
lóu tái
  • tower;balcony;a high building
楼台 [lóu tái]
  • (1) [balcony]〈方〉∶凉台

  • (2) [a high building; tower]∶较高的台榭,泛指楼(多用于诗词戏曲)

  • 近水楼台

楼台[lóu tái]
  1. 成就了淡夜烟雨继而楼台轻诉的欲语还羞。

    The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames .

  2. 凳子在楼台上,把它拿进来吧!

    The stool is on the terrace ; take it in .

  3. 网上也有楼台亭榭。

    There is dotted with towers , terraces and pavilions on internet .

  4. 他们俩终于在楼台再次相会,向彼此互吐爱意。

    They finally met again at a pavilion and confessed their love to each other .

  5. 楼台与深院&试论古建筑群体构图方式的两种现象

    Storied Building and Courtyard & Discussing Two Phenomena of Architecture Scheme in Ancient Chinese Architecture

  6. 楼台落雨,石板生烟。

    Rendezvous rain , smoke stone .

  7. 夜晚,我们将躺椅放在楼台上,躺着欣赏夜景。

    We will move a deck chair onto the balcony to enjoy the view at night .

  8. 拉比身披教袍;唱诗班在饰有管风琴的楼台中咏唱。

    The rabbi wore ecclesiastical robes ; a choir sang from a loft appointed in organ pipes .

  9. 我们设计了三个次卧(每个卧室都有一个卫生间),一个40平米的南向楼台。

    We designed a three second bedroom ( each bedroom has a bathroom ), a40 square meters south towers .

  10. 在“雾失楼台,月迷津度”之时不会忘记你!

    In the " missing fog up the house , maze degree on " the time will never forget you !

  11. 界画是以宫室、楼台、屋宇等建筑物为题材,采用界笔直尺划线的绘画。

    Draw on community palace , pavilions , houses and other buildings as a theme , using industry-foot straight line painting .

  12. 而眨眼间,几番回首,烟雨楼台中却已是西风吹尽。

    But wink , look back how many times , in the smoke rain balcony but is already the west breeze to blow to fulfil .

  13. 在西湖,游人们可以坐在岸边古色古香的水榭楼台中极目远眺,也可以走在造型各异的石桥上近看田田莲叶和出淤泥而不染的“花中君子”。

    By the West Lake , people can have a distant view from the antique waterside pavilions or enjoy the elegant lotus when walking on the stone bridges of different styles .

  14. 他画山水、人物、楼台自远而近、自大而小,不爽分毫,能准确地表现出空间关系,呈现出中西合璧的交融风格。

    The most accurate distance , size of the landscapes , figures , towers in his paintings can precisely express the relative spatial relationships of things , a blend of the Western and Chinese styles .