
jié nénɡ liànɡ
  • amount of energy saving
  1. 节能量;影响因素;回归模型;能效对标;

    Energy Saving ; Influence factor ; Evaluation model ; Benchmarking on energy efficiency ;

  2. 按要求提交项目执行自我监测报告、节能量测算报告、配套资金报告以及中英文的项目季度报告、年度报告。

    Self-monitoring report of project implementation , energy conservation evaluation report , co-financing report , project quarterly report , annual report both in Chinese and in English .

  3. 基于三环节能量流结构模型及能量与分析计算,对某石脑油制氢装置的用能状况进行了综合分析评价,指出了过程用能的薄弱环节,以此提出了相应的用能改进措施;

    Based on the three-link energy structural model , the energy analysis and exergy analysis are conducted for a hydrogen manufacturing process , and the energy-use inefficiencies are pointed out .

  4. 项目终期,完成白炽灯转型工作,提交项目终期报告,包括白炽灯转型方案实施情况报告、节能量测算报告、配套资金报告;

    By the EOP , complete the task of IL conversion , submit the final project report , including IL conversion implementation report , energy conservation evaluation report , and co-financing report ;

  5. 估算出2010年建筑节能量约为1亿t标准煤,为实现这一建筑节能目标,建议针对围护结构传热、系统设备能效、温室气体减排、住宅能耗标识的建立等关键问题采取相应措施。

    Estimates that 100 million tons standard coal equivalent should be saved in civil building sector by 2010 . Suggests several options on heat transfer of building envelopes , equipment and system efficiency , mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and energy consumption labelling of residential buildings to achieve the goal .

  6. 节能、轻量、安全、个性化&当今国际车坛新产品开发趋势

    Energy-saving , Light weight , Safety and Personality & New Trend for the Development of New Cars in the World Today

  7. 城市轨道交通作为一种安全舒适、方便快捷、节能环保、载客量大的交通运输方式,能够比较好地解决城市交通问题引发的伦理冲突和问题。

    As a safe , comfortable , convenient , energy saving , high capacity transport mode , the urban rapid rail transit can settle the ethical conflicts and problems well which caused by the urban traffic .

  8. 简要介绍变频节能特点、适用范围、节能量计算方法以及变频器投资回收期。

    Simply introduces the characteristics , the application range , the estimation of energy saving of the frequency converter in the field of HVAC , as well as the time of paying back for investement .

  9. 合同能源管理是市场化运作的新型节能机制,主要有节能效益分享型、节能量保证型、能源费用托管型三种类型。

    Energy Performance Contracting ( EPC ) is a new type of energy-saving mechanism in market operation , which mainly includes three types : efficiency benefit sharing , energy-saving assurance and energy expenses entrusting .