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  1. 加强词汇教学,提高英语四、六级通过率

    College English Vocabulary Teaching and the Pass Rate of CET-4 / 6

  2. 六月份失业率达到了百分之八点一的高峰。

    Unemployment peaked at 8.1 % in June .

  3. 六月份失业率达到了8.1%的高峰。

    Unemployment peaked at8.1 % in june .

  4. 确立了含PCBs土壤样品的预处理方法,以六氯苯为回收率内标,建立了准确分析土壤样品中PCBs浓度的方法;

    The methods to deal with soil sample and calculate the residual concentration and of PCBs were established . Hexachlorobenzene was introduced as internal standard of recovery .

  5. 由于近几年国内某些高校在盲目追求大学英语考试(CET)四、六级的通过率。

    Quite a few colleges and universities are competing blindly for the passing rate of CET 4 and 6 . As a result , the ability of students ' language application is somehow ignored .

  6. 结论:TMZ比CCNU有较高的缓解率,更好的改善临床功能,伴随较少的相关毒性,虽然六个月存活率在本试验中未能判断为有意义的增加,但TMZ可有效的提高生活质量。

    Conclusion : TMZ expressed more efficient object respond rate compared with CCNU and better clinical experience improvement with little relative toxicities . Although the six-month survival rate doesnot be thought to have statistical significance , but TMZ could improve effectively quality of life .

  7. 然而,如今相当多的高校英语教师仍将提高四、六级的通过率视为最终教学目标,并遵循以教师为中心的传统教学模式。

    However , a great majority of English teachers in Chinese universities are still examination-oriented , and are following the traditional teacher-centered instructional mode .

  8. 伊拉克选举委员会说,库尔德地区星期六选举的投票率很高,投票进行顺利,尽管库尔德反对派团体指控选举中存在舞弊现象。

    Iraq 's Electoral Commission says voter turnout in Saturday 's Kurdish election was high and polling went smoothly , despite allegations of irregularities by Kurdish opposition groups .

  9. 根据摩根大通的数据显示,2009年第一季度一个月的违约案就有15件,但是五、六月份的违约率下降了一半。

    According to JPMorgan , there were 15 defaults a month in the first four months of 2009 , but the rate fell by half in May and June .

  10. 口腔鳞状细胞癌是一种高转移性口腔癌,其发病率占世界恶性肿瘤第六位,复发率高,患者生存率低,对其治疗至今仍缺乏十分有效的手段。

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma ( OSCC ) is a kind of oral cancer with low survival rate , high metastatic and recurrence rate . OSCC ranks the sixth in the world cancer incidence . Up to now , no treatment has shown efficacy .

  11. 本文分析了这些困阻,提出了只有通过教学改革,才能解决这些困阻,才能大面积提高教学质量,才能提高民族学生四、六级考试通过率。

    This paper analyzes the difficulties and points out that only by means of further teaching reforms , can we overcome the troubles , can we improve the teaching quality within a wide scope , and can we upgrade CET-4 and CET-6 pass ratio of ethnic group students .