
  1. 仿真结果表明,该方法在有效利用能量的基础上大大提高了系统精度和鲁棒性。

    Simulation results show that the dynamic clusters organized algorithm significantly improves the system performance because of utilizing more information .

  2. 当发射相关信号的时候,可以有效利用能量,并且达到抑制干扰的目的。

    When correlation signals are transmitted , transmitted energy can be effectively used , and also can reject interferences and jammers .

  3. 他们认为这样一种有效利用能量的机器蛏子可以用于固定寻找矿藏或安放于海底电缆之类的自动设备。

    They believe that an energy-efficient Roboclam could anchor an autonomous underwater vehicle , search for mines or lay underwater cables .

  4. 从反应器出来的烟气与流化气换热后又对生物质进行干燥,换热与干燥有机结合,实现尽可能最大化的热回收,有效利用能量。

    The flue gas which comes from the reactor and the flow of gas have heat changes and then dry combination , in order to achieve as much as possible to maximize heat recovery and efficient use of energy .

  5. 针对当前制冷设备能量平衡测试中存在的问题,本文根据热力学的基本定律,提出了制冷设备的有效利用能量的定义,并推导出各类制冷设备有效利用能量和能量利用效率的计算公式。

    To solve the problem in the test and measurement of energy balance of refrigerating plants , this paper gives the definition of effective energy of refrigerating plants , and derives the calculating formula of effective energy and its efficiency of all kinds of refrigerating plants .

  6. 针对常规罗兰C接收机天地波识别方法不能有效利用信号能量的缺点,根据天波到来时间的估计与合成信号频率的分离相似的特点,提出了一种基于多信号分类算法估计天波延迟的方法。

    In terms of sky-wave delay estimation and signal frequency separation , a new technique based on multiple signal classification algorithms which estimates the Loran-C receiver sky-wave delay is presented .

  7. 第一个问题是无法有效利用制动能量。

    The first problem is no effective use of braking energy .

  8. 所以,有效的利用能量是无线传感器网络需要解决的关键问题。

    Therefore , the efficient use of energy in wireless sensor networks becomes the key issues .

  9. 因此无线传感器网络的路由设计应有效的利用能量,以延长网络的生命周期。

    Therefore the routing design of WSN should use energy efficient in order to extend the network life circle .

  10. 实验表明,采用一定厚度的约束层,既能有效利用激光能量,又能获得较大的激光冲击波峰压;

    The experimental results revealed that an appropriate overlay thickness can not only use laser energy effectively but also provide optimal peak pressure of shock waves .

  11. 恒频脉宽调制细分驱动器比常见的直流电压斩波驱动器具有明显的优越性,不仅能够显著改善低频稳定性和高频矩频特性,而且能够有效地利用能量。

    Not only has it improves the stability in low frequency and the torque-speed characteristic in high frequency of the stepping motor , and can utilize energy availably .

  12. 由于传感器节点的电池能量有限,因此节点的通信应有效的利用能量,以延长网络的生命周期。

    Since a network consists of sensors with limited battery energy , the method for data gathering and routing must be energy efficient protocol to maximize the lifetime of sensor network .

  13. 基于有效利用激光能量的目的,采用有限元分析方法分析并比较了重复频率和连续激光对旋转壳体的加热效率。

    In order to use the laser energy efficiently , a numerical model is presented to simulate the temperature distribution on the rotational cylindrical shell under CW and repetition frequency laser irradiation .

  14. 在如此大的系统带宽下,系统所能分辩的多径数目将非常大,传统的CDMA系统将遭受非常严重的多径干扰,即使用复杂的Rake接收机也将无法有效利用多径的能量。

    In such a broadband system , the number of resolved multipaths would be very large and the traditional code division multiple access ( CDMA ) system would encounter severe multipath interference . Even by Rake receiver , the multipath energy also can 't be used effectively .

  15. 在同等的井筒渗流长度条件下,大斜度井或水平井方式的渗流条件好,更能有效地利用地层能量。

    Under the same perforation interval condition , inclined or horizontal well is easier to allow fluid flow than vertical well , which can make full use of the reservoir energy .

  16. 激光二极管泵浦的掺Nd3+的无机液体激光系统具有明显的优点:既能有效的利用泵浦能量,实现高能输出;又能有效解决热畸变问题,实现高光束质量输出。

    The Nd3 + inorganic liquid laser system with DL pumped has obvious advantages : not only effectively use of pump energy to achieve high output , but also can effectively solve the thermal distortion .

  17. 为了充分有效地利用井底水力能量,使水射流与切削齿联合作用破碎岩石,提高破岩效率,设计了超高压双流道PDC钻头。

    In order to make full use of down-hole hydraulic energy and improve penetrating efficiency by means of combined action of water jet and cutting tooth , a ultra-high pressure dual-flow channel PDC bit is designed .

  18. 因此,如何有效地利用有限的能量、降低WSN节点能耗,是设计实现WSN路由的首要问题之一,也是国内外研究人员持续关注的热点问题。

    Hence , how to using effectively the limited energy , reducing the wasted energy of the node , is a chiefly problem in the design and implement WSN routing , and also is a continuance attention hotspot by the researchers .

  19. 节能有效利用能源,减少能量消耗,降低加工成本;

    Energy-saving : Effectively utilize energy and reduce energy consumption , resulting in lower processing cost .

  20. 有效利用废气物使能量循环利用,体现了食物链的原理。

    Using of the waste which effectively recycled the energy embodied the principles of the food chain .

  21. 为了有效利用太阳光的能量;对晶体硅太阳能电池表面减反射结构的研究变得十分关键。

    In order to use the energy of sunlight effectively , antireflective structure on the surface of the crystalline silicon solar cells become very critical .

  22. 射流搅拌发酵罐是在结合我国实际的基础上提出的一条既能有效利用压缩空气的能量以达到增强氧传递速率又能降低能耗的新途径。

    The use of jet stirring fermenter is a new approach to increase the rate of oxygen transferring with decrease the energy consumption , based on the present situation of our country .

  23. 有关研究资料表明,汽车燃料燃烧所发出的能量只有三分之一左右被有效利用,其它的能量被排放到大气中,不仅造成了能源的浪费,还带来了不良环境影响。

    The related research material indicated , the energy sending out from automobile fuel burning only has about 1 / 3 effectively been used , other energies discharge into the atmosphere , not only has created the energy waste , but also has brought the poor environmental influence .