
  • 网络reinforcement
  1. 世博村E地块改造工程拆除及钢屋架加固技术

    Technology of Reconstruction Project Removal and Steel Truss Roof Reinforcement in Expo Village Block E

  2. FRP片材预应力加固技术国内外研究现状

    The research status of FRP sheet prestressed reinforcement technology at home and aboard

  3. 微电路FPGA的γ电离总剂量效应与加固技术

    Total ionizing dose effects and hardening techniques of microcircuit FPGA

  4. MOS器件总剂量辐射加固技术研究

    The Investigation of Total Dose Radiation Hardness Technique for MOS Devices

  5. FRP加固技术研究新进展

    New Progress in the Study of the Technology of Reinforcement with Fiber Reinforced Plastics

  6. 对于预应力FRP加固技术,直接张拉法以及反拱预应力法是工程中常用的对FRP施加预应力的方法。

    Direct tension method and inverted arch method are commonly used in prestressed method .

  7. 纤维增强聚合物(FRP)应用技术是近年来兴起的一项新的结构补强加固技术。

    Technique of FRP is a new technique that mainly used to strengthen the structures in recent years .

  8. 阐述了W型钢带的性能特点,介绍了W型钢带在铁路隧道衬砌厚度不足情况下的补强加固技术。

    This paper expounds the performance features of W-shape steel strip , and introduces the reinforcement technique adopted in the case that the lining thickness of railway tunnel is insufficient .

  9. 概要综述了CMOS器件的单粒子效应,着重描述了CMOS器件的单粒子效应损伤机理,并介绍了抗单粒子效应的加固技术。

    Single particle effect of CMOS devices is summarized briefly . The failure induced by single particle in CMOS devices is described in detail , and the hardening techniques are introduced in the paper .

  10. 本文介绍了SRAP桥梁加固技术的相关理论,根据有关资料,运用有限元分析软件,对SRAP技术进行系统的仿真分析。

    According to the data , we use finite element analysis software ANSYS to do the simulation analysis of SRAP technology systematically .

  11. 简单介绍了表面嵌贴FRP加固技术的发展,并介绍了该技术在钢筋混凝土梁抗弯加固方面的破坏形式的试验研究与承载力计算的理论,并且提出了一些展望。

    This paper summarizes the researches advance briefly , emphasizes on the experimental researches on failure modes and strength models of the flexural strengthening and of RC beams and put forward some prospects .

  12. 结果表明,用AFRP加固技术可以提高钢筋混凝土梁斜截面抗剪承载力,还可以改善构件的变形能力,增加构件的延性。

    The results show that the reinforcing technology with AFRP is helpful to the enhancement of the shear strength of the declining cross section of RC beams .

  13. 论述了碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)加固技术应用于某大型公共建筑混凝土折梁加固的设计原理及施工过程,提出了用CFRP进行梁正截面抗弯补强的简易计算方法。

    This paper presented an example of CFRP applied to strengthen many special beams and described the full process for design and construction , especially presented an easy design method of how to calculate the ultimate capacity of the flexural beams .

  14. 预应力CFRP加固技术结合了预应力技术和FRP粘贴技术,能明显提高梁的刚度、屈服荷载和极限荷载,其提高程度随预应力CFRP的用量和预应力水平的提高而增大。

    Combined with technique of prestressing and bonding FRP , prestressed CFRP strengthening system can significantly increase the rigidity , yield loads and ultimate capacity of concrete beams . The degree of increase depends on the ratio and prestressing level of CFRP .

  15. 中科院大连化物所研制开发的JGN型建筑结构胶及加固技术首开我国化学法粘钢加固之先河,已应用于许多工程之中。

    The initially developed construction structural adhesives JGN type by DICP had good performance which has been used in many projects .

  16. CFG桩复合地基和夯实水泥土桩复合地基都是十分有效的地基加固技术,但很少有将两者组合应用于地基处理中。

    Both composite foundations of CFG piles and compacted cement-soil piles are very effective methods of foundation consolidation technology . But the use of the two kinds of piles as a combined composite base was seldom found in the treatment of foundation .

  17. 文章从硅技术、硅基技术、GaAs技术、纳米与MEMS技术、抗辐射加固技术的发展趋势等方面,介绍了军用微电子技术的发展动态,并提出了我国军用微电子技术的发展对策。

    The state-of-the-art of the development of military microelectronics technology is presented , with regard to Si and Si-based technology , GaAs technology , nano and MEMS technology , and radiation hardening technology . Finally , proposals for the development of military microelectronics technology of China are put forward .

  18. 混凝土结构碳纤维加固技术及其适用性

    Technology of concrete structure strengthening with carbon fiber and its applicability

  19. 体外锚固有粘结预应力筋加固技术

    Strengthening Technology of External - Anchoring Bonded Prestressed Rein force ment

  20. 北京火车站抗震鉴定与加固技术

    The Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening Technique of the Beijing Railway Station

  21. 淤泥注浆加固技术在城市地道工程中的应用

    Application of silt soil inject reinforce technology in city subway project

  22. 不良地质隧洞开挖的止水加固技术

    Water stop and reinforcing technique for tunneling through bad geological region

  23. 混凝土梁桥常见病害分析及加固技术

    The Common Defect Analysis and Strengthening Techniques of Concrete Beam Bridges

  24. 高填路段开裂拱涵补强加固技术

    Reinforcement technology of fractured arch culvert in high filled soil section

  25. 谏壁抽水站工作桥及牛腿加固技术措施的改进

    Improvement of working bridge calf stabilizing technology in Jianbi pumping station

  26. 空间辐射环境与光器件抗辐射加固技术进展

    Space Radiation Environment and Resist-Radiation Hardening Technology Progress of Optical Devices

  27. 道路边坡的稳定及防护加固技术分析论述

    Discussion on Technologies of Stabilization Protection and Reinforcement of Road Slope

  28. 风积粉细砂隧道施工中的注浆加固技术

    Grouting Consolidation Technique Applied in the Sand-Accumulated Silt Sand Tunnel Construction

  29. 乌海地区采空区铁塔基础加固技术比较

    Tower Foundation Reinforcement Technology Comparison in Mine Area in Wuhai Region

  30. 大庆油田套损井打通道加固技术

    Casing Patch Technique and Diameter Enlarging Technique of Casing Damage Wells