
  1. 觉得自己身处众目睽睽之下时,你可能会有想哭的感觉。

    You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous .

  2. 什么是每个人都想要得到的,但是有想摆脱它?

    What is that everyone want to have and get rid of ?

  3. 我不知道那时候你是否有想我一下。

    I dont know if you had even a thought of me .

  4. 两个党派的领导者都有想当总统的野心。

    The leaders of bogh parties have presidential ambitions .

  5. 我还真有想把这个爱来爱去的故事给讲讲。

    I have half a mind to tell the story of the re-return .

  6. 我有想去韩国的梦想。

    I have a dream to go to Korea .

  7. 我有想的权利,爱丽丝尖锐地回答道,因为她有点不耐烦了。

    ` I 've a right to think ' said Alice sharply , for she was beginning to feel a little worried .

  8. 你,有想抽烟欲望的人,正坐在栏杆上,你随时可跳向任何一边。

    You , who have the urge to start smoking ─ you are perched on a fence and can jump to either side .

  9. 同样喜欢交朋友,如果有想学习中文的朋友,可以联系我。

    At the same time I like to make friends with others , and those who wants to learn Chinese can contact me .

  10. 这些人是谁?他们有想干什么:?闯入电脑的人一般被称作“黑客”。

    Who are these individuals and what do they wants ? Generally , people who break into compute systems are called " hackers " .

  11. 有时,我觉得这是一个过激的想法,但是我也知道我一直有想获得这种经历的欲望,只是环境从来没有这么合适。

    At times I felt that it was a radical idea but I also realized that I had always had the desire to have this kind of experience but circumstances never seemed quite right .

  12. 任何时刻如果你有想问的东西,或者你想要加上什么东西,请举手,摇晃起来,确保我能看见。

    If at any point you 've got something you want to ask about or some two bits you want to add , raise your hand , wiggle it around , make sure I see you .

  13. 有人想下班后喝一杯吗?

    Is anyone on for a drink after work ?

  14. 我以前曾有过想当记者的念头。

    I 'd had a few notions about being a journalist .

  15. 我有点儿想在新墨西哥州开一个牧羊场。

    I 'd kinda like to have a sheep farm in New Mexico

  16. 我没听说有人想杀艾伯特。

    I know of no one who would want to murder Albert .

  17. 午餐快结束的时候,我说我有一些想私下谈的看法。

    At the end of the lunch , I said I had some off-the-record comments .

  18. 接待处不在临街的这层,这多少让人有点想不通。

    The reception desk is not at street level , which is a little disconcerting .

  19. 如果有人想那样对待你,你就直截了当地告诉他们别做梦了。

    If somebody tried to do that to you , you 'd just go right up to them and tell them where to get off .

  20. 我有点想搬到别处去。

    I have half a mind to move elsewhere .

  21. 职业介绍所门前有许多想找工作的人。

    In front of the labour exchange there are many people desiring to get a job .

  22. 然而,有人想改变这一点。

    However , one person wants to change this .

  23. 事实上,科学是如此擅长于它所做的事情,以至于总有人想用它来解决它可能并不能给予帮助的问题。

    Indeed science is so good at what it does that there 's always a temptation to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful .

  24. 我们都有自己想做或想实现的事情。

    We all have things we want to do or achieve .

  25. 有人想伤害你。

    Some people are out to hurt you .

  26. "有人想参加这个有意义的活动吗?"麦小姐问。

    " Does anyone want to join this meaningful event ? " asked Miss Mak .

  27. 你自己也有不想放弃的事情。

    B : There are things you don 't want to give up , too .

  28. 若有人想要害他们,就有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌。

    If anyone tries to harm them , fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies .

  29. 所以即使有人想看(没人),也真的没有办法知道谁是第一。

    So even if anyone cared ( which they don 't ) , there 's really no way to see who was first .

  30. 如果有人想帮你选择专业,而你完全同意他们的意见,那没问题。

    If anyone wants to help you in choosing a major and you wholeheartedly agree with their opinions , then go with it .