
  • 网络housemaster;house master
  1. 我希望接下来能够以楼长的身份继续这些工作,因为这样会给我更多机会达成我的目标。

    I want to continue this work as President because that would give me more opportunity to achieve my goals .

  2. 武汉天河机场航站楼长螺旋钻机成孔人工扩底灌注桩施工技术

    Construction Technology of Manual Holing Boring Piles with Manual Expanding Bottom Constructed with Long Spiral Drilling Machine in Wuhan Tianhe Airport Terminal

  3. 德拉敦某商业大楼的二楼,长出一棵菩提树!

    From the2nd floor of a commercial building in Dehra Dun grows a bodhi tree !

  4. 在各门楼旁边也有铺道,同门楼一样长,这是低铺道。

    And the pavement in the front of the gates according to the length of the gates was lower .

  5. 对位于下盘的高层综合楼采用长桩,以满足避让距离的要求。

    For the high-rise general building in the lower plate of the earth fissure , the long pile is used to satisfy the dodge distance .

  6. 这个玻璃外壳的泳池坐落在伦敦泰晤士河岸新区、巴特西发电厂(BatterseaPowerStation)旁边,高悬在10层楼之上,长90英尺(约合27.4米),高达110英尺(约合33.5米)。

    Situated in the capital 's new riverside district beside Battersea Power Station , the 90ft long glass encased pool is suspended 10 storeys , or 110ft up .

  7. 省图一楼的自习室,二楼、三楼的长走廊,这个城市里最安静舒适的地方。

    The most quite and comfortable place in Changsha City lies in the study room of the first floor and long corridors of the second and third floors of Hunan Library .