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lóu chuán
  • large turreted boat
楼船 [lóu chuán]
  • [formely,a ship with an upper deck] 高大有楼的战船

  1. 至秦汉时,与春秋战国时期相较,楼船在形制和作用上已发生质的变化。

    There are qualitative changes , comparing muhi-board warship of Qinhan Dynasty with the Spring and Autumn period 's.

  2. 还是在茫茫戈壁上找寻“楼船夜雪瓜洲渡,铁马冰河大散关”的博大与崇高?

    Or in the vast Gobi Desert to find the " flat ferry boat night snow , large glaciers scattered iron railings on " the broad and noble ?

  3. 各样走兽、各样动物、各样飞禽、和地上各样昆虫、各从其类,都出了楼船。

    All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds-everything that moves on the earth-came out of the ark , one kind after another .