
  • 网络Building Intelligence;building intellectualization
  1. 基于XML技术的楼宇智能化系统集成研究

    Research of XML-based Integrated System for Intelligent Building

  2. IQ-DDC楼宇智能化控制器在制冷机中的应用

    Application of IQ-DDC intelligent building controller on refrigerator

  3. 针对现代楼宇智能化对电梯控制的要求,结合可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的特点,提出了将PCC应用于电梯远程监控和故障诊断的实现方式,并对一些具体技术问题提出解决方法。

    From the demand of modern building intellectualized to elevator control , and combined with the characteristics of Programmable Computer Controller ( PCC ), a method is presented to apply PCC to elevator remote monitoring and fault diagnosis , and some technical problems are solved .

  4. 建筑装饰工程与楼宇智能化、设备安装工程施工协调配合方法

    Method of construction concert for building decoration and intelligent installation

  5. 楼宇智能化技术精品课程建设的思考与探索

    Research and Practice on Top-course Construction in Intelligent Building Subject

  6. 大型医院楼宇智能化建设相关问题探讨

    Discussion on Construction of Intelligent Building of a Large Hospital

  7. 楼宇智能化技术实验室建设的探讨

    Discussion on the Establishment of Intelligent Building Technology Laboratory

  8. 楼宇智能化技术的多媒体教学及课件制作初探

    Research of Multimedia Teaching and Coursewares Making of the Technique of Intelligent Building

  9. 高职楼宇智能化专业毕业综合实践环节的教学改革尝试

    On the Teaching Reform of Practical Graduation Project in the Building Intelligence Major

  10. 基于嵌入式系统的楼宇智能化管理器的设计与实现

    The design and realization of an intelligent building manager based on embedded system

  11. 楼宇智能化专业毕业生就业情况调查及分析

    The investigation and analysis of the employment situation of intelligent building major graduate

  12. 楼宇智能化是国家信息基础建设的重要组成部分。

    Intelligentized building is an important component of the foundation construction of national information .

  13. 楼宇智能化监控系统设计

    Intelligent Monitoring System Design to a Building

  14. 中职楼宇智能化技术专业课程设置研究

    A Study on the Curriculum Design for Intelligent Building Technology Specialty in the Secondary Vocational School

  15. 论基于双证制的楼宇智能化专业人才培养方案改革

    A Reform of Talents Training Program of Intelligent Building Major Based on the " Double-certificate System "

  16. 电力线通信在信息家电、楼宇智能化及宽带接入等应用中受到极大的关注。

    Power line communication has attracted much attention in the information appliances , building intelligent broadband access and other applications .

  17. 通过分析目前楼宇智能化专业职业教育实训教学中存在的问题,提出了采用组态软件编制实训仿真平台的解决方法。

    By analyzing the problems in practical teaching in intelligent building speciality , this paper proposes the solutions of training simulation platform by configuration software .

  18. 楼宇智能化专业教学团队的建设对提高该专业教学水平、促进该专业建设和发展具有十分重要的意义。

    There is a great significance for intelligent building teaching team to improve the teaching ability and promote its construction and development of the specialty .

  19. 文章结合自动化学院楼宇智能化技术实验室的建设,对该类实验室建设的相关问题进行探讨。

    Combined with the establishment of intelligent building technology laboratory at Faculty of Automation , this paper discusses the related problems of similar laboratories ' establishment .

  20. 现代酒店客房管理系统将计算机网络通信技术、微电子技术和自动控制技术应用于酒店客房智能管理,它是楼宇智能化技术中的一个重要课题。

    The modern hotel room management system , which applies the technologies of computer communication , micro-electronics , automation in hotel intelligent management , is one important topic of intelligent building technology .

  21. 楼宇智能化是借助建筑技术、现代通信技术、计算机技术等,实现楼宇环境的实时监控,对楼宇内的设备进行智能控制,为用户提供信息服务。

    By use of intelligent building construction technology , modern communications technology and computer technology , intelligent building realize the real-time monitoring of environment , intelligent control of equipments in building , and provide users with information services .

  22. BRIM-1楼宇远程智能化管理器的设计与应用

    Design and Application of BRIM-1 Building Remote Intelligent Manager

  23. 目前智能楼宇正向智能化、人性化和安全化领域发展。

    Current intelligent building enters the intellectualization , humanness tendency , safe domain .

  24. 但是国内的门禁系统的引用与使用发展的速度很快,部分城市或部分楼宇的智能化达到世界先进水平。

    But the reference to domestic and use of access control systems fast development , some cities or part of the intelligent building world-class .

  25. 因此对楼宇及园区智能化项目的科学化治理研究就变得十分迫切。

    Therefore the research on the scientific management of projects of the building and district intelligentization becomes very urgent .

  26. 最后对楼宇及园区智能化项目系统集成的项目治理方法作了具体说明。

    Finally it particularly describes the project management methods for the project system assemblage of the building and district intelligentization in detail .

  27. 四年制高职教育研究与实践&以楼宇设备与智能化技术专业为例

    Research on and application of the Objective of Higher Vocational Education with a 4-year program & a case study of the specialty of Building Services and Intelligent Technology

  28. 楼宇控制系统是智能化大楼的三个自动化系统(即通信自动化系统CA、办公自动化系统OA、楼宇自动化系统BA)中最为复杂的一个系统。

    The control system of a high building is the most complicated one in the three systems of an intelligent building ( CA , OA and BA ) .

  29. 高要求的智能楼宇对楼宇的智能化技术提出了新的要求。

    Buildings make new demands to intellectualization .

  30. 本论文首先引出智能楼宇的概念,介绍楼宇智能化的技术背景及发展情况,然后介绍本论文实现的智能楼宇系统的框架组成,阐述相关的技术实现途径和方法。

    This thesis first leads to the concept of intelligent buildings , introduces the technical background and development of intelligent buildings , and then introduces the framework of the intelligent building system which this paper based on , describes the technology-related approaches and methods .