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  1. 《六韬》军事情报思想浅析

    The Military Intelligence Thoughts in Liu Tao : A Brief Analysis

  2. 姜子牙有关军事战略的论文《六韬》被尊为《武经七书》(中国古代七大军事著作的汇编)之一。

    His treatise on military strategy , Six Secret Teachings , is considered one of the Seven Military Classics of Ancient China .

  3. 但因多方面原因,从宋代始,《六韬》就被斥为伪书受到了不应有的冷遇。

    Because of many reasons , from Song dynasty 《 The Six Arts of War 》 was always looked on as a pseudograph .

  4. 从更深的层面来看,《六韬》是一部政治书,其政治内容的核心是民本思想。

    Seeing from the deeper level , it was a book of politics . The core of the political content is the idea of regarding the people as foundation .

  5. 《六韬》的军事情报思想强调综合运用各种手段,有层次、有目的、有计划地进行情报搜集和对敌实施情报欺骗,通过情报手段的运用以期取得政治上和军事上最后的胜利。

    The military intelligence thoughts in Liu Tao have placed great emphasis on integrating various kinds of means to collect information , implement informative beguilement and achieve final success in political and military affairs .

  6. 第四章是常用词研究,我们选取其中的十组词来研究《六韬》中常用词的使用状况,力求有助于古代汉语常用词的深入地认识与了解。

    Chapter IV is the common term study , we select the ten words to study YHL status in the use of commonly used words , seek the ancient Chinese words have in-depth knowledge and understanding .

  7. 第六章是银雀山汉简《六韬》词汇研究在辞书编纂上的价值,我们从增补义项、提前始见书、增补例证、补充新词等几个方面加以说明。

    Chapter VI is YHL on the terms of the value of the lexicography , we add to the meaning of items , see the example in advance , add the example and new words to illustrate several aspects .

  8. 第三章主要考辨《司马法》、《尉缭子》、《六韬》的作者、成书与流传,客观真实地把握其军事思想。

    Chapter three : textual research into three works : " Art of War by Sima " , " Weiliaozi " and " Six Strategies " with emphases on their authors , the date of publishing and their circulation , objectively reflecting the authors ' military ideology .