
  1. 他有学语言的天分。

    He has a flair for languages .

  2. 玛格丽特有学烹调的才能,如果受过适当的训练,她应该能成为合格的厨师。

    Margaret had a natural aptitude for cooking and , with proper training , should be able to make the grade as a qualified chef .

  3. 几乎每个学校都有学数学这门学科。

    Mathematics is a subject studied in nearly every school .

  4. 我们总是有学不完的东西。

    We always have lots of things to study .

  5. 有学语言的、交朋友的、说错话的本事。

    Have a genius for languages , making friends , saying the wrong thing .

  6. 他有学语言的天赋。

    He has a genius for learning language .

  7. 关于我国上市公司收购的确切内涵仍有学理解读的必要。

    It is necessary to unscramble the intension of the acquisition of listed company .

  8. 她有学语言的天赋。

    She has a head for languages .

  9. 倾听是一种可以学习的技巧,但是必须有学的欲望。

    Listening is a skill that can be learned , but you must want to listen .

  10. 麦克有学语言学的天才,他能很容易地学会大多数欧洲语言。

    Mike has a good ear for accents and can pick up most European languages quite easily .

  11. 其表层结构即诗中有学。这是由于学人本身作为读书人或大学者而产生的必然结果。

    Its surface layer is learning in the poem , for the scholars themselves are learners or accomplished learned men .

  12. 教与学是一个相互促进、辩证统一的过程,有学则必有教、有教则必有学。

    Teaching and learning is the process of mutual promotion and dialectical unity , where there is teaching , there is learning .

  13. 学生有的原先是学新闻的,有的是学公共关系的、有学媒体的、教学的、教大学的、还有外交官。

    They come from journalism , public relations , media , teaching , university teaching , diplomatic services , from private sectors , from businesses .

  14. 在中华文化系统中,孔子的学术思想一直为历代中国有志之士、有学之士所推崇。

    Among Chinese culture system , academic thought of Confucius for being past dynasties Chinese person of noble aspirations , person learnt to have praise highly .

  15. 自1996年丈夫去世后,欧玛含辛茹苦地赚钱让6个孩子有学上。如今雪伊拉辍学的行为,让欧玛极为失望。

    Ouma said she has struggled to send her6 children to school since her husband died in1996 and that she was severely disappointed Anyango didn 't finish .

  16. 1998年进行一次修订,使教材的观点、理论、概念更加准确全面,语言表述上既有学理性又深入浅出。

    An amendment In 1998 makes the opinion , theory and concept of this book more accurate and comprehensive ; makes its expression more rational and easier .

  17. 但是,单纯用强化学习来实现局部规划器,学习的时间必定是漫长的,而且有学坏的可能性。

    However , practise and realize the local path planning system simply with reinforcement learning , the time for study is certainly long , and study bad possibility .

  18. 任何一个班里都有学困生,学困生的转化是教师的一项重要工作。

    The inside of the whichever class all has already learned to trap to living and learn to trap to living of conversion is the teacher 's a key job .

  19. 于是,他们决定在明戈拉开一所英文学校。他们认为,既然斯瓦特是观光胜地,一定会有学英文的需求。

    So they decided to set up an English-language school in Mingora , thinking that since Swat was a tourist destination there would be a demand for learning in English .

  20. 在课程标准的结构方面,我国课程标准的课程目标按九年一贯制整体设计,总目标之下有学段目标;

    In the aspect of curriculum structure , our Curriculum Standards takes the designing approach of nine-year system which contains a big aim with four different schooling stage aims under it .

  21. 第三章:主要针对乡土教科书这一历史现状,结合对乡土教科书的文本分析,提炼出有学理性的内容,总结其发展过程中表现出的特征。

    The third chapter : mainly for local textbooks this historical situation , combined with the text analysis of the vernacular textbooks , extracting with rational content , summarizes the characteristics showed in the process of its development .

  22. 据说足球界内的有学之士都持这种观点:这种一度居于主流地位的防守组织,不仅远不像以前那样风光无限了,而且已经快要销声匿迹了③。

    It was said as if all learned members of the soccer community knew this to be a fact : the once dominant form of defensive organization had not only past its prime , but was long since dead .

  23. 近年来,通过党和国家的不懈努力,义务教育基本全面普及,义务教育的重心也从让孩子有学上转变为如何让孩子上好学。

    In recent years , through the tireless efforts of the Party and the state , compulsory education is basically universal . The core of compulsory education is transforming from letting each child learn to make each child learn better .

  24. 现代中国新闻学科的合法性建构&新闻有学无学论争新解作者认为,新时期中国新闻学科的理论体系建构经历了党报本位、新闻事业本位、新闻本位三个研究阶段。

    The Legitimate Construction of the Discipline of the Modem Chinese Journalism : Rethinking the Argument that ″ if journalism is a science ″ Some obvious progress in researches on journalistic activities and principles have been made during the period .

  25. 从最初孤儿院及其他福利机构的以养为主到孤儿学校创办后的养教结合,这种模式上的转变使每个孤儿不仅要有学上,还要上好学。

    From the initial and other welfare orphanage give priority to in order to raise the orphan school founded the combination , after the transformation of the pattern made each orphan should not only a study on , and academic .

  26. 我以前从未有过学手语的冲动。

    I never felt an urge to learn any sign language before .

  27. 结论EMP的诊断确立必须有组织学结果,并经系统检查除外MM;

    Conclusion Confirmation of diagnosis of EMP requires histological result and exclusion of MM ;

  28. 完整有势力学系统的高阶Lagrange方程

    Higher order Lagrange equations of holonomic potential mechanical system

  29. 碱性磷酸酶及钙定量检测显示,C组与A、B、D组相比,进行重复测量方差分析,P0.05,有计学意义。

    Alkaline phosphatase and calcium quantitative detection display , C group and A , B , D groups compared , for repeated measures analysis of variance , P0.05 , there is significance .

  30. 结论:VG染色对慢性肝病有诊断学意义。

    Conclusion : VG stains may have a diagnostic significance for chronic liver-disease disease .