
  • 网络throttling loss;throttle loss
  1. 为降低CO2跨临界循环的节流损失,开发膨胀机代替节流阀是研究的重要方向。

    In order to lower the throttling losses in the CO 2 transcritical cycle , the significant measure is to replace the throttling valve by an expander .

  2. 而机组运行需要满足多种控制目标,例如:保证其输出功率快速跟踪机组负荷指令,满足节约能源(降低燃料使用量)、减少节流损失等多种运行目标的要求。

    The unit operation needs a variety of control objectives to be met , such as : fast track to ensure the output power meet the unit load instruction , the energy conservation ( reduced fuel consumption ), reduced throttling losses and other operating goals .

  3. 通过对哈汽200MW机组在120MW负荷点和200MW负荷点产生的节流损失分析,发现在这两负荷点阀门的重叠度过大,因而造成过大的节流损失。

    The throttling loss occurred at the point with 120 MW loads and 200 MW loads was analyzed for 200 MW unit , the results showed that the extra overlapping of valve at these two points caused a lot of throttling loss .

  4. 汽轮机组调节系统的重叠度与节流损失

    Overlap Degree and Throttle Loss in Timing System for Steam Turbine Units

  5. 降低阀门节流损失的阀门管理新策略

    The New Method Reducing Governing Valves ' Throttling Loss

  6. 采用变压差控制可减少阀门的节流损失,具有更好的节能效果。

    Applying variable pressure difference control can reduce throttle loss and achieve better energy-saving effect .

  7. 而滑油在压力的作用下,通过弹性环上的阻尼孔,产生节流损失,以提供支承的阻尼。

    The damping effect is generated by throttle loss when pressure oil passing through holes on the elastic ring .

  8. 结果表明:利用压缩/喷射混合制冷循环可以回收膨胀阀和蒸发压力调节阀的节流损失,提高双温蒸气压缩制冷循环的制冷系数;

    The results show that compression / ejection refrigeration cycles can reduce energy loss and improve COP of refrigeration systems .

  9. 又由于是压缩着火而且没有节气门的节流损失,可导致高的热效率。

    Additionally due to its compression ignition without throttle loss of valve throt-tle , it can make a higher heat efficiency .

  10. 但是传统液压系统中存在大量的节流损失和溢流损失,导致系统效率只有30%左右。

    However , the throttle loss and relief loss in the traditional hydraulic systems reduce the system efficiency to about 30 % .

  11. 汽轮机的优化配汽就是根据不同的工况实现不同汽门的组合,以保证节流损失最小。

    Steam optimum dispatch is to realize the combination of different value opening under different load in order to minimize the throttling loss .

  12. 而传统的通过调整风机、水泵入口调节档板门开度来进行流量调节的方法造成极大的节流损失,能源浪费现象严重。

    The traditional method which to control the entrance regulation gate opening of the fan , pump , causing a serious waste of energy .

  13. 目前,液压系统主要采用阀控方式,存在不足是产生大的节流损失,降低了系统能量效率。

    The present hydraulic system is value-controlling mostly which has disadvantage that leads to great throttling loss and decrease the using efficiency of system energy .

  14. 对秦京管道因混输冀东原油后秦皇岛-迁安管段输量下降16%,造成输油设备与运行工况不相匹配,出现节流损失大、能源浪费大的问题进行了分析。

    The analysis on the mismatch between transportation equipments and operation condition , more throttling loss and power consumption in Qinhuangdao-Beijing Oil Pipeline is made .

  15. 采用调速技术,使输油泵适应负荷变化,改变转速来调节输油泵的运行点,才是解决泵节流损失的措施。

    It is the effective countermeasure against throttling loss in pumps to adopt speed regulator , so as to adjust pump speed according to load variation .

  16. 本文的优化目标有快速跟踪负荷指令、减少汽机高压主汽门节流损失和减少燃料量。

    This article contains three optimization goals : following the load instruction , reducing the throttling losses of turbine high-pressure main steam valve and reducing the amount of fuel .

  17. 分析了供热系统中动力设备能耗偏高的原因,主要为低负荷率运行和阀门调节造成的节流损失;

    Analyses reasons that lead to dynamical equipments in heating system consume energy in the high side main are run with low load rates or control flow by valves ;

  18. 这种液压能源系统与传统的能源系统相比没有溢流损失和节流损失,功率效率高,控制特性好。

    Compared with the traditional energy system , such a hydraulic energy system is of high efficiency in power and better performance in control without overflow loss or damper loss .

  19. 为了减小汽轮机调节阀的节流损失并保证较高的机组运行效率,火电机组变负荷时采用滑压运行方式。

    In order to reduce the loss of turbine throttle valve regulator and guarantee a high unit efficiency , the sliding pressure operation mode is widely used when unit load is changing .

  20. 它相当于压力转换器,通过液压变压器可以使液压执行元件(定量液压马达、液压缸)从压力耦联的液压恒压网络系统中无节流损失地获取能量。

    It corresponds to a hydraulic pressure transformer , by which hydraulic performance unit ( fixed displacement hydraulic motor and hydraulic cylinder ) can gain energy without throttling losses from hydraulic constant pressure rail system .

  21. 按照管道输送工艺的规律,探讨了在泵站如何利用泵提供的能量,尽可能减少节流损失的方法及仪表控制措施;

    According to the rule of pipeline transportation process , the article discusses how pumps are used to provide energy at pumping stations ; the measure to reduce throttle loss possibly and that of instrument control ;

  22. 为提高二氧化碳跨临界循环效率,解决系统节流损失大的问题,研究开发了新型的滚动活塞转子式压缩膨胀机,来代替二氧化碳跨临界系统中的节流阀。

    The transcritical carbon dioxide rolling piston expressor ( expander-compressor ) is developed to replace the throttling valve in the CO2 transcritical cycle for the improvement of the performance efficiency of the CO2 transcritical cycle and decreasing larger throttling losses .

  23. 另外,由于收割机的作业工序复杂,执行元件庞杂,整个液压系统的压力、流量也会不断变化,溢流、节流损失严重。为减少能量的无功损耗,必须合理匹配收割机动力系统的功率。

    In addition , since the working process of the harvester is complicated and the components complex , the pressure and the flow rate of hydraulic system are mutative , as a result , the losses of overflow and throttle are serious .

  24. 风机和给水泵在工业生产、地下交通及民用设施等国民经济各行业中,应用数量多,耗电量巨大,并存在严重的节流损失。

    Fans and pumps are used in the national economy such as the industrial production , transport , civilian facilities , the number of their application is large , they consume enormous power , and there is a serious energy loss when regulating the flow .

  25. 改造后的水泵既能满足供暖锅炉负荷调整需要,又能减少甚至消除水泵出口节流损失,降低了水泵电能消耗,取得了良好的经济效益。

    The water pump has been transformed can both satisfy the load adjustment needs of heating boiler , and decrease even eliminate export throttling loss of water pump , which has reduced the water pump consumption of electrical energy , and got good economic benefits .

  26. 传统双温蒸汽压缩制冷系统存在两类节流损失,即膨胀阀产生的节流损失和压力调节阀产生的节流损失。

    Besides , COP of the system is more sensitive to changes of the inlet isentropic efficiency . ( 2 ) There are two types of throttling losses in traditional dual-temperature vapor compression refrigeration system , that is , expansion valve throttling losses and pressure regulating valve throttling losses .

  27. 结果表明,定流网络二次调节系统保持了定压网络二次调节系统的高效率、能量可回收等优点,且大幅简化了系统结构,最大限度地降低了节流损失,达到最佳节能效果。

    Corresponding theoretical analysis and simulations show that the virtues in traditional secondary regulation system based on fixed-pressure net such as high efficiency and energy reclamation are inherited , and the structure is simplified remarkably . The throttle lost is decreased considerably , and the energy saving efficiency is optimal .

  28. 设计开发了二氧化碳摆动转子膨胀机,代替节流阀减小节流损失。

    The carbon-dioxide swinging rotor expander was designed and developed to replace the throttle valve in order to reduce the loss of throttling .

  29. 文中还指出,单相流体通过节流管的阻力损失主要是突扩阻力损失,但其进口突缩阻力也不能忽略;

    Furthermore , it is pointed out that the main resistance loss of the single-phase flow through the throttle tube is that of the abrupt-enlargement , and the inlet abrupt-contraction resistance should not be neglected at all .

  30. 通过理论分析说明了在相同的工况下,节流阀的火用损失最大,涡流管次之,透平膨胀机最接近等熵膨胀。

    By theoretical analysis , it can be achieved that in the same condition , throttle valve loses the most exergy , vortex tube takes the second place , and expansion turbine is the nearest constant entropy expansion .