
  • 网络bored pile;bored piling;drilling piles;drilled shafts
  1. 哈尔滨松花江斜拉桥主墩钻孔桩施工

    Construction of drilled shafts in main pier of Songhuajiang cable stayed bridge in Harbin

  2. 大口径钻孔桩孔壁稳定分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Stability of Large Diameter Bored Pile Hole

  3. 岩溶地区钻孔桩受力机理研究

    Study of Mechanism of Loading on Bored Pile in Karst District

  4. 深水裸岩钻孔桩基础施工

    Construction of Bored Pile Foundations in Deep Water and Uncovered Rock

  5. 桥梁冲击钻孔桩钻进及混凝土浇筑问题的处理

    Disposal of problems in bridge-impact drilling pile and concrete irrigating construction

  6. 高层深孔钻孔桩施工要点

    A simple Analysis on the Gist of Deep Borehole Pile Construction

  7. 钻孔桩端压力注浆桩施工与测试分析

    Construction and Experimental Analysis of Piling Through Base Pressure Grouting

  8. 香港西铁工程钻孔桩施工与质量控制

    Construction and quality control of bored pile for Hong Kong West Railway

  9. 高应变法检测钻孔桩承载力技术试验研究

    Research of High Stress Dynamic Measurements of Bearing Capacity on Bored Piles

  10. 桩端后压浆工艺提高钻孔桩承载力工程实例分析

    Instance Analysis on Bearing Capacity Project of Drilled Pile Enforced by End-grouting

  11. 钻孔桩水下混凝土灌注时导管操作关键技术

    The Key Technology of Bored Piles Poured Underwater Concrete with Tremie Method

  12. 钻孔桩的检测及缺陷桩的处理

    Inspection on Bored Piles and Treatment for the Defected Piles

  13. 岩溶地区钻孔桩施工技术的探讨与应用

    Discussion and application of melt rock district drilling pile construction

  14. 海上大型钻孔桩施工平台设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Offshore Large Bored Pile Construction Platform

  15. 钻孔桩施工中的问题处理

    Problems in hole - digging pile construction and its handling

  16. 反循环钻孔桩特性与工程应用

    The Property of Reversed Bored Pile and its Engineering Application

  17. 输水隧洞近接钻孔桩施工三维有限元模拟分析

    Analysis of three-dimensional FEM simulation of constructing tunnels adjacent to existing bored pile

  18. 地下重力水对钻孔桩施工质量影响及其对策

    Influence of Underground Gravity Water on Construction Quality of Cast-in-place Piles and Countermeasures

  19. 浅海钻孔桩浮平台施工工艺

    Construction Technology of Shallow Sea Bore Pile Floating Platform

  20. 公路桥梁钻孔桩桥台优化设计探讨

    Optimized Design of Bored Pile Abutments for Highway Bridges

  21. 浅谈钻孔桩施工中常见事故及处理方法

    Common failures in bored pile construction and treatment measures

  22. 砂层中钻孔桩施工的技术措施

    Technical measure of drilling hole piling in sand layer

  23. 钻孔桩斜距简便测量方法

    Simple Measurement Method Of Bored Pile Slant Distance

  24. 湘潭市国贸大厦钻孔桩头爆破设计

    Blasting design for cutting reinforced concrete columns of international trade mansion in Xiangtan City

  25. 试论加固计算机钻孔桩钢筋笼滚焊机的应用

    Usage of roll welding machine for hooped reinforcement cage of pile with drilling hole

  26. 超长钻孔桩竖向承载能力试验及沉降计算方法的研究

    Research on Vertical Bearing Capacity Tests and Settlement Calculation Methods of Super Long Bored Pile

  27. 关于钻孔桩终孔的探讨

    Discussion concerning peg hole drill eventually

  28. 深水裸岩钻孔桩施工中关键技术难题的处理

    Processing of Key Technical Challenges for Construction of Borehole Pile in Deep Water and Uncovered Rock

  29. 桩侧泥皮和桩底沉渣对钻孔桩承载力影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of effects of mud cake and bottom sediment on bearing capacity of bored pile

  30. 浅谈钻孔桩地质变化引起的工程变更

    Simple Talk about the Engineering Changes are Caused by Geologic Changes in Drilling hole Pour Pile