
  • 网络Foundation surface;macroeconomic fundamentals
  1. 新航已重申其上周发表的声明,即收购东航的价格是商业基础面因素所能支持的最高价格。

    Singapore Airlines repeated its statement of last week that the price was the maximum justified on the business fundamentals .

  2. 尼泊尔喜马拉雅地区的新构造运动和地球动力学的主要特征可以由本区的构造地势和构造基础面很好地表示出来。

    Tectonic relief and socle surface could well characterize the main peculiarities of neotectonics and geodynamics of the Nepal Himalayas .

  3. 针对宜兴抽水蓄能电站上库主坝建在倾斜基础面上的实际情况,对坝体堆石料特性进行了两项特殊研究。

    Two special issues were studied on rockfill materials for the main dam , which was built on an inclined bedrock surface .

  4. 在设备安装中,要求机械钢底座与基础面接触贴切、密实、平整。

    For the installation of equipments , it is required that the base of the equipment must be contacted tightly and neatly with the foundation .

  5. 有限元分析中模拟了底板与基础面之间、锚栓垫片与底板之间、以及锚栓与混凝土之间的接触作用。

    Contact problems between concrete base surface and column base , bolt nut and neighborhood plate , bolt shank and bolt hole are simulated really .

  6. 岩石风化程度的划分及工程特性研究,对于工程基础面高程的选择以及工程环境或工程材料的利用具有重要意义。

    Classification of weathering intensity of rocks and research on their engineering features are important to the selection of foundation elevation and the utilization of engineering environment or materials .

  7. 对于大跨度结构,地震波在结构基础面上的传播需要经历一定的时间,因此,需要考虑多点地震输入问题。

    Theoretical studies have shown that it is necessary to take multi point inputs into account for the earthquake response analysis of the long span structure , because it takes some time for the seismic wave to pass the base of the structure .

  8. 本论文是导师杨大禹教授主持的云南省社会发展项目应用基础面上项目云南民族建筑技艺及其文化基因研究(项目编号2007E.088M)中的部分研究内容。

    The paper is on the Yunnan Province social development project application fundamental plane which Teacher Professor Yang Da Yu manages the project " the Yunnan nationality constructs the technique and the cultural gene research " ( project number 007E . 088M ) the part research content .

  9. 偏心受压基础底面尺寸简捷计算法偏心受压圆形基础半径R的直接解法

    A Method to Direct Calculating the Size of One-dimensional Eccentrically Loaded Circular Foundation

  10. 本文按基础底面压应力的分布特点确定基础底面的合理修正范围,导出了修正系数K的计算公式。

    Based on stress distribution from compressive load in walls , the revised size and coefficient of foundation base have been derived .

  11. 借助于把基础底面上的应力分布展开为多项式(对于两个基础)和Jacobi多项式(对于多个基础)的无穷级数,对此两种方程分别进行求解。

    These two kinds of equations are solved , respectively , by means of representing the contact stresses beneath foundations in infinite series of Jacobi polynomials ( for more foundations ) and of Chebyshev polynomials ( for two foundations ) .

  12. 偏心荷载作用时矩形基础底面面积最小值的计算

    Accurate method for calculating definite rectangular base foundations under eccentric loads

  13. 混凝土预制拼装多用塔机基础底面形状的优化

    Optimization of the shape of prefabricated concrete tower crane base

  14. 拱坝坝体与基础接触面应力求解的新方法

    A New Method to Simulate the Interface of Arch Dam and Rock Foundation

  15. 柱下交叉条形基础底面尺寸的简化计算新方法

    Simplified Method to Calculate Base Area of Grid-mat Foundation

  16. 双向偏心受压基础底面尺寸直接计算法

    A New Method to Direct Calculate the Size of Two-dimensional Eccentrically Loaded Footing

  17. 浅基础底面形状对基础沉降的影响

    The influences of bottom shape on foundation settlement

  18. 桥梁墩台刚性基础顶面水平位移的修正系数

    The Corrected Coefficients for Calculating the Horizontal Deflection of Pier-Top with a shallow Rigid Foundation Block

  19. 提出了求解拱坝坝体与基础接触面应力的子结构一界面法。

    The substructure-interface method is presented to solve the stresses on the interface of arch damand rock foundation .

  20. 高指数晶面,相对于其低指数的基础晶面,存有台阶和缺陷,有相对大量的低配位原子,具有更好的活性。

    High-index facets of a nanocrystal with more steps , defects and low coordination atoms , have a higher catalytic activity than low-index facets .

  21. 结构自防水在高层地下室施工中的技术应用塔吊基座与地下室基础结合面防水施工技术

    Application of Structural Self-Waterproof Technology in Construction of High-rise Basements ; Waterproof construction technology of the joint surface between tower crane base and basement base

  22. 塔吊基座与地下室基础结合面防水施工技术固定式塔吊基础施工中地基问题及对策

    Waterproof construction technology of the joint surface between tower crane base and basement base The foundation problems and countermeasures in stationary tower crane foundation construction

  23. 由于墙体的共同工作,应按基础底面压应力的分布特点确定基础外形方案。

    The plan of the foundation shape should be designed by the compression stress distribution at the foundation bottom , for the coordination action of the walls .

  24. 计算表明,基础底面和土体发生了滑移,基础侧面和土体之间发生了滑移和脱离;

    The calculations demonstrate that sliding occurs between the bottom of foundation and the soil , while sliding and separation occur between the side of foundation and the soil .

  25. 无喷管固体火箭发动机是一种区别于传统发动机的新型火箭发动机,它涉及到的基础知识面广,系统工作过程复杂。

    The nozzleless solid rocket motor is a new type of motor which differs from the traditional motor , refers to many subjects and has a very complex system process .

  26. 指出了混合结构中承重墙与非承重墙基础顶面竖向荷载计算中存在的问题,分析了影响纵横墙协同工作状态的主要因素。

    The problem in the calculation of the vertical load on the upper surface of strip foundation of the load-bearing and non-load-bearing wall in the composite structure is pointed out .

  27. 本文对设计塔吊基础底面大小的方法进行了讨论,提出了考虑斜向风作用下地基承载力的计算公式。

    This paper discusses the method of determining the dimension of base of tower crane , and the calculation formula of soil capacity which take the action of diagonal wind into account is presented .

  28. 计算过程宜采用双向递推方法,这样便于基础底面荷载边界的处理及高阶数值解的计算,提高极限荷载的计算精度。

    It is advisable to adopt the tow-way recurrence method in the process of calculation to facilitate treatment of the load boundaries of the underside of a foundation and the calculation of the numerical solution of high order , thus improving the accuracy of the calculated ultimate loads .

  29. 本文把地基土看作双层地基,当冻深等于扩大式基础顶面埋深时,将冻胀反应力简化成三角形分布,推导出了扩大式桩和条形基础上的冻胀反力的计算公式。

    This article regards the foundation soil as the double-decked ground , when the frozen of deep foundation equivalent to the expansion of the top surface depth , Inferred in the derived extended piling wall frost heave on the basis of the formula for calculating the reaction force .

  30. 隔震体系通常设置在结构底部与基础顶面之间,使上部结构与基础分离,通过隔震体系隔离地震波向上部结构的输入,延长结构基本周期、降低建筑物地震反应。

    The seismic-isolation system is usually situated at between above structure bottom and base 's top to separate between the structure and base . The system can relieve the energy that the earthquake wave put into structure , prolong the structure basic period make the structural seismic response smaller .