
  1. 他们现在正进行的这场比赛,是上星期六因曼彻斯特下大雪而改期的比赛。

    They are now playing the match which was snowed off at Manchester last saturday .

  2. 尼泊尒旅游和民用航空部部长说,35岁的登山者,一支9人远征这座山峰的登山队的成员之一,赵亮在星期六因恶劣的天气遇难。

    Liyang Zao , a35-year-old climber who was part of a nine-member expedition to the peak , fell to his death Saturday due to bad weather , Nepal 's tourism and civil aviation ministry said .

  3. 不是完美的,但是至少是能接受的好消息:在星期六因下背部疼痛及右腿酸痛的缺席后,大门星期天站回芬威球场上守中外野。

    Not perfect , but good enough : after missing saturday 's affair with lower back pain and a sore left hamstring , Johnny Damon was back in center field at Fenway Park on sunday .

  4. 六是因地因情施变,提高生存能力。

    Sixth , change according to the actual situation and improve the survivability .

  5. 六艘船因罢工而停在码头上。

    Six ships are strikebound In the dock .

  6. 影片《九首歌》的导演迈克尔·温特波顿六月份因“创造方面的分歧”离开后,导演坎农加盟这个剧组。

    Cannon joined the project after Nine Songs director Michael Winterbottom quit in June due to " creative differences " .

  7. 七月的乡村,我的七魂六魄因你而静谧,我的滚滚思潮因你而停滞不前。

    Village of July , my spirit and soul became calm because of you , my torrent of thoughts ceased because of you .

  8. 星期六的比赛因雨取消了。

    Saturday 's game was rained out .

  9. 六名雇员因他们值得称赞的服务而被授奖。

    Six employees were given award for meritorious service .

  10. 第六天后。因甲烷发酵使相对酸化率递减。

    After the 6th day , the related acidification rate decreased progressively due to methane fermentation .

  11. 康拉德。莫里医生在过去的六周都因被控告与杰克逊2009年的死因有关而在接受审判。

    Doctor Conrad Murray has been on trial for the past six weeks , accused over the death of Jackson in2009 .

  12. 据《太阳报》报道,越南一名六岁女孩因拼写错误被老师用直尺残忍殴打,而伤人教师即将面临被解雇的命运。

    A Vietnamese teacher is facing the sack after using a ruler to brutally beat a six-year-old girl over a spelling mistake , The Sun reports .

  13. 在总统山的建造过程中,唯一死去的人是建筑师格曾·博格勒姆,他在工程完工前六个月因自然原因死亡。

    The only person who died during the construction of Mount Rushmore was its architect , Gutzon Borglum , who died of natural causes six months before it was finished .

  14. 然而,她和当今极品级帅哥布拉德·皮特的感情却已经持续了六年,因她终于找到了和自己长相匹配的人。

    In contrast , her relationship with Brad Pitt , one of the world 's most handsome celebrities , has already lasted six years , suggesting she has found her match .

  15. 六足机器人因其各向性较好,对行走路面的要求很低,能够适应各种不规则路面,并且在运动中具有良好的稳定性,在机器人研究领域具有十分重要的意义。

    Hexapod robot plays very important significance in robot research field for its performance in each direction is so good that there is low demand of pavement and it can adapt to all kinds of irregular road surface .

  16. 六周后他因严重的心脏病发作去世。

    He died six weeks later of a massive heart attack .

  17. PageSoutherlandPage公司已经有六项建筑工程因内战或恐怖威胁而中断。

    Page Southerland Page has had half a dozen projects interrupted by civil wars or terrorist scares .

  18. 第六条不可因低价商业项目,而降低对作品的要求;

    Not to lower the quality in view of low business value of an art work ;

  19. 多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲———威廉.斯玛特表示敬意。他的妻子在生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死。

    Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William , whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child .

  20. 17又说,他给了我这六簸箕大麦,因他说,你不可空手回去见你的婆婆。

    And she said , These six measures of barley he gave me , for he said , Do not go to your mother-in-law empty-handed .