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yǒu qí
  • odd;and a little more
有奇 [yǒu jī]
  • [bits and pieces;odds and ends] 还有零头

  • 舟首尾长约八分有奇。--明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

  1. 主要湖泊有奇基塔湖、阿根廷湖和别德马湖。

    Major lakes are Lake Chiquita , Argentina Lake and Lake Viedma .

  2. 他有奇技在身,定能在这个社会上有立足之地。

    He possesses a special skill , and is sure to gain a place in society .

  3. 极限方程有奇性的一类六阶椭圆型方程混合边值问题解的渐近式

    Asymptotic Expansion of Solution of Mixed Boundary Value Problem for a Class Sixth Order Elliptic Equation when the Limit Equation Has Singularity

  4. 我想让妈妈现在就有奇膝登夫人的美丽的珠宝。简说,我希望她能有。

    ' I 'd lide Mother to have all Lady Chittenden 's beautiful jewels now , 'said jane . ' I wish she could . '

  5. 实际发生的是,如果真的有奇秒的事情发生如果有些想法自然地出现在你的脑袋里,你会即刻非常自然地创造出这些美丽的东西。

    What happens is , if something magical happens , if something natural happens to you , you 're able to produce all this beautiful stuff instantly ,

  6. 核函数有弱奇性的第二类Fredholm积分方程的自适应数值解法

    A Self-adaptive Solver for Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Weakly Singular Kernels

  7. 火腿是咸的,BelstaffMotorcycleJackets,而哈密瓜是甜的,配在一起听起来会有点奇快。

    It may sound a little bit strange , since prosciutto is salty and the cantaloupe is sweet .

  8. 心肌炎病因复杂,但在多数情况下是与肠道病毒感染有关,常见有柯萨奇病毒B3、腺病毒与细小病毒B19。

    Many cases are associated with enteroviruses infections such as cardiotropic coxsackievirus B3 , adenoviruses , or parvovirus B19 .

  9. 一个没有线性选择的R~2中有界奇扇的例

    An example of odd bounded fan in r ~ 2 which has no linear selections

  10. 血液显示有柯萨奇病毒抗体吗?

    Blood show antibodies for coxsackievirus ?

  11. 表明,1993年9~10月期间沈阳市有柯萨奇病毒流行。

    The results showed that there was a prevalence of Coxsackie B virus in Shenyang during September and October , in 1993 .

  12. 在繁华而冷漠的城市里生活太久的人们可能早就不相信,在世界的某个角落里还会有什么奇风异俗,还会有真正的纯朴民风。

    People who live too long in prosperous but cold cities would never believe that exotic customs and simple folkways that can still be found tucked-away in some corners of the world .

  13. 动物园有只猴子奇丑无比,人见人吐。

    The zoo has monkey ugly , people see people to vomit .

  14. 地震道蕴涵有丰富的奇性特征,而地震子波的起跳点是形成地震道奇性特征的主要原因。

    Seismic traces abound in singularity , which is essentially attributed to the first arrival of wavelets .

  15. 最高法院有了戈萨奇法官,美国将是我们所有公民更加自由公平公正的国家。

    With Judge Gorsuch on the Supreme Court , America will be a more free , fair , and just Nation for all of our citizens .

  16. 她非常有可能对法兰奇有偏见。

    She definitely may have issues with frankie .

  17. 消费者意识到其中一定有问题,于是奇马龙就在市场上销声匿迹了。

    The consumers sensed that something was wrong , and the Cimarron bombed in the market place .

  18. 有文明世界八大奇崖石刻画之一的沧源崖画;

    The deep blue source precipice that the eight strange precipices stones of world civilization portray is drawn ;

  19. 二阶强奇性系数拟线性椭圆型方程弱解的有界性和奇系数强非线性方程但对于非线性方程,尤其是强非线性方程,迄今为止还没有一种通用的有效求解方法。

    Global Boundedness of Weak Solution of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations of Order 2 with Strongly Singular Coefficients and Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Singular Coefficients The nonlinear science has been caught much attention since 1960s , and the nonlinear equations are becoming richer and richer .

  20. 相应的工作方法有变频法和奇次谐波法,变频法观测方波的基波,奇次谐波法同时观测方波的基波和奇次谐波。

    The corresponding working methods include variable frequency method and the odd harmonic method . Variable frequency method observes the fundamental wave of the square wave , while the odd harmonic method observes both the fundamental wave and odd harmonic wave at the same time .

  21. 结果13例急型克山病中有8例出现阳性杂交信号,即有柯萨奇B组病毒的RNA存在,阳性率达61.5%。

    Of the 13 patients with acute Keshan disease , 8 ( 61 . 5 % ) showed positive findings . Their myocardial tissues were infected by CVB previously .

  22. 不时地有一段幽愁来袭击我。我从梦中惊起,觉得南风里有一阵奇香的芳踪。

    Only now and again a sadness fell upon me , and I started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind .