
lóu fáng
  • building;storied building;a building of two or more storeys;a building of two stories or more
楼房 [lóu fáng]
  • [a building of two stories or more;storied building] 多于一层的房屋

楼房[lóu fáng]
  1. 吵闹声像是从楼房里传出来的。

    The noise seems to be coming from within the building .

  2. 喧闹的音乐声是从那栋楼房里传出来的。

    The sound of loud music emanated from the building .

  3. 楼房的施工因天气恶劣而停了下来。

    Work on the building was impeded by severe weather .

  4. 暴雨间接造成了那座楼房的倒塌。

    The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain .

  5. 这些楼房多数不适合居住。

    Most of the buildings are unfit to live in .

  6. 这座楼房早先曾用作旅馆。

    The building had previously been used as a hotel .

  7. 爆炸松动了这座楼房的地基。

    The explosion had weakened the building 's foundations .

  8. 警察突袭那栋楼房,抓获了持枪歹徒。

    Police stormed the building and captured the gunman .

  9. 那座楼房被炸毁了。

    The building had been wrecked by the explosion .

  10. 学校设在两栋独立的楼房内。

    The school is housed in two separate buildings .

  11. 这座楼房已超过使用年限了。

    The building has outlived its usefulness .

  12. 他们住在了无生气的混凝土楼房里。

    They live in soulless concrete blocks .

  13. 第一张照片照的是楼房侧面,第二张照的是楼房正面。

    The first picture was taken from the side of the building , and the second one endways on .

  14. 爆炸的冲力震碎了几栋楼房的玻璃窗。

    The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings

  15. 该城市中许多楼房都存在事故隐患。

    A lot of the city 's buildings are accidents waiting to happen .

  16. 当一座座楼房在猛烈的炮火中颤动摇晃时,他躲进了地下室。

    As the buildings rocked under heavy shellfire , he took refuge in the cellars .

  17. 这里的建筑风格和谐统一,没有哪座楼房高于五六层。

    The architecture is harmonious and no building is over five or six floors high .

  18. 各大城市里空置的楼房都比无家可归的人多。

    In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people .

  19. 州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。

    State officials said the court 's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area .

  20. 乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。

    At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed , balconied houses , set among well-tended gardens .

  21. 楼房的前门是橡木做的。

    The front door of the building is made of oak wood .

  22. 这栋楼房后面临河。

    The building overlooks the river to the rear .

  23. 这座新楼房这么高大,相形之下,其他的楼房显得像侏儒似的。

    That new building is so big that it dwafts the others .

  24. 消防队员把水柱喷向燃烧着的楼房。

    The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building .

  25. 许多楼房倒塌,正在燃烧,瓦砾堆堵塞了许多街道。

    Buildings were smashed and burning and rubble heaps blocked many streets .

  26. 到那幢楼房的惟一通道是那条泥泞的小路。

    The only access to that building is along that muddy track .

  27. 可以肯定地说,楼房价格还会上涨。

    It 's a safe bet that house prices will continue to rise .

  28. 在地震中许多楼房倒塌。

    Many buildings fell down during the earthquake .

  29. 按照计划,这座楼房应于年底交工。

    The building is scheduled to be completed and handed over by the end of the year .

  30. 这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实

    The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides .