
  • 网络Energy conservation planning;SAVE Programme
  1. 系统根据面向对象的程序设计技术,采用VISUALBASIC开发环境设计并编写,基本上囊括了建筑节能规划编制所需的数据处理的所有工作内容,具有数据处理、图表绘制和信息浏览等功能。

    The system was designed by Visual Basic software according to method of OOP , which includes all data analyses work in the compilation and has functions of data analyses , figure drawing and information browser .

  2. 节能规划目标宏大任重道远

    Energy Conservation Plan Has Great Objectives and A Long Way to Go

  3. 基于交通的城市空间节能规划策略研究

    Research of Spatial Planning Strategies Based on Transportation Energy-saving

  4. 建筑节能规划研究

    Study on Planning of Energy Efficiency in Buildings

  5. 欧洲城市低碳发展的节能规划与启示

    Urban Energy-saving Planning for Low-carbon Development in European Cities and its Implication for China

  6. 研制开发建筑节能规划编制辅助系统。

    " Aided System of Planning Compilation of Energy Efficiency in Buildings " has been developed .

  7. 课题来源于编制某省十二五节能规划的研究。

    This subject is from research when auditing the twelfth five year energy-saving plan of some province .

  8. 作者通过参加炼油厂节能规划工作,对炼油厂节能中的一些技术问题,进行了技术经济分析,提出了一些看法和建议。

    A techno-economic analysis with , respect to the energy-savings in refinery was presented and a number of proposals were recommended accordingly .

  9. 做好地区建筑节能规划工作对于推动建筑节能工作的开展具有非常重要的意义。

    Thus it 's of great importance to make regional planning of energy efficiency in buildings for impelling the development of energy efficiency in buildings working .

  10. 在此基础上制定了科学的节能规划和改造方案,付诸实施后取得了明显效果。

    On the above basis , the scientific energy saving plan and reforming programme are worked out , and tangible results are achieved after putting these plans into effect .

  11. 在此基础上,得到了建筑节能规划的目标,并详细讨论了如何实现既有建筑节能改造目标和新建建筑全面执行65%节能设计标准的目标。

    On this basis , the paper got the planning goal of building energy efficiency , and discussed how to achieve the goal of energy efficiency renovation of existing building and how to full implement the 65 % energy efficiency design standards of the new building .

  12. 在中长期规划编制一般规律的基础上结合建筑节能规划自身的特点研究建筑节能规划的制定原则与制定过程。

    Main research work are elucidated as follows : 1 . The compilation principle and method of planning of energy efficiency in buildings has been studied on the base of general disciplinarian of middle-to-long term planning compilation and the characteristics of planning of energy efficiency in buildings .

  13. 实施绿色照明工程已列入国家十一五节能专项规划,《建筑照明设计标准》(GB50034-2004)已实施两年。

    The implementation of green lighting program had been listed in the energy efficiency part of " Eleventh Five-Year " Plan , and " Standard for lighting design of buildings " had been carried out for two years .

  14. 民用建筑节能发展规划管理研究

    Study on the Development Programming Management of Energy Efficiency in Civil Building

  15. 前言:随着“十一五”节能专项规划的出台,国家对高能耗、高排放产业的改革势在必行。

    Along with the " 11th Five-Year Plan " special plan for energy saving released , high-pollution , high-energy-consumption industries must be reformed .

  16. 第三章主要讨论苏北地区节能建筑的规划设计。

    The third chapter introduces Jiangsu Northern Area planning and design of energy-saving buildings .

  17. 本文对欧洲最现代化的太阳能住宅工程&德国弗莱堡的太阳能城的建筑特点、建筑采暖、建筑用色、建筑设备、建筑节能及未来规划、获奖情况等,作了介绍。

    This paper introduced a European most modern residential building program which uses the solar energy in Freiberg , Germany .

  18. 介绍了武汉地区节能建筑整体规划,单体设计等节能设计理念、节能技术应用和措施。

    Energy saving designing idea both overall programming and single designing , the application and solutions of energy saving technique in Wuhan were introduced .

  19. 重视电力需求侧管理在节能和能源规划中的地位和作用

    To Attach Importance to the DSM 's Position and Function in the Energy Saving and Program Poly-generation · Nuclear Power and Long-term Energy Strategy of China

  20. 该分析方法所需样本少,计算便捷,适用于指导电网节能评估及规划。

    The analysis method upon requires fewer samples , while calculates conveniently , which can be a useful guidance for power grid energy-saving evaluation and planning .

  21. 编制《秦皇岛建筑节能2015年规划》,编制工作主要包括资料收集、数据统计分析、目标制定、建筑节能专项研究等。

    " Planning of Energy Efficiency in Buildings of Qin Huang Dao in 2015 " has been accomplished . The compilation work consists of collecting information , analyzing data statistically , formulating strategies , studying special projects of energy efficiency in buildings etc.

  22. 主要原因是重视节能工作的规划与组织,按实际情况吸收国际经验,对现有工艺装置进行技术改造,统一筹措资金并注意培养人员。

    Main reasons of these achievements are : good planning and organization of energy saving work , adoption of foreign experiences in light of our own situation , technical revamping of existing process units , consolidated fund collection , extensive training of personnel and application of new concepts .

  23. 贯彻科学发展观促进节能中长期专项规划的全面落实

    Implementing The Viewpoint of Scientific Development to Carry Out The Special Medium-long Item Program of Energy-saving

  24. 湖南重有色金属冶炼节能成就及其远景规划

    The Achievements in Saving Energy on the Smelting of Heavy non & ferrous Metals in Hunan Province aud future plans

  25. 有鉴于此,城市交通系统的节能减排已成为规划和建设绿色城市的重要组成部分。

    In view of this , the energy saving in urban transport system has become the aim of " low-carbon city " planning .

  26. 详解《节能中长期专项规划》&国家发改委能源研究所能源效率中心主任郁聪访谈

    Detailed Explanation of the Mid - and Long-Term Energy Conservation Planning - An interview with Yu Cong , director of the Energy Efficiency Center , Energy Research Institute , State Development and Reform Commission

  27. 国家发改委、环保部等相关部门共同编制的《节能环保产业发展规划》,在2010年11月25日经国务院批准出台。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection industry development planning compiled by The National Development and Reform commission jointly with Environmental protection department has been approved by the state council in 2010 , November 25th .

  28. 2005年5月,国家发改委启动了《节能中长期专项规划》,提出十一五期间节约和替代石油3800万吨的奋斗目标,并列之为十大节能工程的首位。

    In May 2005 , NDRC launched the " Medium and Long Term Energy Conservation Plan ", which proposed that 38 million tons of oil should be conserved and alternated during the " Eleventh Five-Year plan " period and set it to be the first of the top-ten energy-saving projects .

  29. 在当前城市化快速发展的时代,重视建筑节能,降低民用建筑和公用建筑的能耗,对节能减排的长远规划具有重要意义。

    In the current era of rapid urbanization , emphasis on building energy conservation will reduce energy consumption in civil and public buildings , and also it will make great contributions to long-term energy savings .