
  1. 我有五年丰富的翻译经验,主要擅长于英译汉的工作。

    I have five years of experience as a translator , specializing in translation from English to chinese .

  2. 中国上市公司的治理模式既不同于英、美的一元制模式,也不同于德日的二元制模式,而是一种混合制的治理模式。

    Chinese corporate governance model is a mixed type , but it lacks an effective outside governance mechanism comparing with the unitary board .

  3. 目前,对于商业信用的研究主要集中于英、美等发达国家的企业,特别是上市公司。

    Most studies of trade credit are for enterprises mainly in Britain , the United States and other developed countries , especially for listed companies .

  4. 到了南部,一阵狂喜油然而生,布拉克写道。他童年成长于英吉利海峡边的法国港市勒阿弗尔。

    It was in the South that I felt my rapture rise in me , wrote Braque , who grew up in Le Havre , on the English Channel .

  5. 它是一项产生于英、美等普通法系国家的判例,其在发展过程中适用范围不断的发生变化,并且是一项不断受到批评和颇有争议的制度。

    It is a kind of system that produced in some countries of common-law system such as Britain and America . The system whose scope of application is always changing is controversial .