
  1. 航天员舱内活动地面模拟实验研究

    The Research on Astronaut Performance in Modules by Ground Simulated Experiment

  2. 对于活动地面,不得放置超过地板承重的物体。

    The sharp and rough heavy matters don 't be scribed and dragged on the surface of floor .

  3. 航天员出舱活动地面试验综合复压系统控制技术

    The control technology of the synthetic recharge system for simulation tests on the ground of astronaut extravehicular activities

  4. 区域闪电活动对地面相对湿度的响应

    Regional responses of lightning activities to relative humidity of the surface

  5. 因此,航天员出舱活动的地面试验技术及其试验设备建造,成为航天员出舱活动任务中的重要组成部分。

    Thus , the ground experiment technology and the construction of its test equipment become an important part in astronaut extravehicular activity .

  6. 随着工业化、城市化进程的加速,人类的经济与工程活动在地面沉降中的作用成为决定性的关键因素。

    With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization , economic and engineering activity is becoming the crucial key factor in the land subsidence process .

  7. 资料与综合在运用航天员太空活动和地面训练的生理学和工效学资料的基础上,对舱外活动工效学进行了较系统的阐述。

    Literature and synthesis On the basis of physiology and ergonomics literatures about EVA and its ground simulation , this article explains systematically the ergonomics of EVA .

  8. 本文推导了断层活动与地面重力变化的理论关系,讨论了与断层活动有关的三维形变场变化与实际观测的重力变化之间的关系。

    In this paper , the formula for expressing gravity variation due to fault movement is deduced and the relationship between the deformation field resulting from fault movement and the observed gravity variation is discussed .

  9. 整个过程中主要有三个强对流云团活动,地面对应有3个中-β尺度雨团产生,雨团一般出现在中尺度辐合线或中尺度气旋性环流偏向暖湿气流一侧;

    There are three severe convective cloud clusters and three meso - β rain clusters during the heavy rainfall , and the rain clusters appeared on the mesoscale convergence line or the warm and moisture side of the mesoscale low .

  10. 人类活动和地面小型兽类的活动可能是影响金色林鸲巢址选择、巢的分布和数量的重要因素。(3)环境因子的变化和人类活动对不同巢位的鸟类产生不同的影响。

    Human disturbance and the activities of small mammals might be important factors affecting nest site selection , distribution and quantity of their nests . ( 3 ) Human activities and different environmental factors made different effect on the birds with different nesting types .

  11. 城市建设用地作为人类影响最为深刻的土地利用类型,是城市经济和社会活动在地面上的投影,对城市的竞争力和发展有着重要的影响。

    As one type of land use that exerts the deepest influence on human beings , urban construction land use is the projection of urban economic activities on the ground . Its changes reflect urban development and it affects the competitive advantage and future development of city .

  12. 但是自然因素反而可能加速了人类活动引起的地面塌陷进程。

    Instead , nature likely sped up a process set in motion by human actions .

  13. 最后,根据雷电监测预警系统探测到的数据,对闪电活动过程中地面电场特点进行了分析。

    According to the data from the system , the ground atmospheric electricfield characteristic during a thunderstorm is analyzed .

  14. 应用边界单元法数值模拟了几种活动构造的地面形变效应。

    Ground surface deformations due to some kinds of active structures have been modeled by the boundary element method .

  15. 日本东北部其他海啸受灾城市在地震海啸发生之后,立即就发起了营救活动。现在地面搜救工作已经大致结束了。

    Other tsunami-ravaged cities in northeastern Japan launched rescue efforts in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami , and have brought their land searches largely to a close .

  16. 地下水的活动是形成地面塌陷的主要影响因素,从有限元的角度解释了地面塌陷多发生在降雨期间的力学原因。

    The groundwater activity is one of main impact factor of ground collapse ; the view of finite element method explains why much the ground collapse occurred during rain . 2 .

  17. 加拿大联合特遣部队驻扎在阿富汗的时候大多只是从事监视活动,但在地面大部队到达之前,他们也与美国海豹突击队之类的其他特种部队一同工作。

    The force 's time in Afghanistan is largely guarded but it is known they were involved before most ground forces arrived and worked beside other special forces , like the US Navy SEALs .

  18. 为了完成航天员的出舱活动任务,必须建设可以验证航天员出舱活动适应性的地面试验设备。

    Ground test facilities to validate astronauts ′ suit must be built in order to achieve the Extravehicular activity .