
  1. CSR钻探方法在中国矿产勘探中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of CSR Drilling Method in Mineral Exploration of China

  2. 各种钻探方法对粉细砂层原始状态的影响不一,获得的标贯N值有一定差异。

    Each kind of boring method has the different effect on the original state of silty sand , so the standard penetration test value N obtained are certainly different .

  3. 钻探方法确定岩体结构面产状

    Directly determining the occurrence of rock mass structural plane using drilling method

  4. 采用钻探方法查明地下大直径管线

    Investigation of underground large diameter pipe line by boring method

  5. 油田的钻探方法采用了同样的原理。

    The same principle was used in a method of drilling in oilfields .

  6. 襄&荆高速公路工程地质特征与钻探方法探讨

    Engineering Geological Characteristics and Drilling method of Xiangfan-Jingzhou Highway

  7. 采用综合物探和钻探方法查明章丘矿山采空区

    Probing Mined-out Areas in Zhangqiu County by Using Complicated Geophysical Exploration and Drilling Method

  8. 论中心取样钻探方法的地质效果

    On the Geologic Result of CSR Drilling Method

  9. 通过理论分析和工程实例,说明如何用钻探方法探明地下管线。

    By theoretical analysis and engineering case histories , the exploration of underground pipelines using boring method is explained .

  10. 研究不同温度条件下冲击回转凿岩规律具有重要意义,可以为设计地热开采的新型钻探方法提供理论依据。

    Study on the percussive rotary drilling law under various temperatures is of great significance because it can provide a theoretical basis for new drilling process designed for geothermal production .

  11. 所以,不论是地基钻探方法、基础类型选择、基础埋深确定、荷载或作用力计算以及地基承载力与基础沉量等问题,无不与水有关。

    So all the problems such as drilling method 、 foundation types 、 depth of foundation 、 load reaction and relationship of foundation bear force and its sedimentation are all connected with the water .

  12. 为了认识钻井台阵场地在中小地震动、强地震动下的土体线性、非线性动力特征,校验工程钻探方法及现场测试技术,提高土工试验精度。

    In order to understand the soil linear and nonlinear characteristics of borehole array site not only in the small and moderate earthquake but also in the strong earthquake , verifying and improving the precision of field test and laboratory test .

  13. 砂矿钻探新方法&中心取样(CSR)钻探法

    A New Placer Drilling Method & the Center Sample Recovery Method

  14. 总结了岩盐勘探中的钻探施工方法及成井工艺,介绍了饱和卤水泥浆的护壁效果和在钻探施工中的优势所在。

    The drilling methods and well completion techniques halite exploration were summarized .

  15. 我国探月工程可采用的一种月球钻探取样方法的初步分析

    Elementary Analysis on One of the Possible Drilling and Sampling Techniques for China Lunar Exploration Project

  16. 与传统钻探解释方法相比,地震属性方法能够更准确地圈定煤层冲刷带的边界。

    A comparison with the traditional method of drilling shows that the seismic attribute method can locate the coal erosion boundary accurately .

  17. 主要介绍了扩底供水井的结构形式;扩底供水井用扩底孔的钻探施工方法;扩底供水井较常规供水井的优势。

    The text introduced boring and expanding bottom wells structure ; the method construction boring and expanding bottom holes and wells dominance analysis .

  18. 实践证明,地质、物探、化探、遥感、钻探等方法和手段有机组合是行之有效的找矿方法,可以找到工业矿体,同时,在组织和管理方面也积累了经验。

    Practice has proved that the organic optimum of geology , geophysical prospecting , geochemical prospecting , remote sensing and drilling methods are effective on ore - prospecting , which can find more industrial ore-body .

  19. 大口径工程孔中随钻定向钻探的使用方法及应用效果

    The Application and Effect of MWD in Large Diameter Engineering Hole

  20. 他们采用了一种高速钻探的特殊方法。

    They introduced a special method of high-speed drilling .

  21. 煤矿井下深立孔钻探施工技术方法

    Deep Hole Drilling Construction Technology in Coal Mine

  22. 目前,在工程实践中对原状土样的采取多通过开挖竖井及平洞的方法进行,但在埋深较大的情况下,由于开挖竖井及平洞较为困难,多采取钻探取样的方法。

    The undisturbed soil is usually sampled through excavating shaft and adit , but through borehole sampling for deep soil .

  23. 钻探直接计算方法,属常规方法钻探,故成本低,但需要3个钻孔测斜资料。

    While the cost of direct calculation with traditional drilling is low , but it needs three boreholes inclination survey data .

  24. 这说明在滚动勘探开发阶段的老油田,利用储层参数反演寻找有利圈闭,提供钻探目标的方法是有效的。

    The good geological result shows that using reservoir parameter inversion technique to find out favorable traps and provide drilling target is effective in maturing field during rolling exploratory development stage .

  25. 天然气水合物发展的实施障碍主要在于其勘探开发技术,文章介绍了目前天然气钻探的几种基本方法即地球化学方法、保压取心法、BSR技术及其它方法;

    The impediment problem of natural gas development mostly lies in exploration technology . The paper introduces some methods of gas exploration , i.

  26. 科学钻探取心钻进方法的改进和发展

    Improvement and Development of Core Drilling Method in Scientific Drilling

  27. 其实,这策略和石油钻探中用到的方法类似。

    The answer comes from a similar strategy used in drilling for oil .

  28. 岩溶地区桥基勘察钻探事故的处理方法

    Treatment method for accidents in the bridge foundation investigation drilling in karst terrain

  29. 海上钻探地层压力预测方法

    Formation pressure prediction meth-ods for offshore drilling

  30. 本文介绍一种新的钻探松散地层护壁方法&套管护壁三板斧。

    This paper introduces a new wall protection method for drilling loose strata casing pipe wall protection .