
  • 网络bore hole columnar section;log;Boring log;bore histogram;bore log;bare log
  1. 基于Delphi7和CorelDraw9VBA的钻孔柱状图自动成图系统

    Automatic Mapping System of Bore Log Based on Delphi 7 and CorelDraw 9 VBA

  2. 该软件包有9个程序,能打印钻探旬报表、月报表、绘制钻孔柱状图、生产效率图、进尺图等。

    This software package includes nine programs and is able to print graphs and tables for drilling records ( for a period of ten days or one month ), drilling log , drilling efficiency and drilling footage .

  3. 工程地震钻孔柱状图的微机绘图系统

    Computer graphic system of engineering seismic log columnar section

  4. 煤田钻孔柱状图软件的开发与应用

    Development and application of columnar diagram in coalfield drilling

  5. 钻孔柱状图是工程勘察工作中的一类基础图件。

    Borehole diagram is a kind of basic map in geological exploration works .

  6. 一种通用钻孔柱状图的自动生成技术

    A Unified Approach to Generate Histogram of Geologic Drilling

  7. 钻孔柱状图中缓冲线绘制技术

    Buffer Line Mapping Method of Drill Bore Column

  8. 介绍了用VB60开发煤田钻孔柱状图程序的方法。

    The method of developing coalfield drilling columnar diagram procedure with VB6.0 is introduced .

  9. 同时采用面向对象的程序设计方法,开发了通用钻孔柱状图自动成图软件。

    At the same time , the common auto-generating bore histogram software is developed with the Object-oriented programming technique .

  10. 重点对钻孔柱状图成图过程中绘制缓冲线的关键算法做了详细的叙述。

    It describes with emphasis the key arithmetic of mapping buffer lines in the process of generation of drill bore column .

  11. 地质柱状图按其应用分为钻孔柱状图和地层综合柱状图,它们的绘制方法大致相同。

    According to application , geology columnar section may be classified as synthesis columnar section and drill columnar section , and there are the same way to plot diagram .

  12. 采用三次样条函数拟合测井数据,并使用新的采样间隔对其进行采样,将采样数据映射到真厚的钻孔柱状图上,从而绘制出真厚对比图。

    To use cubic spline fitted logging data , count out and resample logging traces corresponding to apparent thickness , then represent to true thickness borehole column , thereby the true thickness contrast section is plotted .

  13. 比较了目前国内外钻孔柱状图系统的实现技术,提出了一条结合Delphi7和CorelDraw9VBA实现钻孔柱状图的思路,开发出具有自主版权的自动成图系统。

    In comparison with corresponding bore log systems at home and abroad , introduces a new idea to create automatic mapping system with Delphi 7 and CorelDraw 9 VBA to realize an independent copyright system based on existing technique advantage .

  14. 钻孔柱状图的数据全部是属性数据,只能保存在关系数据库中,分钻孔基本信息表和钻孔地层信息表两个表存放。

    Data of drill histogram are all property ones ; thus , they also only can be stored in the relationship database according to two ways : the one is basic drill information table and the other is drill strata information table .

  15. 根据重大工程中数字制图对数据的要求,重点从工程地质平面图、工程地质剖面图和钻孔柱状图三种图件的数据组织方面探讨了重大工程数字制图的数据组织方法。

    According to the needs of data for digital mapping in major projects , three kinds of data are discussed here based on the maps of engineering geological plane , engineering geological section and drill histogram to discuss the organization methods of digital mapping .

  16. 钻进时同步显示钻孔地层柱状图技术探讨

    Discussion of technology for displaying the bore strata histogram in - phase with drill

  17. 基于AutoCAD的预想钻孔生成及其柱状图绘制

    Anticipatory borehole creation and histogram drawing based on AutoCAD

  18. 基于COM技术的钻孔卡片和钻孔柱状图的自动生成滑坡涌浪的产生与传播波形分析

    COM-based Automatic Drawing of Bore Card and Bore Log Generating and Propagating of Landslide Bore

  19. 定柱沉垫式钻井平台钻孔信息管理和柱状图成图方法的改进研究

    Bottom supporting drilling platform Bore Information Management and the Method Improvement of Auto-Generating Histogram

  20. 根据构建地下水资源管理信息系统的需要,介绍了采用组件软件技术在系统开发过程中,如何利用控制性水文地质钻孔地层数据自动绘制钻孔卡片、钻孔柱状图以及两者之间进行互查的实现方法。

    According to the development of groundwater resource management information system , the paper introduces the COM - based approach to automatic drawing bore card , bore log with strata data and interactive query during the system development .

  21. 勘探钻孔中各岩层的岩性和物性等地质信息的自动化管理与勘探钻孔柱状图的自动成图一直是勘探部门期待解决的课题。

    The main problem which expect to solve for exploration department is to manage automatically geological information from exploration drill hole and draw automatically drill columns .