5. 利用UG结构设计技术,设计满足给定要求燃烧器功率的关键部件结构及燃烧器系统,给出燃烧器一些关键数据及部件的燃烧校核,并对所设计的节能一体式锅炉燃烧器整体特点进行分析。

    UG structure design technology is used to design structures of key parts and burner system , which meet the requirements given above . Key data and parts , which corresponding with burners combustion are checked . It is also analyzed characteristics of overall Energy Saving one-body Boiler Burner system .

  6. 节能涂料在锅炉改造中的应用及推广

    Application and popularization of energy saving coatings in boiler innovation

  7. 建筑节能标准对锅炉房设计的要求

    The requirement of building energy saving standard on the design of boiler house

  8. 非倍型变极调速节能电机在锅炉风机上的应用

    Non-multiple Pole Conversion Speed-Regulating Electrical Machinery used in Boiler 's Fan for Energy Saving

  9. 提出了节能一体式锅炉燃烧器的设计方案及技术路线,并就本文设计节能一体式锅炉燃烧器燃料燃烧进行详细计算,同时构建所设计燃烧器的结构系统框架。

    Design scheme and technical route of Energy-Saving one-body Boiler Burner are put forward . Based on the two above , fuel combustion calculation of burner in this thesis is provided . At the same time , structure system framework of boiler burner is designed .

  10. 廊坊IDC机房空调节能改造可行性分析锅炉房风机水泵等高耗能设备节能技术

    Feasibility analysis of energy-saving renovation in IDC plant in Langfang Saving Energy Technology of High-energy Equipments Like Blower and Pump in Boiler Room

  11. 自控技术和节能设备在35t/h锅炉上的应用

    Auto controlling technology and energy saving facilities on boiler 35t / h

  12. 新一代节能型循环流化床锅炉燃烧技术

    The New Generation Combustion Technology for Energy Saving Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers

  13. 木糠替代燃煤节能燃料在燃煤锅炉的应用研究

    Sawdust fuel in coal-fired energy-saving alternative to coal-fired boiler application

  14. 高效节能Ⅱ类无烟煤锅炉的设计与运行

    Design and operation of the high-efficiency and energy conservation anthracite ⅱ 's boiler

  15. 基于耐火材料的粉煤燃烧过程结渣特性木糠替代燃煤节能燃料在燃煤锅炉的应用研究

    Slagging characteristics on refractory materials during pulverized-coal combusting Sawdust fuel in coal-fired energy-saving alternative to coal-fired boiler application

  16. 对某生活区提出采用变声速增压节能装置和蒸汽锅炉代替热水锅炉进行采暖的改造方案,该方案节省了投资。

    By the example of a living quarters , the renovation scheme in which the hotwater boilers are replaced with tanssonic device and steam boiler for heating is discussed .

  17. 介绍了工业锅炉用燃料和耐火材料的现状及存在的主要问题,论述了耐火纤维制品的节能原理及在锅炉中的应用。

    The current situations of fuels and refractories used in industrial boiler and the existing problems are introduced . The energy saving principle of refractory fibre products and the application of fibre products in boiler are expounded .