
  • 网络Foundation wall
  1. 由于地下连续墙既可用作地下工程的防渗挡土结构墙,又可用作建筑物的承重基础墙,所以已成为地下工程的一种基本的选择方案。

    The continuous concrete wall can be used as an impervious structural wall and as a load bearing foundation wall of a building , so that it has become a basic selection in an underground engineering .

  2. 本文根据急斜煤层的实际开采和采空区垮落充填状况,把采空区下部充填矸石视为弹性基础,建立了弹性基础墙的力学摸型。

    Based on practical falling and filling condition of mined-out area in the steep seam and taking the caved debris filled in lower goaf as elastic foundation , the mechanical models of elastic foundation wall are founded .

  3. 本文针对淮南某大型矿井绞车基础墙超声检测砼缺陷的数据处理过程,分析了在判定缺陷位置时的几种数据处理方法及其效果。

    In the paper , an analysis is made of the determination on the concrete defect points and the effect by some kinds of data processing methods for the ultrasonic inspection of the fundation walls of a double drum winder at a large mine in Huainan .

  4. 高土石坝与基础防渗墙的应力应变分析

    Stress-strain Analysis for a High Earth-rockfill Dam and Its Foundation Cutoff

  5. 扬旗山水利枢纽大坝基础防渗墙施工

    Construction of Leakage-proof Wall in Hydraulic Project of Yangqi Mountain

  6. 本文分析了太平湖水库防浪墙上的裂缝成因,如混凝土干缩、防浪墙基础对墙身的约束作用等,并提出了避免防浪墙开裂的工程措施。

    This paper analyzed the causes of crevices formation in wall against waves . After this , the construction measures to prevent the wall from forming crevices .

  7. 经检验,该储罐基础混凝土环墙半径偏差仅为5mm,顶表面水平度每9m圆周长偏差为2mm,取得了良好的效果。

    Inspection shows that the curvature radius error of the concrete ring wall is just within 5 mm , level deviation of top surface is within 2 mm . The construction quality is good .

  8. 大型储罐基础混凝土环墙施工方法

    Construction Method of Concrete Ring Wall of Large Scale Storage Tank Foundation

  9. 覆土罐室筏板基础与剪力墙的整体浇筑

    The cover soil pot room raft plank foundation and shear wall whole sprinkle

  10. 珠江黄埔大桥锚碇基础地下连续墙施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Diaphragm Wall of Anchorage Foundation of Huangpu Bridge over Zhujiang River

  11. 人们用各种配合比的混凝土制成的基础和夹心墙,已能构成整个块体。

    Foundations and cores made of various blends of concrete have already formed masses .

  12. 土石坝基础混凝土防渗墙关键技术指标选择

    Selection of key technical indexes for concrete cut-off wall for foundation of rock-earth fill dam

  13. 基础,连续墙植筋。

    Based on continuous wall anchorage .

  14. 主轧机设备基础地下室墙、柱施工方法研究

    Study on Construction Method of the Wall and Column of the Basement with Main Rolling Mill Equipment

  15. 采取工程测量控制网,对冷却储存环S形束流环的基础、坑道墙,采用全站仪按极坐标法进行高精度定位、测控。

    With the engineering survey control network , authors made a high precision orientation , measuring and control to basement , mine gallery wall of CSR beam loop by polar coordinates with total station .

  16. 以加筋土挡墙楔体破坏模式为基础,将墙面板等效为弹性地基梁,提出了加筋土挡墙变形分析的力学模型,进而研究了变形的影响参数。

    A mechanical model for deformation analysis of reinforced earth retaining wall by treating the face panel of wall as elastic ground beam is proposed herein . The influential parameters of deformation are studied .

  17. 以往大型储罐基础混凝土环墙施工极易存在钢筋变形大,间距偏差大,混凝土环墙曲率难以控制,一次成型率低等问题。

    Original construction method of concrete ring wall of large scale storage tank often has some problems such as big deformation and spacing deviation of reinforcing steel bars , being difficult to control ring wall curvature and low primary formation rate .

  18. 剪力墙基础转动对剪力墙最优刚度的影响

    Influence of Shear Wall Foundation Rotation on It 's Optimal Stiffness

  19. 地下室采用桩筏基础和地下连续墙。

    The base ment is supported by pile - raft .

  20. 矩形闭合地下连续墙基础(简称闭合墙基础)是一种新型的桥梁基础。

    Rectangular closed diaphragm wall foundation is a new type of bridge foundation .

  21. 补偿收缩混凝土在受基础约束钢筋混凝土墙中的控裂效能评价

    Effectiveness of the Shrinkage-Compensation Concrete for the Cracking Control of the Reinforced Concrete Walls Restrained by Basement

  22. 首先,以某26层桩箱基础框架&剪力墙高层建筑为例,探讨了深厚软弱地基条件和输入地震动特性对桩箱基础高层建筑地震反应的影响。

    First , a 26-storied frame and shear wall high-rise building with pile-box foundation on deep soft deposits is analyzed under input different ground motions .

  23. 在此基础上对防渗墙各截面的剪力、轴力和弯矩进行计算研究,提出了配筋方案。

    The shear , the axial force and the bending moment of governing section of seepage prevention sections of seepage prevention wall are calculated on this basis and puts forward the scheme of reinforcement .

  24. 在三次样条函数及分段样条函数等概念的基础上,考虑墙肢截面竖向位移的非均匀性分布,提出了短肢剪力墙的样条有限墙元模型。

    On the basis of three spline function and piecewise spline functions , spline finite wall element model for short-leg shear wall was put forward , which considered the heterogeneity distribution of section longitudinal displacement .

  25. 充分利用岩石地基的高承载力和锚杆的抗拔性能,采用锚杆基础作为高耸剪力墙结构的基础,同时采用接触单元模拟锚杆与岩体的相互作用,进行有限元分析。

    Anchor piles are used as the foundation design of huge structure based on the high bearing of rock and high pulling resistance of anchor pile , and the interaction of anchor piles and rock is analyzed by the nonlinear interface element model .

  26. 通过对某墙梁裂缝的观察及设计施工的调查,在按实际施工情况进行分析的基础上,对墙梁安全性进行评价,并提出了墙梁设计施工中应注意的问题。

    By the survey on design , construction and observation of cracks at certain wall beams , analysis of actual construction conditions , and evaluation on the wall beam safety , the issues which shall be taken attention are proposed during design and construction of wall beam .

  27. 以实际设计经验总结为基础,对钢筋混凝土高层建筑建筑基础和剪力墙的设计与构造提出了一些具有实用价值的处理措施。

    Based on the experience of the practical design , some measures of design and construction of foundation and shear wall in high-rise building are put forward in this paper .

  28. 深基础工程在20世纪后半叶获得空前大发展。常见的深基础类型有:桩基础,墩基础,沉井基础,沉箱基础和地下连续墙等。

    Deep foundation engineering acquires unprecedented big development in latter half 20 centuries .